Even D.C.’s Shallow Swamp . . . Has Deep, Dangerous Currents At Play Against Americans


PHOENIX — With the fourth blinding-snow nor’easter in a month slamming the U.S.’s shivering upper Atlantic Coast as spring officially began, the immediate weather picture here in the Southwest had a forecast high of near 90 degrees for Phoenix on March 22, before some cooling was to begin.

Heat in Phoenix is no surprise. As for icicles poking through recurring blizzards for spring in the frosted left-wing castles of the northeast? That can be chief meteorologist God laughing at liberals’ grim but touching faith in “global warming,” er, “climate change,” er, maybe we should go back to the “global cooling” theories of the 1970s?

In a nation thousands of miles wide, the weather can vary considerably on the very same day. It’s brightly sunny somewhere while — hit it, 1970s songstress Joni Mitchell! — clouds got in the way of others’ mutating, faith-based climate conjectures.

In a nation so large, can there be much political agreement among hundreds of millions of different people? Depends on how you look at it.

A Republican political conservative in Ohio like Cong. Jim Jordan can be much closer in outlook with someone far away, like GOP conservative Cong. Andy Biggs, of Arizona, than Biggs is with leftist militant Democrat Cong. Raul Grijalva within the boundaries of his own Grand Canyon State. It’s not distance in miles but separation in thinking with even the guy across the street that spells stormy political weather.

There’s at least one location, though, with an unvarying condition — the year-round steamy swamp in Washington, D.C. Come rain or shine, chills or fevers, the tough, scaly hides of the corrupt gators can’t seem to be penetrated by the sharpest spears of hopeful reformers.

Thus the bloom of pestiferous, unaccountable “continuing resolutions” and “omnibus” spending bills growing along the slimy shore, agreed to in climates of political fever or blame-shifting and used as policy vehicles, not mere budget arrangements.

As this was written on March 21, once again congressional negotiations gasped along to foist something or the other exceeding $1 trillion in profligacy through September.

But even the Republican-majority Congress’ plans reportedly would fund only a small fraction of President Trump’s proposed border-security wall. But that Republican majority would deliver the customary bundle of bucks to abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

If Republicans fear for their future in upcoming November elections, one reason may be their repeated refusals to stand up for what majority voters demand time after time. If powerful establishment Republicans like Arizona’s absent John McCain have done all they could to separate the GOP from Trump’s demands for reform, the GOP may — speaking of spending — pay the price.

Unfortunately, getting cozy with corrupt establishment Democrat kingpins dedicated to Republicans’ destruction seems to gratify GOP honchos like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell more than the prospect of not only protecting but enlarging the Republican congressional majority needed for the U.S.’s well-being.

Draining the swamp must be done by barges, not thimbles. But even a single thimble of mossy water seems too daunting for Ryan or McConnell to touch.

A real reformist congressman, Virginia’s Republican Dave Brat, said on March 21 that once again Republican leaders were collapsing for Democrats as negotiations faced the deadline.

Brat told national radio host Laura Ingraham that the omnibus spending bill being shaped would fund Planned Parenthood, which turns around with its political arm and spends against Republicans, so the party is funding its own opposition.

Also, Brat said, the illegal sanctuary cities were being proposed to receive $27 billion — the amount that the border wall needs but was being denied in negotiations.

Later on March 21, the liberal Politico.com site reported that party leaders had clinched a deal to present to Congress for a vote, but conservatives “blasted the tentative agreement,” with Sen. John Kennedy (R., La.) being quoted, “I have no intention of voting for this bill until I know everything that’s in it.” Kennedy reportedly said no one knows what’s in the $1.3 trillion measure.

The evening of March 21, the Washington Examiner reported that the bill exceeded 2,200 pages — meaning even the fastest reader couldn’t finish it before his vote was demanded.

The Examiner said it “was criticized by some who said it’s unrealistic to choke down such a huge bill in a matter of hours.”

The swamp endures, as ever. Monstrous, shadowy bills rammed forward, with instant approval expected. As Democrat corruptocrat Nancy Pelosi famously said about Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

Moreover, this 2018 spending bill actually would tie Trump’s hands on border protection, the Examiner said: “The bill includes more than $1.6 billion in border-security funding, but prohibits a concrete wall or new wall technology touted recently by Trump during a border visit. Instead, the legislation would require Trump to use technology available when Congress passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act.”

Well, how about Capitol security capabilities that protect the politicians’ lives being limited to technology that had been developed by 2006? Oh, sorry, their lives are more precious than their constituents’ who actually live along the porous border!

Ah, if only Congress would limit itself to the amount of federal spending it allowed back in 2006. Or perhaps senators could limit themselves to only using limousines built 12 years ago.

And this is what the nation gets with tone-deaf Republicans supposedly in control. But with Democrats actually holding the reins.

If special interests have a creative approach and hefty appetite for winning their ways, current news also has been revealing how far and wide some poisonous tentacles of the “deep state” have spread, with even the FBI and CIA implicated in promoting and defending left-wing politics at the expense of conservatives and the nation.

Barack Obama’s manipulations were scary enough, from the fatal “Fast and Furious” cross-border gun-running scheme to the IRS attacks on conservatives. But now even potent, supposedly impartial agencies like the FBI are being exposed for intervening on behalf of the thoroughly corrupt leftist Democrat Hillary Clinton, and against Republican Trump.

Seeing the news may be like seeing only the surface of the ocean. Significantly important strong currents, dangerous creatures, and sunken vessels may be far below the sparkling waves.

The tsunami of Trump’s election that swept over the smug national political class exposed how much they feared that the Manhattan multibillionaire really could rattle rafters. Even though his background would appear to stereotype him as one of their own privileged elitists, his boisterous behavior appeared to be a threat to their controlling dominance.

The grim globalist Obama, no matter how many outrages he devised and relished, was happily gulped down like cheap wine by an inebriated establishment thoroughly in agreement with his menu.

But the continuing months-long shrieks of fury against Trump and the fact he dares defy the elite show they fear their entire rulership is under threat of destruction.

Evan Mecham

Out here in Arizona, perhaps the most Trump-like figure before Trump in recent memory was Republican Evan Mecham, a wild card who shocked the Grand Canyon State establishment by beating its preferred candidate for governor in the 1986 GOP primary, then finishing victoriously about five points ahead of the Democrat in the three-way general election.

The parallels are noteworthy. Not too suave, Mecham made a point of denouncing corruption. Sound like anyone these days?

The state’s establishment erupted in eye-popping fury, predictably calling Mecham a racist and incompetent in a blast of national publicity. It swiftly mounted three different challenges to his governorship, a recall, impeachment, and felony indictment. Nothing could be left to chance in defenestrating him as quickly as possible.

One suspects that even if a Communist dictator had invaded the state capitol, he would have received milder treatment. Reading the dominant Arizona newspapers of that time was pretty much like today’s inflamed Washington Post and New York Times frothing at Trump.

After a bit more than one year in office, Mecham was removed through a carefully orchestrated impeachment trial but subsequently acquitted in a criminal trial.

A little-known Arizonan who quickly became a famous, fierce foe of Mecham was wealthy young Ed Buck, whose proclaimed homosexuality won him media affection even back then. Buck began beating his drums even before Mecham was sworn in as governor.

Once Mecham was kicked out, Buck lost his celebrity purpose and eventually showed up in West Hollywood, Calif., dispensing campaign donations to liberal Democrats.

Buck was back in the news here on March 18, though, in a one-column-wide story on page A6 of the state’s largest daily, the establishment’s Arizona Republic. Seems that left-wing Cong. Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.), who’s running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Jeff Flake, felt she had to give away to charity $33,800 that Buck donated to her.

Further seems that a young adult “male escort” was found dead last summer in Buck’s West Hollywood apartment, reportedly naked, overdosed on drugs, and with a male pornography movie on the television. The Republic story headlined Buck as a “risky donor.”

Sinema also had donated away $53,400 she was given, the Republic said, from those tied to the Backpage.com site alleged to have taken advertising for underage sex.

One of those left-wing types that dominant media indulge, Sinema began downplaying her public views when she had decided she had serious political ambitions. She became more careful than when she’d said that women who stay at home are leeching off their husbands or boyfriends.

A Perverse Agenda

Asked by The Wanderer for his reaction to Sinema’s financial embarrassment, conservative GOP consultant Constantin Querard noted that her attempts to pose as a moderate weren’t fooling leftist donors.

“To be fair,” Querard said, “it is not uncommon in politics to take money from someone and then a few years later have to dispose of it because it turns out the person ends up being discovered as corrupt, as a criminal, etc. Campaigns can’t know all of these things about all of their donors, so it isn’t always fair to be overly critical.

“What is fair is to point out that Sinema is a liberal who attracts support from liberals and those on the left fringe, all while everyone allows her to play the part of a moderate in order to try and win in a state like Arizona,” he added.

Phoenix conservative GOP activist Rob Haney told The Wanderer that “like all leftists,” Sinema “does her best to fool the moral-majority voters into believing that she is a political centrist. The mainstream media, through omission and misdirection, are complicit in this communication fraud.

“The news in the latest articles about the donations that Sinema received and re-gifted is not the re-gift, but who the donors were and why they would donate to Sinema, and why she felt compelled to re-gift,” Haney said.

“Sinema was pleased to accept donations from these miscreants prior to their being prominently identified. . . ..

“These representatives of the underculture, Ed Buck and the owners of Backpage.com, knew who their political friends were and donated to Sinema to advance their perverse agenda,” he said.

Although Sinema has been trying to remake her image, Haney said, “her record is clear. She has 100 percent ratings from: Planned Parenthood, National Education Association, Sierra Club, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She is the first openly bisexual elected to Congress, believes military action is an inappropriate response to terrorism, favors stronger gun controls, and opposes the U.S.-Israel alliance.

“Conversely, she has zero-percent ratings from the American Family Association, Family Research Council, NumbersUSA, Center for Arizona Policy, and Arizona Right to Life. She lists herself as ‘none’ as a religious preference. Her central core of belief could also be listed as ‘none’,” Haney said.

Needless to say, Arizona’s establishment views Sinema as a strong Senate candidate.

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