Exposing Sanger In A Powerful New Educational Tool




While everyone in the pro-life movement knows that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion chain in America, few people outside the movement know the agenda on which it was founded.

Beginning on June 20, American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program (CLSP) needs our financial help and support to produce its latest multimedia unit study for high school students. This powerful tool can save lives through education on historical facts about Margaret Sanger, who changed the course of history, leading to the killing of millions upon millions of innocent human lives.

Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? is a three-part educational video series and unit study that is in the works about Sanger, her eugenicist leanings, and how she changed America’s mind about birth control.

Part one of the video series will introduce students to the social climate of the early 1900s, and about Sanger’s eugenics agenda and how she influenced society’s views on morality. The CLSP hopes that this first powerful video leaves students craving more information about the infamous Sanger and how her ideas still affect them, their peers, and our entire society today.

The second video in the series will discuss how Sanger based her campaign for birth control on the false science of eugenics in order to create a “better breed” of humanity. Students will be challenged to see and understand the devastating impact Sanger and her cohorts had on their generation. The veil is lifted on her agenda, revealing her diabolical plan to eliminate certain groups of people whom she deemed to be unfit to live or reproduce.

Any person, in this case Sanger herself, who used the word “weeds” to describe human beings needs to be exposed to every succeeding generation — and the CLSP is doing a terrific job at it.

In the final video of the series, students will learn how the contraceptive mentality ultimately leads to abortion and how each of us has a duty to spread the truth to others. Students will be given practical ways to help build a culture of life, encouraging them to embrace the fact that true change begins with them.

Throughout this unit study, students will be challenged to think about their previous views of Margaret Sanger and how their opinions change over the course of the series. After each video, students will have the opportunity to engage in discussion activities, which will help them to see the full impact that Sanger’s agenda has had on our world today.

Finally, at the end of the unit study, students will be asked to take a pledge to take one action to help defeat the culture of death, whether that’s praying outside an abortion clinic or volunteering their time at a pregnancy resource center.

Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? is more than just a video series with a discussion guide. It’s one of the most powerful educational tools which I have reviewed in my many years of pro-life activism.

Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? digs deep into Sanger’s agenda and shows students how the devaluing of human beings through contraception ultimately leads to abortion.

The complete Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? package will include an instructor’s guide with discussion activities for taking the themes from the videos a step further. Also included are essay prompts, quizzes, and answer keys. No additional preparation or research is required on the part of the teacher — whether at school or in your own home-school.

Each classroom or home needs only one copy of the Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? package. All student handouts and worksheets are included as printable files on a CD-ROM with the instructor’s guide so that teachers can make as many copies as they need without worrying about the cost of a workbook.

Additionally, the Culture of Life Studies Program is looking to produce a special Seminar Study version of Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? for use with college pro-life clubs, youth ministry groups, or even adult Bible studies in order to make this important series accessible for everyone.

I hope that I have conveyed the power and importance of this project, but it cannot happen without our generous help!

In order to be able to release Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? in time for the fall semester, the Culture of Life Studies Program needs to raise $4,700 by July 19. Starting on June 20, the Culture of Life Studies Program is launching a fundraising campaign using the popular crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter. Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing online fundraising tool.

Unless the Culture of Life Studies Program raises all $4,700 of the funding goal, it won’t get a penny of the funds. But any amount raised over the funding goal will be used to produce and donate the Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? unit study to schools, religious education programs, and even college pro-life groups.

If the CLSP raises $8,000, that means 200 groups will learn the truth about Margaret Sanger. With $15,000 raised, 400 schools and pro-life clubs will benefit from this incredible series.

If you decide to give via Kickstarter, you will receive a special gift as a “thank you” for supporting such a worthy cause. Rewards include pro-life t-shirts, Culture of Life Studies Program tote bags, and copies of Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? unit study.

Donations can be made online by visiting www.SangerVideo.com, where you can also learn more about this exciting life-saving program.

You can also send your donations to Culture of Life Studies Program c/o American Life League: P.O. Box 1350 Stafford, VA 22555. Please indicate that your donation is specifically for our Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? project. The fundraising campaign runs from June 20 to July 19, 2016 so please help spread the word through your friends, families, parishes, and home-school networks.

American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program is an educational program that helps students in K-12 become effective communicators of the pro-life message.

The Culture of Life Studies Program lays the groundwork for the pro-life movement by teaching students the truth about the value of every human being. With the help of pro-life experts, the Culture of Life Studies Program produces unit studies and short courses to teach students about diverse pro-life issues such as abortion, euthanasia, contraception, human embryonic stem-cell research, and the beauty of marriage. It also teaches students how to defend their beliefs in the public sector.

Visit www.SangerVideo.com for more details and to make your generous contribution to helping rebuild a strong culture of life for our youth and our future generations. Thank you on my behalf!

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer, speaker, and activist and can be contacted at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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