From a Reader . . . A Grandfather’s Advice To His Nine Children And Twenty Six Grandchidren

November 2, 2016

Dear “Children”,

Though you are likely aware of this, it is critical to be sure in the midst of the  whirlwind of virulent prevarications constantly pumped out by the “free” press and all media, along with our curiously silent, often complicit, hierarchy.  There are some notably courageous exceptions in the clerical sphere, but, unfortunately far too few and, of course, they are confined to limited or no exposure.

Clearly we are in uniquely dark times, truly the New Dark Ages of militant atheism from which we are unlikely to recover if Hillary and Bill are voted back into the White House.   The situation is far beyond politics or personalities.  We are looking at the demise of Faith, all families, our entire clan, our country, and indeed, civilization.

We must get real.  The “Democratic”, Marxist juggernaut with the assistance of the so called Republican party, thanks to the false flag operations of the Bushes, is enthusiastically intent on, and makes abundantly clear, its goal of perpetuating  the bureaucracy stridently dedicated to the destruction of Faith and family for the enshrinement of a Marxist dictatorship which has been a rapidly growing malignancy throughout the Obama administration.

The  savagery of the “right” to tear at term babies to pieces for the sake of “women’s health”, sodomy and lesbianism as “marriage” now the law of the land which must be supported by all or suffer the consequences of being outlaws for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act are just two of the outrageous laws already on the books to be even more meticulously enforced by  Hillary, Bill and “devout Catholic”, Tim Kaine.  Transgenderism is another “wholesome’ activity that now must be taught in “our” schools.   “Naturally”, under freedom of speech and association guaranteed in what we thought was our constitution, none of this can be mentioned because it is obviously  in the category of “hate crimes”.

The courageous Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia so presciently observed that evil demands tolerance when it is weak, but when it gets a foothold, it crushes the good, and that is what is happening.

Faithful prelates have pointed out that it is not possible to vote for such grossly, intrinsically evil acts against God and remain Catholic in the state of grace to receive communion, pretending that other issues like immigration carry equal weight.   A recent, astute observation was noted to the effect that  we have too many wolves in shepherd’s clothing assuring us that all will be fine with the Marxist regime.

Remember, not voting or a write-in is a solid vote for the Clintons who enthusiastically, unabashedly endorse and enforce an accelerated militantly atheistic governmental attack on Christianity, Catholicism in particular, and all families including our own as noted above, and have their abundant records to prove it.

While Mr. Trump certainly has his shortcomings, he at least affirms a far more hopeful agenda and is, therefore, the only choice under these most ominous circumstances.


God Bless.

Love and Prayers Always,






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