From The FBI And DOJ . . . Hillary’s “Get Out Of Jail Free” Card


The entire federal government of the United States has finally collapsed into a big steaming pile of corruption beyond anything we have ever witnessed. There is no justice in America; only crooked politicians and their agents that enforce what the powers-that-be dictate.

Despite mounting evidence of willful neglect, malfeasance, lack of transparency, and downright reviling of the American public, Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration at all levels have proven to be the most corrupt bunch to ever darken Washington, D.C.

Former President Bill Clinton meets with Loretta Lynch on a private airplane in Phoenix, Thursday, June 30. The following Saturday the FBI meets with Hillary Clinton at her home. And on July 5, the FBI says basically that they do have a case against Hillary Clinton, but they are recommending no charges. Imagine all of that.

When the FBI cleared Hillary Clinton in regard to her wanton neglect and carelessness with classified top secret emails while she occupied the Secretary of State office, we witnessed a historic travesty and a mockery of justice.

Our nation of laws has become a nation of laws for the many and the powerless. It has become a nation of lawlessness for the elite and the connected few like the Clintons. Laws only apply to little people like you and me who wield no influence or power and don’t get paid more than a quarter of a million dollars for a 45-minute speech.

Nevertheless, there are voters among us who will still go ahead and literally slit their own throats when they go in the voting booth this fall and vote for “Crooked Hillary” anyway. If they want to commit political and societal suicide for themselves and their families, so be it; the problem is that when they support a rotten candidate like Clinton, they slit all of our throats as well in the process.

It is the same foolhardy, impulsive, and irresponsible voters who have tortured us for the last eight years with two terms of Obama’s transformational policies and dictatorial executive orders.

How can these people sleep at night knowing just how much damage they have caused to our nation?

Many of them gloat in joy as they watch the nation, which has given them the freedom to be complete and total America-hating imbeciles, fall into a pile of ashes, ashes of a scorched democracy.

They have laid waste to the greatest nation this world has ever known. They have spit upon the graves of our founding fathers, and they have extolled the errors of socialism, eugenics, homosexuality, and most recently Islam.

As Hillary Clinton walks away laughing with her “Get Out of Jail Free” card which Obama’s FBI and Department of Injustice have just handed her, the nation shakes its collective head in disbelief.

Benghazi and the unnecessary loss of four brave Americans? Hillary is exonerated.

Top secret and classified information being carelessly shared on email servers which hostile enemies were presumably able to hack, putting the nation’s safety at great risk? Hillary is exonerated.

If Hillary Clinton were to commit a crime on the steps of the Supreme Court with a thousand cameras fixed on her, I truly believe that somehow, someway, the Obama administration and all of its sycophants in the “news” media would find seven ways to Sunday to assure us all of her innocence.

How can any one of us continue to believe that we live in a democracy where law dictates and not the perfidious dictators who continue to trample on our Constitution as if it were nothing?

How can we teach our children about respecting an authority that disrespects the ultimate authority, that which is God the Father Almighty’s authority? We can’t and I certainly won’t. What kind of a father would I be if I perpetuated the lie that our government is a good government?

What kind of world have we left for them?

Our children need to know what kind of traps and landmines are being set up for them as they make their way into the darkest days ahead.

The deliberate effort to redefine us as men, as women, as married couples, and as families has already brought forth a cornucopia of rotten fruit for the progressive humanists. Recreating human beings into heartless, indefinable, asexual, soulless, and sterile robots is their ultimate goal.

The one thing that continues to stymie their nefarious plan is that Christ the King is victorious in the end. It is His Blood that has washed away our sins and has given us eternal life, but we must continue to fight against our worst enemy — ourselves.

We must not give into the ways of this world despite all of the discouragement we may be experiencing as we witness deception after deception from our supposed world leaders. Just remember that this world is the kingdom of the evil one and thus we have leaders like Obama and Hillary Clinton.

The news that the FBI would be recommending that no charges be pressed against the former secretary of state for her numerous infractions and violations of the law was as disappointing as the report the previous week about the Benghazi hearings being nothing more than yet another exercise in futility.

It’s one thing for the socialist, progressive Godless leftists to play dumb and ignore the fatal flaws of their leaders like Obama and Hillary, but when they start creating entirely new lies to cover up for these losers, there’s no end to their dishonesty.

Liberal blogger Amanda Marcotte tweeted out the following message after the FBI’s ludicrous statement on the Clinton email investigation; “Not defending Clinton here. Just saying anyone who has cursed out loud when their password expires can probably understand her mistake.”

An expired password is not equivalent to 110 e-mails determined to contain Top Secret classified information, putting an entire nation and its military personnel abroad into absolute mortal risk and danger. I don’t think so, Amanda!

America is truly in danger of ceasing to exist as we know and love her. Please, let’s not let it happen. Anything and anyone but Hillary.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic and a very frustrated American. Contact Rey at

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