Halloween Terrorist Strikes . . . But Leftists See Goblins Only To Their Right


Halloween, a time for celebrating being what you’re not, comes one day a year for little kids who emerge on the sidewalks costumed as pint-sized doctors and nurses, pirates and police, ghosts and ghouls.

But some other people spend every day in the year in fantasy: adult-sized leftists who look in a magic mirror where unhinged terrorists are harmless friends, cautious conservatives are deadly threats, and preborn babies are just useless, microscopic drops of cytoplasm. Sometimes this magic mirror is known as the dominant news media.

These different sorts of pretense, kids’ and adults’, came together to take shape for Halloween 2017. Trick-or-treaters donned their outfits, but a real Halloween horror wearing regular clothes climbed into a truck to chase down children.

The driver behind this wheel had a Tea Party symbol on his license plate and a bumper sticker promoting the candidacy of the Republican running to be governor of Virginia, Ed Gillespie. Frightened children desperately dashed away, futilely trying to escape.

Wait! Surely the Islamist attacker in Lower Manhattan who slammed into a small school bus on Halloween didn’t have a GOP bumper sticker on his rented Home Depot pickup?

He didn’t. This was a different driver, a ferocious conservative wearing dark glasses who existed only in the sick fantasies of left-wingers. These radicals made a faked-up campaign commercial to deploy in the Virginia gubernatorial race. By spooky coincidence, the ad loomed just before Halloween.

The Latino Victory Fund put out the hit piece, a despicable short drama of a pickup truck, flapping a big Confederate flag and bearing a bumper sticker for Gillespie, roaring after four terrified minority children who end up trapped in an alley.

The group pulled its embarrassing commercial off the air after the real-life Islamist immigrant from Uzbekistan killed at least eight people in Manhattan and injured about a dozen, having reportedly planned to stage his motorized attack on Halloween, when more people, certainly including costumed kids, would be on the streets.

As is often the case, the allegedly awful, fictionalized offenses of conservatives were committed in deadly fact by a denizen of Islamist extremism whom the radical left adores.

To take just one more example, the leftists accuse conservatives of hating children while the left literally slaughters as many millions of defenseless preborn babies as it can, often minority infants, after pushing their mothers into abortion clinics.

But the Latino Victory Fund didn’t apologize for its contemptible commercial. Its defiant president, Cristobal Alex, was quoted, “We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see.”

Oh, so it’s actually true that the Republicans are trying to run their pro-segregation trucks over the bodies of kids at the orders of Gillespie, but Alex got the secret goods on them? Ed Gillespie, a wealthy lobbyist who had worked with such moderate Republicans as Mitt Romney and is hardly a loud Tea Partier?

Or was Alex referring to the fact that some Republicans factually were pointing out the dangers of weak border enforcement that allows truly violent gangs from south of the border like MS-13 to enter deeply into the United States, even into Virginia?

Once more according to fantasy leftist ideology, it’s impermissible to mention facts that hurt the left, like the disasters of the bipartisan no-borders policy, but perfectly fine to assert whopping lies such as Gillespie supporters purportedly trying to crush little kids.

It’s supposedly bigoted and racist to cast a worried look at radical Islamists who are making a habit now of racing deadly trucks along downtown sidewalks around the Western world, but loving and compassionate when leftists use every trick and judicial usurpation they can to rush as many unvetted threats as doable into our midst.

Shortly after the Manhattan mow-down, conservative Republican campaign consultant Constantin Querard commented on the Virginia commercial to The Wanderer.

“It is a terrible ad that is having the opposite effect of what was intended. But it does seem to accurately reflect the bizarro world that the left lives in today,” Querard said. “In their world, the people breaking the laws are the victims, and those who suffer financially, those who are assaulted or raped or murdered by those here illegally, are the villains.”

“The bad news is that much of America believes this nonsense because it’s a part of the ‘us versus them’ narrative that drives the left against the right,” he said. “The good news is that an increasing majority in America recognizes it as the verbal diarrhea it is, and it is blowing back against those on the left who rely on it as a tactic.”

On October 31 Virginia blogger Mary Ann Kreitzer posted at her site, Les Femmes — The Truth:

“The Unabomber was a Democrat. The ball-field shooter was a Democrat. Violence against Trump supporters (including minorities) was rampant during the campaign and continues. And now these Democrats have the audacity to imply that Republicans want to murder minorities? Many conservatives are minorities or have minority family members.

“Our families are the melting pot. And pro-lifers, unlike Democrat abortion extremists, dedicate themselves to saving babies of all colors,” Kreitzer said. “For the party that advocates the murder of children, especially minority children, to use children in this way is truly despicable.

“This should lose (Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Ralph) Northam votes, and anybody who votes for him because of it, I call you out as bigots! Blind bigots who let the party that targets children for murder before birth use you as fodder at the voting booth,” she said.

Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro posted at National Review Online on November 1 that the Virginia commercial is a dangerous sign of a country being split apart beyond repair.

“This sort of thing is insane, and it divides the country beyond any reconciliation,” Shapiro wrote, adding later: “The larger question still looms: Can the country survive such ongoing, bipartisan hatred? (Founding Father Alexander) Hamilton thought not. And indeed, history shows that America can survive any internal strife so long as we see each other as friends rather than enemies.”

Shapiro, no partisan for President Trump, wrote:

“Both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush went out of their way to attribute kind motives to their political enemies; Donald Trump does no such thing. And why should he? After all, Reagan and Bush both met with left-wing opponents who excoriated them for their supposed ‘lies,’ calling them war criminals and maniacs. So did candidates the left pretended to tolerate, from John McCain to Mitt Romney.

“Trump has no moral opposition to trashing his opponents — in fact, he’s made a career out of it. His knee-jerk tendency to demonize his adversaries fits perfectly with the conservative desire to strike back at the left,” Shapiro wrote.

As for Arizona’s Sen. McCain and why voters may be angry, The Hill political news site posted on October 29 that McCain said he hadn’t bothered to read the details of Trump’s plan for immigration improvements.

“I didn’t pay attention to them. There’s no reason for me to pay attention to them,” The Hill quoted the anti-Trump McCain, who explained that “it’s non-starters.”

In other words, the no-borders McCain has no intention of providing security that most people demand for the nation. He and his fellow elitists think they know better. That attitude may help explain why McCain wasn’t elected president in 2008 and Trump was in 2016.

Commentator Tucker Carlson on Fox News on November 1 asked why Uzbekistan’s Halloween terrorist Sayfullo Saipov was even in the United States. Because, Carlson said, “this country’s leaders have decided that diversity, in and of itself, is of greater importance than the well-being of this country’s people. That’s literally true.”

Carlson explained that U.S. policy is to go get more immigrants from somewhere if their country hasn’t been sending enough of them here, regardless of how unsuited they may be.

Saipov, hospitalized after being shot by a New York police officer, proclaimed his allegiance to Islamist terror and reportedly asked to have the ISIS terror flag in his hospital room.

On November 1, the London-based Telegraph news site reported how upset some New York children were who had looked forward to celebrating Halloween near where the terror exploded. It quoted one mother, Michelle Williams, saying:

“My kids are in complete shock. They don’t understand what’s happening. They have been looking forward to tonight for weeks — it’s supposed to be the most fun night of the year. I don’t know what I’m going to tell them. How do you explain this?”

Just before Halloween, something else happened that’s hard to explain. Well, actually, it’s pretty easy to explain when one considers that the article was posted on October 29 at The New York Times site, one of the loony leaders of left-wing fantasy media that have done this nation so much damage.

Headlined “The Economy Can’t Grow Without Birth Control,” the article attacked the Trump administration for reversing the unprecedented Obama administration mandate that employers provide “free” anti-birth insurance coverage regardless of conscience objections.

With a viewpoint right at home among Margaret Sanger’s fears of fecundity by the allegedly unfit, the article asserted that women have too hard a time bettering themselves without no-cost birth control.

“The easier it is for women to obtain birth control, the more able they are to gain education and employment. That has been enormously important for the economy,” it said, proceeding to the conclusion that a woman having to spend her own “hundreds of dollars a year” on this would experience a “financial pinch.”

Yes, think of how much better it’d be if women didn’t have to spend “hundreds of dollars a year” on, say, gasoline, or food, or heating, or mortgage payments. How can this nation ever advance by expecting people to pay their bills?

The article regarded women as having enough self-discipline to attend school or punch a timeclock, but not enough self-discipline to avoid unexpected pregnancies.

That’s sort of like the assertion by Times-type feminists that women are strong enough to do about anything on their own — except deal with the nine months of normal pregnancy that their sisters have coped with down through history. Instead, gotta have limitless abortion.

The conservative tones to Donald Trump’s strategies have the Times and many other lying elitists trembling at the implications. That’s why they have a lot riding on questionable special prosecutor Robert Mueller and his team of liberal Democrats doing whatever they can, however they can, to destroy Trump.

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