Hillary’s Gender Politics


One thing about having bad government is that it makes for good talk radio and punditry.

On my drive home recently, I was listening to conservative radio favorite Mark Levin, and while I don’t necessarily subscribe to everything Levin says, I must say that he nailed it when he covered Hillary Clinton’s official announcement that she is running for president.

Levin pointed out how much Hillary Clinton talks about how the country is ready for a woman president and how often Clinton likes to use that tired old crutch of being a woman as if that were the only reason to vote for her. It’s pure and simple gender politics for the simple-minded.

Since when does gender alone qualify someone for the presidency? Are you telling me with over 320 million people in the United States, we can’t find a better woman than Hillary Clinton to be president?

For the Catholic voter, at least the more orthodox or traditional ones, it most certainly makes a difference what leadership roles men should have, specifically when it comes to the clergy. No matter what any CINO (Catholic In Name Only) says, we will never have women priests, bishops, or Popes.

Now, for the same voters, it certainly depends on what kind of woman we would vote for president; but that will also never happen because the kind of woman that traditionalists like me would vote for president is very likely already too busy being a wife and a home-schooling mother.

I know, some of you women out there may take offense at what I just wrote and think that I am one of those club-wielding cavemen, but that isn’t necessarily true.

I know plenty of and have spoken to even more women who do like being at-home wives and moms. It’s not the hell the popular modernist culture paints it to be.

At one time, being a wife and a mother was something little girls aspired to. After all, what more noble vocation can a husband and wife have then to get each other and their children to Heaven? We’ve all heard the old saying about how it doesn’t matter what kind of car we drive or how much money we have, but it does matter that we are important in the life of a child.

What people like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi do is define women simply by their genitalia, as if that were all a woman is good for. Does the irony really escape them? They of the fist-pumping “I am woman, hear me roar” über feminist camp?

It’s just like their friends at Planned Parenthood who extol the virtues of the suffragettes and put women like Rosa Parks and Sojourner Truth on pedestals, but, more truthfully, their radical anti-womanhood agendas would be better represented by the likes of Lizzy Borden.

Hillary Clinton is not a woman that I would vote for dog catcher, let alone president of the United States. If indeed it’s time to have a woman president, I would prefer to see someone like pro-life champion Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in the White House.

As in previous presidential elections, I always tell people that unless Jesus or St. Peter were to run for president, we will never be able to truly expect any mere mortal man, or woman, to save us from ourselves.

The most difficult thing to accept for me is that we actually have vast swaths of the dumbed-down American populace who are so absolutely clueless, uninformed, and ignorant about what a threat someone like Hillary Clinton is to our nation.

Not only is she a threat, but time after time, when Democratic Party flunkies are asked to name at least one Hillary Clinton accomplishment that benefited the country, none of them can come up with anything.

As both a senator and then incredibly enough secretary of state, Clinton has been an absolute failure at best, and a complete menace to the security of our nation at its truthful worst. She has proven that her decision-making skills are basically nonexistent, or that she is being manipulated by her corporate globalist puppet masters.

No, ladies and gentlemen: Hillary Clinton should be put out to pasture and allowed to enjoy her golden years with her equally suspect husband and former president Bill Clinton. She belongs in the White House about as much as Barack Obama does.

If there are still any friends, neighbors, or coworkers that you know who are still supporting Hillary Clinton for president, just ask them to name one Hillary accomplishment and watch them sputter like an old Chevy Nova.

If you have family members who insist that we need a woman president and have indicated that they will vote for Hillary Clinton, go immediately to the nearest qualified priest and have them exorcised.

Voting for Hillary Clinton for the sole fact that she is a woman is no less sexist than voting for a man simply because he is a man and no less racist than voting for a black man simply because he is black.

Now, if we happen to find a solid traditional Catholic man to do the job — well, that’s a whole different story.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker and can be reached at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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