Hope for the Future . . . This Essay Was Submitted By A 15-Year-Old Wanderer Reader


Annalise Penn


Many women these days have fallen prey for a trick that ends in death. They are told that they have a ‘right’ to choose; that if they want, they can get rid of their unborn baby. And not ‘get rid of’ as in put up for adoption, but ‘get rid of’ as in killing it. ‘Get rid of’ as in never even giving the baby a chance at life. Women who choose abortion are falling prey to evil, being led astray by the sickly sweet voice of Satan, who tells them that it is alright to permit the murder of their own flesh and blood child. Despite what society says, women considering abortion should know that it is murder, it goes against the very nature of humanity, and left unchecked, abortion will lead the public into an Adolf Hitler-like mindset.

Abortion is murder. There is no getting around that cold, hard fact. Abortion giants like Planned Parenthood try to say that because a fetus is not a ‘baby’ it isn’t murder to kill it with poison or forceps. But from the moment of conception, a fetus is a human baby. Just because in the early stages of development, it does not look quite like a baby, doesn’t mean it isn’t. The pupa of a butterfly, while in its cocoon, does not look like a butterfly at first, and yet no one goes around saying it’s not a butterfly.

The killing of one’s offspring goes against the very nature of humanity. Even the earliest human ancestors safeguarded their young; protected them from all harm. It was their instinct that propelled them to do so. Perhaps this natural protective instinct has failed to reveal itself in some people because humanity is living now in relative safety and security. No one has to worry about a Saber tooth tiger waiting outside their cave. No one has to worry about the common cold wiping out their entire family. Perhaps another reason why this instinct is going incognito is because people are telling women that it’s okay to permit murder. As society continues to evolve, one might question how our cognitive abilities are affecting our humanity. Nevertheless, this does not make the killing of innocents acceptable.

Lastly, abortion will lead the public into an Adolf Hitler-like mindset. Once abortion is widely accepted as perfectly normal, people will start to think that the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and otherwise undesirable persons should be euthanized for the betterment of society, as well. Adolf Hitler wanted a perfect world, with a perfect race—the Aryans. Soon enough, if abortion and euthanasia continue to desensitize the public, the insane Nazi’s equally insane dream might one day become reality.

It is clear that abortion is murder, it goes against human nature, and it applauds an Adolf Hitler mindset. There is no doubt that it is evil, and women need to learn the truth. They need to learn that one simply cannot play God and prematurely end the life of a human being. They need to understand that humanity must love, respect, and care for its offspring, unborn or not. For the survival of our species, and for the saving of their souls.

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