It’s Up To Trump’s Fans . . . To Stop Beijing-Linked, Itchy U.S. Totalitarians


The disgust is mutual.

They think we’re backward, deplorable, superstitious, trouble-making, malign religious fools who must be suppressed for everyone’s good including our own.

We know they’re lying, arrogant, vote-stealing, Beijing-linked, itchy totalitarians who’d like to make the United States into another hopeless Venezuela as long as they get the remaining goodies.

Both of these groups can’t be correct. But one is.

The Lord God and Fallen Angel Satan each can say the other one is evil, but they’re not both correct. It’s hardly that we’re as good as God, but their agenda comes from Satan.

Massive, taxpayer-funded abortion, suppression of religious conscience and liberty, tight left-wing direction of educational bodies and entertainment, censorship of communications, race-obsessed regimentation, abhorrence of individual economic opportunity, severe sexual disorientation — just a sample of the leftist nightmare without end.

Welcome to the midst of Christmas season 2020 — which is about as uneasy as the first one was. Oh, the Romans had applied their brand of “peace” to the Mediterranean world, but a baby in a stable would topple the establishment.

Peasant revolts work when the unrest is wide enough and the self-congratulatory elite sufficiently deluded by their magic mirrors if not being entirely clueless.

If Donald Trump’s campaign were alleged to have committed only one-one hundredth of the presidential-election fraud that creepy Joe Biden’s campaign credibly is accused of, the judicial system would be ablaze with inquiries into how Trump was wrecking democracy.

But challenges to the bold fraud by corrupt presidential loser Biden, the marionette of the extreme left with its guillotines, were waved aside from the bench as insufficient.

This was written the night of December 9-10, and newsbreaks as well as the legal situation change by the day if not the hour. But even if Trump’s re-election victory is certified, the totalitarian left intends to drive him and conservatives from the field.

Not a bit embarrassed about all their lies and hoaxes over more than the last four years, they’ll keep spawning fantasies as long as there’s an ounce of deceit still in their bones.

Among false narratives, media stories said Trump was trying to “overturn” or “reverse” the election, when instead he sought an accurate count of a highly disputed result.

Pundit Bill O’Reilly must have sipped from these springs when he declared on December 2 that nothing will happen with vote-fraud accusations because no one will dare overturn all those millions of votes. Huh, Bill, Trump’s winning majority hordes just have to grin and shut up because Biden’s fraudsters did their dirty work to advance socialism?

On December 7 national radio host Rush Limbaugh went down a list of factual predictors all pointing to an overwhelming Trump win, except that Biden supposedly improved only in five blue swing-state cities where he had to win. “That is the footprint of an election in Venezuela,” Limbaugh said, “where tin-horn dictators” proclaim victories.

The problem for conservatives seeking justice is that they’re so darned tidy about their outrage. It’s easily contained by the elite. A half-million or so pro-lifers turn out every January in Washington, D.C., to say nothing of other locations across the U.S., to protest the massive slaughter of innocent preborn infants, then they soon depart.

Their foes have every reason to think these people can’t be too serious. Pro-life hordes really think that countless babies are being mangled to death annually, but the most they do is walk down a street once a year then go home? Not even one sit-in outside a lying media bureau?

True, they became such a powerful political force that Republicans pretty much have to run for office sporting the pro-life label, but when Donald Trump spoke in person at D.C.’s March for Life last January, he was the first and only president to do so in nearly half a century, since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton were invented in January 1973! Nearly half a century and what key reversals of these decisions have occurred?

What are even many elected Republicans doing these days to defend Trump from having his presidential re-election blatantly stolen by Democrat criminals and their allies? Even though he has sky-high approval from rank-and-file Republicans who see he’s a man who finally gets the job done, party operatives have been anywhere from being passive to sabotaging him.

Courts simply don’t fear Republicans no matter how sound their legal arguments. Indeed, courts can spring all sorts of lurid illegal surprises — Roe and Doe being a prime example — and judges suffer no pain from the elites, but only bask in praise.

Quaking Chief Justice John Roberts obviously far more fears some inky scratches attacking him on pieces of paper named the lying Times and the lying Post than he does the prospect of God Himself on the bench in the ultimate courtroom, though that time certainly will come to the CJ, and everyone else.

Then there are the activists. No doubt Roberts recalls anti-Brett Kavanaugh demonstrators literally clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court in 2018, and rioting criminal thugs from Biden’s side of the political spectrum looting and burning U.S. cities earlier this year.

Biden’s brand of politicians already has announced plans to remake the High Court so it can never resist their ukases. Roberts and others could show courage to resist these thugs, or they can deliver the U.S. into another Venezuela.

Roberts and his judicial kin aren’t buying peace with their cowardly capitulations. They’re showing totalitarians that it pays to get rough and tough.

Our side of the spectrum knows the power of prayer to a magnificent God; it has often been said that the Lord helps those who help themselves. The Christians beat the Ottoman Turks in the crucial sixteenth-century battle of Lepanto not only with prayer but also a beleaguered although triumphant military force. Communism in Eastern Europe didn’t collapse by accident but in part through strategy by people named Reagan, John Paul II, and Thatcher.

If Americans really don’t want to see their nation chopped off at the knees to become the next Venezuela or Cuba, there should be plenty of conscientious people who, in revolving shifts in a time of dire threat, could take two weeks of vacation time, maybe to make their presence felt in the power center of D.C. — the same kind of people who turned up at recent Trump campaign rallies by the tens of thousands in city after city.

People who put together impressive boat and vehicle parades for Trump surely can chart a course of effective action here.

Maybe Trump could let them camp out on the White House grounds, while they spend their days tutoring officials who seemed to think they were non-existent Americans, even while dominant media kept blasting propaganda messages around the clock, every clock.

Or maybe some of these folks could travel elsewhere where reminders of the real majority power in the U.S. would benefit officials who need a strong awakening nudge that the elite may hold a number of levers of power, but they’re not the last word.

Pressed too far by self-important officials’ disastrous lockdowns over the coronavirus, the political editor at The Federalist website, John Daniel Davidson, posted on December 8 that, given the circumstances, “Americans living under arbitrary and unconstitutional lockdown orders should simply ignore them, en masse, as an act of civil disobedience.”

If the time has arrived to stand up for small-business owners being destroyed by politics, what about the life of an entire nation — a nation preeminent for the world’s future — being told to surrender while presidential loser Biden’s ruinous teams of malicious radicals take control?

Let judges bang their gavels all they want that the voting evidence must be ignored while Biden’s wicked agenda takes effect. We’ll say that Your Honor should hop the next freight train to the North Pole and tell us if you can find Santa there.

Kelli Ward, chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, issued a December 8 statement after her state’s Supreme Court refused to allow a deeper inspection of defective duplicate ballots. Ward could have been speaking for frustrated Trump voters around the nation who were seeing their ballots dishonored.

“It is disappointing that the court would not permit us to look behind closed doors to review additional material for similar mistakes, of which we were in a short time able to identify statistically significant evidence of human error,” Ward said. “The question persists then, how can the voting public have confidence in our elections if such pertinent information is inexcusably withheld from them?”

At a November 30 daylong hearing in Phoenix, a string of witnesses told Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis about improper vote tabulation and statistical anomalies for Arizona.

We don’t control the lying dominant media, and we don’t run corporate Big Tech, both of which censor us. How to deliver the word that the command centers of U.S. power had better start responding to us instead of the cozy insiders allied with leftists from the Democratic Party to Beijing?

Meanwhile, most U.S. Catholic prelates and their bureaucrats failed to sound the alarm against disastrous Biden before Election Day, whether out of cowardice or even blind love because he’s a left-wing Democrat. Even his naming notorious anti-Catholic, pro-abortion California politician Kamala Harris as his running mate didn’t strengthen their spines.

Even With A Teleprompter

Presuming to be the presidential victor, in early December Biden thanked these prelates by announcing his choice of Xavier Becerra to head the crucial Department of Health and Human Services. Becerra is the literally bloodthirsty Democrat attorney general of California, who fittingly had succeeded Kamala Harris as AG when she went to the U.S. Senate.

The main way that Biden’s choice to head HHS had showed his experience in medicine was by trying to spread abortion as widely as he could. Washington Examiner columnist Timothy Carney wrote on December 7 that Becerra “has used his government power to try to force pro-lifers and religious organizations to pay for abortions and contraception and also to pressure pro-life doctors or Catholic hospitals to perform abortions.”

Carney described Becerra as “a bloodthirsty soldier in the culture war.”

Hey, bishops, if Becerra gets this job thanks to “Catholic Joe,” here’s betting he’s suing your hospital. Proud of yourselves?

Carney concluded: “If Becerra brings this zeal for abortion and disdain for conscience to HHS, we can expect the Biden administration to force all hospitals to perform abortions and all employers to cover them. There’s nothing ‘pro-choice’ about that. That evinces a culture warrior eager to impose his beliefs and crush those who don’t agree.”

Lest the public gasp in astonishment, Biden turned this announcement into a time for customary guffaws. Biden both egregiously mispronounced Becerra’s name and misnamed the relevant federal department. Said Joe: “For secretary of Health and Education Services, I nominate Javier Bacaria.”

Fox News reported that Biden goofed this way even though he read from a teleprompter.

That the elite planned to entrust the very survival of this nation of about 330 million people to this feeble, confused, dangerously inept old man strikingly reveals how the shadow government has rotted from the head down.

Ever-blind to facts as liberal fantasists are, a fawning piece in The Atlantic shortly after the election viewed Biden as “a kindly grandfather who seems nostalgic for a calmer past.” If anyone dare show the contrary evidence, including an abortionist around every corner, the fantasists go into a sulk.

Plenty Of Californians

The Wanderer asked conservative Republican political consultant Constantin Querard for his reaction to Biden picking Becerra. “Biden embraced ultra-liberal policies in his effort to outflank Bernie Sanders in the primary, and he was convinced to put Kamala Harris, the most liberal U.S. senator in the entire Senate, on the ticket as his V.P., so no one gets to pretend to be surprised when he fills positions with hard-left activists like Becerra.

“You should also expect to see plenty of Californians featured in a Biden administration, given both Harris’ influence and the massive amounts of campaign funding that flowed from the state,” Querard added.

Asked by The Wanderer if he’d speculate on some names, Querard said, “Don’t have anyone in mind specifically yet, but I’m sure the list will be significant by the time it’s assembled.”

News continued to break from morning to night on the pressing issues here. Your favorite conservative websites should provide plenty of information to counter the propaganda pummeling by dominant media.

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