Joe Biden Betrays Blacks — Again
His world is surrounded by a constellation of calumny.
When Joe Biden spoke to the graduates of Howard University two weeks ago, he insulted them by preaching his usual lies while congratulating himself. “On the best days,” he said, “enough of us have the guts and the hearts…to stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my Inaugural Address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy [sic].”
Oh, good — racism again.
Joe learned that from Obama.
Obama’s election represented a leap forward in race relations to millions who voted for him. To celebrate, to his abiding shame, he threw more fuel on the fire.
At Howard University, Joe couldn’t let it go.
“There are those who demonize and pit people against one another. And there are those who do anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.”
Yep. That’s Joe. On their graduation day, fill the kids with political drivel.
Deep down, he’s an ugly, rancid epithet.
Who was a greater white supremacist than Exalted Cyclops Bobby Byrd of the Ku Klux Klan? Without the heft of that position, he’d never have been elected to the U.S. Senate. And when Joe entered the Senate in 1973, Byrd, already the body’s second-ranking Democrat, latched onto him.
Given Joe’s shallow intellect, Byrd was able to keep him on a pretty short leash for years. And Joe didn’t mind at all being the pawn of the Senate’s most famous white supremacist.
But why does Joe so bitterly project his own malevolence on his opponents?
Maybe he can’t help it.
He’s clearly a pathological prevaricator.
His lies are legion, By now, many of them have become famous. After high school he was admitted to the Naval Academy, he told the graduating class of 2022 in Annapolis (the Academy has no such record). He went to the University of Delaware on a on full scholarship (false). He graduated in the top half of his law school class (he was 76th in a class of 85).
And most outrageous, he claimed that the driver of the truck that hit his wife’s station wagon when she ran a stop sign and pulled out in front of him in 1972 was drunk. That driver, Curtis Dunn, wasn’t drunk, but Joe’s bitter and malicious lie devastated Mr. Dunn’s family — as though the death of Mrs. Biden and her daughter weren’t devastating enough to that hard-working truck driver and his family!
That sad habit reveals a petulant perversion of Joe’s personality: He lies, often blatantly, about others who get in his way, not just to embellish his own ego, but to get what he wants.
The problem is, lying can become such a bad habit that it’s very difficult to break. Remember Monica Lewinsky, the young intern in the Clinton White House?
“I’ve been a liar all my life,” she once said.
And that’s been Joe Biden’s problem, along with its inevitable corollary.
“The problem with being a liar,” Sen. Jesse Helms once chuckled, “is that pretty soon you forget what lie you told to whom.”
Understanding Baby Joe
So Joe lies a lot. But doesn’t everybody in Washington? “If lies were currency, everybody in DC would be a millionaire,” as one wag put it. But on inspection, Joe’s more complicated than that. And many unlovely aspects of his behavior point to one answer:
In fact, there’s no doubt about it. Joe Biden suffers from advanced dementia.
A majority of Americans recognize it, but Americans are a very forgiving people, so we shrug, shake our heads, and move on with our lives.
But we also want to understand. Why is this nice old fellow in his declining years trying to bring us all to ruin?
Well, with the help of those who deal with it every day, let’s take a look at what Joe’s dementia as done to him — and to the country.
Patients with dementia often resort to childlike behavior, slowly losing touch with the good habits of courtesy and dignity that they learned as they grew up.
What we’re seeing erupt in Joe these days are the immature behaviors that he never grew out of.
While often under a modicum of control, they have haunted him all his life. But now they’re full-blown, because dementia patients openly revert to acting like naughty little children who play with toy guns. They just can’t help it.
OK, so Joe’s sick. Well, as Lenin would say, “What is to be done?”
The particulars that accompany the diagnosis of advanced dementia go far to explain Biden’s repeated angry outbursts and threats of physical aggression. They explain why Biden threatens millions of Americans with massive bombing by their own Armed Forces.
At times he acts like a mean little brat in a sandbox.
And if Joe sounds like he’s getting violent, the experts say, “Remember: don’t take it personally. It may seem like the dementia patient is attacking you, but really they are anxious and you just happen to be around.”
The diagnosis of dementia also suggests how properly to deal with such outbursts: Biden’s caregivers must “make sure that any dangerous items are kept out of sight and out of reach,” the dementia caregivers warn us.
Uh . . . “dangerous items”?
Perhaps “Dr. Jill” should be quietly discussing with the Pentagon the prospect of hiding the nuclear codes from Joe, that way Nancy Pelosi tried to keep them from Donald Trump.
Take “MAGA.” That’s Joe’s new, focus-group-tested hate-speech.
In his crazed speech outside of Independence Hall last September, Mad Bomber Joe shouted “MAGA” fourteen times. Such mindless repetition is quite common in dementia patients.
Once we understand that Joe is quite ill, we can perhaps be slightly less apprehensive that he might be obsessed with killing us all.
Another repetitive aspect of Joe’s deranged habits is his frequent “inappropriate sexual behavior” (ISB), especially with children. Here, we learn that “(ISB) is a relatively common and potentially disruptive form of behavior in people with dementia.” If a typical grown man in a responsible position (but who wasn’t president) acted like Joe has with young girls, he would have been sent to jail.
Pathological stealing is also a well-known tendency among patients with dementia. Of course, Joe has had a habit of stealing all his life. In the life of the mind, plagiarizing is worse than Grand Theft Auto. And Joe always goes for the work and words of smarter men than he.
But that’s small potatoes, compared to the past eighteen months.
Since January 2021, Biden has stolen ten percent of Americans’ net worth — trillions of dollars. But that’s OK with him, because we are told that “If you see that a person has taken an item that does not belong to them, it is important not to react as though they stole it.”
And so, we are told to sit idly by while Joe steals another trillion to bribe his political supporters with student debt “forgiveness” with our money.
What does “the science” tell us? Well, we have to pretend that he didn’t really steal it.
“Manipulative,” “deceitful” — these earmarks of dementia are distressing to see in those who suffer it. But they are not restricted to the dementia wards. They are also powerful tools when wielded by tyrants and their enablers. Those in the know realize that our beloved Republic now stands at the door of a Turnkey Tyranny.
Joe’s helpful handlers know that his hateful slogans have a subconscious impact that serves their radical agenda. Especially when they are repeated — shouted, in fulminating anger — again and again.
They’re right. Words matter.
Even when it’s a dementia patient who’s shouting them.
Pray for Joe. He needs it. We all do.