Just Guns? Let’s Ban Everything!
Fans attending a country music festival in Las Vegas recently were savagely gunned down by a madman who somehow got his hands on all sorts of military-grade weapons and firearms. He killed at least 58 people and injured at least 500. That’s not counting the psychological trauma caused to the survivors and relatives of the deceased.
The carnage at the crime scene had not even been cleaned up yet, but the Second Amendment “oppressors” of the Democratic Party were already on their soapbox demanding immediate gun control. “Ban all weapons!” they say. “Guns are killing people!” “We have a gun problem!” Blah-blah-blah.
The sad fact is that there are mentally unstable and/or violent individuals with a certain philosophical, political, or cultist bent who launch deadly ideological trajectories against their perceived enemies — unfortunately in the form of actual bullets.
Perhaps it’s all the psychotropic drugs millions of Americans are hooked on that are making them go nuts. But never mind, nothing to see here — as Big Pharma gets richer and richer.
Maybe it’s a false flag conspiracy carried out to further disarm American citizens, but let’s not go off the deep end just yet. But you never know.
It’s not as if the guns themselves are indiscriminately shooting themselves at people. A finger is needed to pull the trigger, but the left refuses to accept this basic principle of how a gun works.
Why stop with just banning guns? There are plenty of other inanimate objects which are just as deadly.
In 1983, the chief medical examiner of New York City declared that playwright Tennessee Williams choked to death on the plastic cap of either a nasal spray or eye-drop bottle.
I want to know why nasal spray and eye-drop caps weren’t banned then. It’s been 34 years, and these deadly menaces to society are still endangering the lives of all Americans! Why haven’t anti-gunners like Nancy Pelosi, Gabby Giffords, Elizabeth Warren, and Lady Gaga also done anything to protest this equally deadly threat?
In 620 BC, Athenian lawmaker Draco was smothered to death by gifts of cloaks and hats hurled at him by an appreciative audience. Why haven’t the Greeks banned these deadly weapons of cloth and haberdashery?
In 1911, famed distiller Jack Daniel died because of an infection he developed after injuring his toe while kicking a safe he could not open. Let’s ban safes.
Every American working in a bank runs an extraordinary risk to their lives every time they show up to work, not so much because of potential bank robberies, but because of those darn and dangerous safes!
I am still scratching my head why molasses wasn’t banned in 1919. You would think that after a molasses storage tank burst in Boston that year, causing a flood that killed 21 people and injured 150 more, legislators would have done something about this oily killer. What we need in this country isn’t just gun control, but molasses control as well!
I also always wondered why stingrays weren’t banned after one killed the famous crocodile hunter from Down Under. A vicious stingray took down beloved television personality Steve Irwin in 2006. The time for stingray control is long overdue. Guns don’t kill people, stingrays do!
The left is now calling law-abiding gun owners as terrorists. Do you want to know who the real terrorists are? French fries! French fries and fried chicken and every kind of fast food imaginable! Obesity and type-2 diabetes kill more Americans every year than a lunatic with a cache of weapons who is holed up in a Las Vegas hotel room.
If the leftists want to truly end gun violence, why aren’t they putting all their energy and efforts in the war zones like Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles?
These are the places ravaged by illegally obtained handguns, rifles, assault rifles, and even automatic weapons. Gangs and drug dealers are the ones terrorizing their own communities by shooting them all up with drugs and bullets.
For argument’s sake, let’s just ban all automobiles since they are the cause of so many vehicular deaths. And don’t just stop there. Motorcycles, ATVs, bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades — anything where there is a risk to life and limb must go.
How about alcohol and cigarettes? Those things kill millions of Americans in a variety of ways each year — be it drunk-driving accidents, cirrhosis of the liver or lung and throat cancer. Ban everything. As if any of these things could kill us all by themselves.
People who are responsible gun owners, and I know plenty of us out here, should never have to lose their Second Amendment rights because of the actions of a very few mentally deranged individuals like the Las Vegas shooter.
It has been said a million times already, but I’ll say it again. Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the nation, yet it remains the murder capital of America. Go figure that one out.
Then there’s the most obvious of them all. If America wants to truly ban the most murderous entity that exists in our nation, it’s high time we legislatively enacted Planned Parenthood control!
Guns kill people when handled by criminals or other mentally deranged people, but Planned Parenthood kills people all the time.
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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)