Kaine Enabled


I could only imagine what the late Wanderer columnist Thomas Roeser would have to say concerning the current state of affairs today, especially about the circus that is the 2016 presidential fraud of an election, and specifically about “Catholic” Tim Kaine as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate.

Roeser would probably have been as confounded, perplexed, bewildered, and ticked off as any of us are, but I am certain that he would definitely express himself with nothing less than brutal frankness about this whole mess.

Since we are remembering him and before we continue, let’s please take a moment to pray for the repose of Mr. Roeser’s soul. Thank you.

The latest “Catholic” politician to hit the main stage of American politics is none other than former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine. While Tim Kaine isn’t liberal enough for many left-wing Democrats, in reality he is about as left-wing as you can get.

Kaine joins the ranks of “Catholics” like the late Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and many bishops and clergy under the USCCB’s umbrella.

Kaine is as progressive as a Catholic can be, or rather regressive, and aggressive. What kind of Catholic supports abortion in any way, shape, or form? I don’t care for the weak and false arguments that are often bandied about by some of these spineless politicians like Kaine: “I personal don’t believe in abortion, but I support a woman’s right to choose.”

That is all a bunch of baloney and lip service that amounts to flat out lying to oneself, plain and simple. Denying that abortion is murder by taking some kind of politically correct position in order to advance one’s political career is what has now become acceptable to many Catholics.

Without naming it, Tim Kaine belongs to a parish here in Virginia. The parish recently promoted a rally for Kaine’s presidential running mate Hillary Clinton. Does that seem like a Catholic thing to do?

Any individual Catholic who chooses to remain willfully ignorant and support the most rabid, pro-abortion politician since Barack Obama is one thing, but when an entire parish decides to jump off that cliff too, that is just pathetic and sad.

It reminds of the time I was still in Chicago where it wouldn’t be unusual for then-Sen. Barack Obama to be invited to speak at a number of Catholic parishes. He did that all the way up to his presidential campaign and all the way to the White House.

But the left-wing of the Archdiocese of Chicago is nothing new. Remember that my hometown of Chicago is the birthplace of community organizing and of the Campaign for Human Development. And of Hillary Clinton, too, by the way.

Chicago is where the bishops were consulting with none other than Saul Alinsky in the late 1960s when that miserable CHD campaign was spawned, but that is another ongoing saga we’ll discuss again another day.

My point is that Kaine is simply the latest “Catholic” who is being promoted by the liberal “news” media propaganda-pushers. They are extolling him as not only a Catholic, but as a moderate and “traditional” one. Calling Tim Kaine a traditional Catholic is like calling convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell a doctor.

Like Cain in the Bible, the blood of the aborted babies cries out to Heaven because of Kaine’s complicit participation in perpetuating abortion in this country. What kind of a man are you, Mr. Kaine? Why are you seeking the treasures of this world and putting your eternal soul at risk like this?

I hope someone who belongs to his parish or knows him personally can get my message to Mr. Kaine himself. I implore him to step down from this presidential ticket with Hillary Clinton, and I pray that he somehow comes to his senses.

Our bishops must take a firm stand against public servants like Kaine; otherwise, their silence equals the enabling of sin and participation in it.

As a sinner myself who cries every day for God’s mercy, I wonder if Mr. Kaine realizes, or chooses to deny, the truth and reality of what a morally questionable person his running mate is. Does he have a pair of magical rose-colored glasses, allowing him to see a different Hillary Clinton than the Hillary Clinton most conscientious Catholics see?

Just before the announcement of Kaine as Clinton’s running mate was made, Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo, Kaine’s own bishop in Richmond, Va., on July 22 said this about Catholics in public office.

“The Catholic Church makes its position very clear as it pertains to the protection of human life, social justice initiatives, and the importance of family life. From the very beginning, Catholic teaching informs us that every human life is sacred from conception until natural death. The right to life is a fundamental, human right for the unborn and any law denying the unborn the right to life is unequivocally unjust.”

Hello? Anyone home, Mr. Kaine? Did you read what your own bishop had to say about people like you?

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards went on record in a recent CNN interview to defend Kaine for his being a “champion for women and families his entire life.”

Richards went on to add: “In fact, as a senator, he’s had a 100 percent rating with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. He has been a champion for Planned Parenthood.”

Kaine’s inconsistency regarding the Hyde Amendment, which bans most Medicaid funding of abortions, is a sign of a conflicted man. He has publicly stated that he supports this amendment. Yet we have Clinton’s spokesperson Jesse Ferguson saying that Kaine privately told Clinton that he would support the repeal of the Hyde Amendment.

Thirty pieces of silver should ring a bell for you, Mr. Kaine.

In addition to getting an A-plus rating from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Kaine also gets a gold star from the pro-abortion radicals at NARAL.

NARAL President Ilyse Hogue said: “While Sen. Kaine has been open about his personal reservations about abortion, he’s maintained a 100 percent pro-choice voting record in the U.S. Senate. He voted against dangerous abortion bans, he has fought against efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, and he voted to strengthen clinic security by establishing a federal fund for it.”

There you have it. Tim Kaine is a radical pro-abortion individual who brings a dark cloud of shame to our faith. Being in public office as an elected official puts more responsibility on his shoulders as an example of what it means to be a leader.

Kaine isn’t only tepid or lukewarm on abortion, he fully supports this ongoing barbaric genocide against the most innocent of innocents. Any man who is labeled as a “champion for women and families” by the likes of Cecile Richards and Ilyse Hogue needs to take a good, hard look in the mirror and ask himself one question: What would Jesus do?

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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