Kim Davis Cuffed . . . Attack On Christian Clerk To Spark Revolt Against Elite Pretense?


As the Labor Day weekend passed by in early September, how many people began to think of the name Rosa Parks when they heard the name Kim Davis?

Parks was the Alabama black woman who was arrested after refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery city bus in 1955. A supportive bus boycott quickly followed.

Even after the Civil War was fought to end slavery nearly a century earlier, the Democrat Party’s power structure later imposed racial segregation in Southern states. Parks’ individual initiative against that system was one historic catalyst that helped end the entrenched, formidable legal arrogance.

It just had been the way of doing things that finally fell apart when people saw it was indefensible. Russian patriot Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others posed the same challenge to the tottering Soviet Communist system that may have been built on habit and deference as much as cold fear.

The dignity of the United States and its people has slipped away in little steps on various fronts, until some Republican politicians in 2015, like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, shrank from defending the honor of their political party by saying they’d never vote another dime in tax money to the slaughterhouse of babies inaccurately named Planned Parenthood.

Sixty years after Parks’ challenge in Alabama, Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis was in jail on Labor Day 2015, arrested for resisting the social upheaval declared only two months earlier by the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, decided 5 to 4, which incredibly invented a faked national constitutional right to “same-sex marriage.”

The Republican minority of justices warned the narrow majority — four Democrats plus Republican Anthony Kennedy — of the clashes of conscience that would come with this unjustifiable imposition. The majority ignored them, and soon reaped the first results of its frenzy in pummeling this nation.

It wasn’t lawless High Court justices shredding the U.S. Constitution who soon saw the inside of a jail cell, but a previously unknown northeastern Kentucky county clerk who swore to faithfully execute her duties in this nation under God.

As summer began to fade, Davis refused to be one more of the sheep that have been so useful in bleating this nation into subservience to lawless masters. What if 500 county clerks told the High Court to forget about browbeating this country into degradation? What if 10,000 clerks told Anthony Kennedy, who wrote for the Obergefell majority, to handcuff them personally if he thought he could get away with it?

America’s increasing legal barbarism would run into a brick wall.

Davis said her Christian conscience wouldn’t allow her as the Rowan County clerk to issue marriage licenses to couples of the same gender. So federal marshals took her away in handcuffs at the order of federal judge David Bunning.

Bunning ruled her to be in contempt, even though people around the nation quickly thought of some very famous major lawbreakers who freely go their prideful way each day while barking and blurting out imperious commands.

Most prominent among them, gravely lawless President Barack Obama.

It’s probably amazing that no one choked to death in consternation when Obama’s press secretary, Josh Earnest, commenting on Kim Davis, piously said “there’s no public official that is above the rule of law.”

Obama’s administration is a cabal of lawbreakers toadying before their boss, from the Department of Justice to the Environmental Protection Agency and every governmental whistle stop along the way.

Rule in the United States theoretically comes through the consent of those being governed, not the imposed tyranny of judges and a haughty political class who hold their positions at the sufferance of the populace.

Would a federal judge’s jailing of an innocent county clerk in handcuffs as the Labor Day holiday approached set off the spark that would flame into rebellion against an aggressively immoral national power structure that has grown increasingly illegal in its misrule?

The judge apparently soon realized he’d gone way too far in poking the public in the eye. Bunning ordered Davis released on September 8 but warned she must not interfere in any way with others issuing Anthony Kennedy’s fake marriage licenses.

Meanwhile, Washington Post reporter James Hohmann made a revealing, condescending remark on the Hugh Hewitt national radio program on September 8 — that “same-sex marriage” defenders were pleased that a person like Kim Davis was involved here, because it allows them to characterize her as representative of their foes.

And what is so wrong with her? A rural woman with a steady job who repents of her sinful past and trusts in God and His glory and power now. Does this show her dreadful lack of Obama-style elitism?

Wait a moment! Davis also is a member of the Democrat Party and actually works for government. Doesn’t this make her a very good person in elitists’ eyes? Apparently not, because no national Democrats jumped to her defense, although GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz rushed to her side on September 8 as a large rally gathered to defend her.

Davis would have been considered a worthy Democrat a few decades ago, before elitists decided that mocking their own working-class supporters was proof of sophistication. A few decades ago, these scorned people became “Reagan Democrats.” Might Davis do the modern-day equivalent, noticing that her own party leaders laugh at her while some national Republicans even traveled to join her, in a shared faith?

Democrat leaders look like such a funny breed, peering out all lonely and puzzled from their Beltway Bubble.

People can’t oppose laws because they simply disagree with them, or chaos would reign, because someone or the other would disagree with just about any law. But when major “laws” are invented out of thin air, and are imposed arbitrarily, without basis or justification, the consent of the governed eventually is strained beyond acceptance and obedience.

The Supreme Court could as willfully declare Christian women to be subject to polygamous marriage with pagans, citing as authority some mysterious clouds and skywriting Justice Kennedy saw one evening. So then everyone else must snap to obedience and start handcuffing and delivering the unwilling brides?

The Propaganda Curtain

In 1973 the Supreme Court, without any precedent or constitutional justification, simply imposed massive permissive abortion on the entire nation overnight. That was in the pre-Internet days, and dominant liberal media pretty much distorted and propagandized as they pleased.

Opposition to sweeping permissive abortion was merely the nonsense of some Catholic bishops and a few benighted followers, the powerful “Seven” intentionally lied — The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, CBS, NBC and ABC.

Even if many of the public suspected otherwise, the propaganda curtain was almost impenetrable.

However, far greater access to information in the 21st century let the word spread quickly that the High Court simply, boldly lied when it claimed in 2012 that Obamacare was constitutional after all. Chief Justice John Roberts, a Republican, blatantly changed the well-understood use of words in order to save glowering, threatening Democrat Obama’s federalized medical monstrosity.

Three years later, at the end of this June, the court majority arrogantly asserted fairy tales to be true again, once more upholding Obamacare and also inventing the “right” to “gay marriage.” The latter, as even pro-homosexual activist Kennedy acknowledged during oral argument, would overturn millennia of civilized tradition.

Within living memory, the High Court completely changed its stand on “same-sex marriage,” demonstrating that the Constitution has far less to do with what’s “constitutional” than what liberals think they can get away with at the moment.

In 1972 the court declined even to hear a “marriage” case from two Minnesota homosexuals because there was no “substantial federal question” at issue. In 1986 the court upheld a Georgia sodomy law, with Justice Byron White writing that the Constitution didn’t confer “a fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy.”

However, in 2003 the court directly reversed itself in a Texas case, even though the Constitution remained the same. Court veteran Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion recognizing a right to sodomy.

Maybe Americans had deferred some outrage over Obamacare because the Republicans promised to replace it. But hardly had “same-sex marriage” been declared a national right than a Christian clerk was jailed in handcuffs for recognizing her religious conscience as more reliable than High Court word games and penumbras.

And who could forget Christian merchants being hounded and severely penalized on the marriage issue in recent years, even before Obergefell was decided?

Now the public saw an approaching threat to their own immediate freedom, a possible quick trip to jail for holding the same beliefs that, only a few short months ago, were practically the unanimous verdict of all of civilized history.

On another issue, while haughtily ignorant Supreme Court justices had never seen a sonogram of bouncing unborn babies more than 40 years ago, just about everyone has done so now.

The Power Of The Purse

Coupling this with recent video evidence from the Center for Medical Progress about what abortionists do with the mangled bodies of their victims has fueled a fire that has the nervous social and political elite squeezing shut their eyes and ears in defiance of the public, hoping that this storm like any other hurricane will blow away.

On September 5 the Washington Examiner posted an article saying conservatives are “disappointed” with Senate Leader McConnell’s saying it’s impossible to strip tax funding from Planned Parenthood as long as Obama is president — even though Congress, not the president, holds the power of the purse.

McConnell simply was doing his best to surrender to Obama again without even a hint of a fight, showing cowardice that has to hurt McConnell and his party, even though this may endear the weaklings to liberal emperors.

The Examiner quoted Cong. John Fleming (R., La.) that during the August congressional recess, “I spent more time with constituents and people around the state than I ever have, and the anger against the leadership and their unwillingness to stand up on this and other issues is really at the highest level than it has ever been.”

And it quoted Cong. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio): “Congress must stop funding an organization that has, in its own words, unethically changed its medical practices to harvest the organs of unborn babies. We must redirect taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood to the thousands of federally qualified health clinics that provide more, comprehensive services to women and girls.”

Swearing On A Bible

Constitutional scholar and national radio host Mark Levin told his audience on September 4 that although the Kentucky clerk was being urged to follow “the rule of law,” “This isn’t the rule of law. This is the rule of the left.”

What if the judges themselves don’t follow the law? Levin wondered if citizens then are bound to obey judicial lawlessness. Liberals’ “sanctuary cities” don’t follow the law, Levin said, and Obama certainly doesn’t.

Levin pointed out other serious errors by the High Court, including on slavery, racial segregation, illegal internment of Japanese-Americans, and abortion.

Abraham Lincoln didn’t accept the Supreme Court decision favoring human slavery in Dred Scott but fought against it, Levin said.

It took a Civil War and three amendments to the U.S. Constitution to plainly correct what Dred Scott got wrong. Granted, this took more effort than High Court justices simply playing word games, but also was more legitimate.

Writer Jay Homnick posted at The American Spectator on September 4, under the headline “My heart goes out to Kim Davis”:

“When standing before a judge in this country to testify or to accept a public office, oaths are generally recited with a hand upon the Bible. This tells you that the Bible is the basis of the oath, and the oath binds only through the power of the Bible to stand as an arbiter of truth.

“The very notion of swearing on a Bible to uphold the law presupposes that the Bible signifies a higher authority than man can wield through his power to legislate,” Homnick continued. “Consider the absurdity of telling a woman she should be jailed for violating the oath she took upon a Bible to uphold the Law, when in fact she violated that Law to uphold the Bible.”

In other words, American law presupposes the higher authority of God, expressed through His word in the Bible. Davis, being faithful to that, was being punished under a growing American system of judicial lawlessness.

Another shocking exhibition of lawlessness came from the radical Black Lives Matter group chanting outside the Minnesota State Fair at the end of August: “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” This meant frying dead police in shrouds. It was chanted during a nine-day period in which four American law-enforcement officers were murdered, from Louisiana to Illinois.

Of course liberal media viewed this horrifying chant indulgently. Not a bit like their reaction if, say, Tea Partiers had been chanting to put members of the American Civil Liberties Union in shrouds.

Times have changed on the morality front. New York’s John Cardinal O’Connor, who died in 2000, once said this: “I will give no support by word or action that could in any way be construed in favor of any politician, of any political party, who professes either a specific pro-abortion position, or takes refuge in a so-called ‘pro-choice’ position.”

How would a Catholic leader speak today if visiting at the White House of Barack Obama, the most pitiless, radical pro-abortion president in U.S. history?

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