Kneel Before Christ, Stand For The Anthem


Stand for the American anthem and flag, kneel before the crucifix. It’s as simple as that.

I don’t know if I am saddened, angry, or just plain sick and tired of the demonic left-wing radical globalist agenda which has infected just about every inch of society in America today.

If it isn’t a bunch of overpaid, steroid-head, woman-beating sports players, it’s the talentless celebrities and fake comedians and so-called entertainers who are doing the will of the radical Democratic Party operatives, who are hell-bent on taking President Trump down, if not the entire United States of America.

The NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers’ “oppressed” multimillionaire LeBron James said that Trump voters are uneducated.

When I hear the words “genius” or “scholar,” the first thing that comes to my mind is a seven-foot, tattooed, overpaid, crybaby basketball-dribbling Neanderthal.

Football is dead. The entire NFL will probably be brought down to their financial knees, being that they are so intent on “taking a knee.” The NBA and MLB may well take a fall right behind them.

Did you know that the NFL has a nonprofit tax-exempt status? No wonder some of their players can afford all the cocaine, prostitutes, and expensive sports cars they want.

My friend Steve Kocx, a Catholic radio host, tweeted last week something to the effect that if we wanted these professional athletes to stand up for a flag, just raise the “gay rainbow flag” and they’ll immediately jump to their feet. Sad, but true.

Then there was the lowest-rated Emmy Awards broadcast in television history a few weeks ago, which was nothing more than a Trump-bashing fest. These talentless, bitter, smug, condescending, ignorant, and delusional limousine liberals truly believe that working-class Americans care what they think. We don’t.

It used to be that if we wanted politics, we’d tune into the news broadcasts, but now those are just outlets for socialist propaganda and fake news. People would watch TV shows for entertainment, including award shows focused on movies and entertainment.

It also used to be that Americans escaped politics by also watching sports. Kiss that all goodbye, America! Start making plans on how to spend your Sundays, especially Super Bowl Sunday, doing anything but watching the dying NFL political circus. Here’s an idea: Go to church!

Just a few minutes before I began writing this column, I watched a video posted on Facebook from Los Angeles where a pack of useless idiots from either the Antifa or Black Lives Matter were blocking traffic on the 101 Highway, holding up signs that read “Nov 4 It Begins.”

Their plan is to raise all sorts of hell on November 4, 2017 across America. I certainly hope that the law enforcement authorities, from the federal level all the way down to the smallest police departments, are prepared to confront this.

This quote is directly from their website: “In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Don’t Accommodate. Don’t Conciliate. Don’t Normalize. Don’t Collaborate. Drive Them Out! November 4th — It Begins!”

This is a domestic terrorism group which has, thanks to the fake news mainstream media, Hollywood, and now professional corporate sports, dominated the headlines and the public discourse in our nation today.

There’s no telling just how far these ignorant, useful-tool troglodytes will go. They have demonstrated just what a menace they are in recent events from Ferguson, Mo., to Richmond, Va. People are being threatened, assaulted, and attacked,

These maniacs want to destroy America once and for all. Thanks to the former Radical-In-Chief Obama, these thugs have been emboldened to make outrageous anti-American statements, ludicrous demands, and open threats against President Trump.

Like ISIS and World War II-era Nazis, the Antifa and BLM are tearing down historic Confederacy monuments and have made flag-burning the new national pastime.

It doesn’t stop there. Several Catholic saint statues have also been targeted and vandalized because they see the Catholic Church as a colonialist evil which participated in the genocide of indigenous peoples. It’s not like they weren’t already slaughtering and enslaving each other, not to mention the human sacrifice and cannibalism among some of these peoples.

Liberalism is a cancer. It is socialism, which is essentially “Communism lite.” It’s just the slow turning up of the temperature on the stove, eventually bringing the pot of water to a boil.

One cannot even use the Internet without padding the wealth of leftist organizations like Google, which on September 26 honored the late Gloria Evangelina Anzaldua, whom Wikipedia describes as an American scholar of Chicana cultural theory, feminist theory, and queer theory. Just what we need.

Then there’s the completely unhinged and deranged Democratic Party, and the RINOs who are destroying America before our very eyes. They are the most classless “political class” which ever existed anywhere.

I’ll share what my friend Christopher Pistorio recently posted on Facebook, “Let’s make sure everyone knows what ‘taking a knee’ is actually about. It’s about the soul of America which has been slowly dying over the past eight years, because the prior president destroyed race relations by making a demographic believe they’re victims of an oppressive country. The result has been the abandonment of God and the rejection of all that is moral. It took the most unlikely of sources, a multibillionaire,

President Trump, to call it to everyone’s attention.

“Allow me to speak as a Catholic. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. And regardless of what you think about his language or his style, our president is the only person in Washington who’s refusing to stand by while the cancer of liberalism destroys the greatest nation in the world. No one said the fight would be easy, but the fight will be worth it. God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America.”

I’ll add that the lunatic left would rather side with ISIS, Muslim extremists, and even Kim Jong Un, the “Rocket Man” from North Korea, than to support the best president I’ve ever had.

Yes, America, the race war that the lunatic left wants is becoming more of a reality each day.

As Obama’s former pastor, the wild and crazy Rev. Jeremiah Wright, once said, “The chickens are coming home…to roost!”

That’s all right, we have Jesus on our side and when He comes back, He’s going to be ticked off big time!

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic American patriot and not afraid of the alt-left crazies. Contact Rey at

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