Liberal Lies And The Truth Of Christ
Persons live in a community to achieve their natural personal good and the common good founded on God, the transcendence first cause and final end of truth and goodness. The modern liberal progressive ideology and agenda assume that the citizenry is not intellectually capable of recognizing the truth of God as the source of the good of the person and the ultimate practical end of the common good of all.
On retreat at the Trappist monastery in Conyers, Ga., Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Monastery, as a young teenager, I had a chance to work with the monks briefly because they were involved in the building project of their new monastery. After working in the field picking vegetables with Fr. Kenneth, OCSO, and Fr. Bernard, OCSO, under the hot Georgia summer sun with temperatures in the high nineties in the shade, Fr. Kenneth and Fr. Bernard let me drive the dilapidated stick shift truck they were using back to the monastery.
We went into the large standup freezer, and we all shared metal mugs of cold chocolate milk while Brother Philip, OCSO, working in the kitchen, smiled puzzlingly at me through the large open freezer door with the three monk priests. A healthy and special afternoon of work and final refreshment cooled me down before the monks prepared for evening Vespers.
Liberal ideology does not recognize the naturally lived common good needed for the welfare of the community as founded on the nature of a human person dependent on a transcendent God who is Truth and Goodness and who is the source and the purpose for the common good. Human beings are not private individuals seeking their own private welfare as opposed to the family of other human beings who are needed so that each may contribute to a general organized common good based on an intellectual understanding of the truth and the practical living of the good in relationships with others.
The ancient philosopher, Aristotle, in his Politics, said that the human community was natural and had the natural end and purpose of the common good as its telos end. Liberal ideology is based instead on the state’s power, which is the sovereign unity of the political community with its own state telos.
In liberal ideology people do not fall in love, marry, and naturally have children in the intimacy of love, instead without any recognition of the good and the bad, they can seek abortion for their newly conceived child according to their own disordered tyranny over the natural law according to their economic benefits rather than the natural completion of the end of their love for each other and respect for their bodies in the life of a new child as part of God’s creation.
The liberal media and cable news, and their technology with producers, directors, writers, and so forth, as the new skilled laborers of the ancient polis of Aristotle, are the new liberal oligarchy, the rule of the few, who push aggressively and shamelessly for the management of the household as being economically disadvantaged in the birth of a new child as a natural end of procreative love in the intimacy of the family. The new skilled laborers of the liberal media shamelessly support in their liberal lies, the rule of a few rulers, liberal oligarchy, and a perpetual political class in which some, sad to say, are corrupted politicians enriching their family through continued aggressive lies in the face of what is evident unethical personal enrichment.
Part of the liberal oligarchy in a parasitic symbiosis of lies is the government agencies initially designed to protect the common good according to the laws of the state who, as part of the liberal oligarchy of the few, refuse to accept the truth of legal investigations such as the Durham Report and conduct secret surveillance on the citizenry and parents seeking to assume their responsibilities and rights for their children.
Rather than protecting good persons and citizens from bad actors and foreign evil, government agencies lie about conservative political figures to maintain the power of their liberal ideology against conservative philosophy that seeks the truth of a representative republic leading to natural ends and the practical good. Rather than power based on the nature of a human being and the common good, liberal ideology grasps and maintains the power of a sovereign state based on a liberal ideological power of an oligarchy of corrupted politicians, liberal media, secret government investigations, deep state liberal employees, and continued lies.
Our Blessed Lord, who came into a pagan world of Roman political power, lived a life of moral perfection as only the God of creation could live in the face of an evil political power that considered itself the sovereign ruler of good and evil and which crucified Christ. Christ, our Lord, taught the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount as a way to happiness in which the clean of heart understand the importance of faith to live a good life as persons and to be good citizens in our representative state that is contrary to liberal ideological lies of a Godless sovereign oligarchy that degenerates and leads to the rule of a degenerate liberal tyranny taking place now.
Our Lord lived a life of meekness and obedience to the loving God, the Father of creation, rather than the liberal ideology of individual autonomy that determines its own truth and justice. Christ lived to show us that justice for the human person is based on filial love for the truth of the God of the Trinity who is the final end of human life and the transcendent source of the communities’ common good.
Our Lord came in love from the God of Heaven to bring justice, “That whoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but have life everlasting.” Christ brought a saving life based on loving God and neighbor with all one’s mind and heart based on the natural foundation of the person’s good practical moral decisions in living the truth of a loving God. The life of Our Lord is not a life of a liberal oligarchy of skilled technological laborers in the media and government who do not consider themselves intellectually and practically as part of the common good of truth, goodness, and unity based on the transcendence of the God of creation.
The Trappist monks in Conyers, with their life of self-denial for the final end of the contemplation of God lived for the rest of humanity, point to a political society in which personal truth and goodness lead to a community of good citizens who fulfill their responsibilities to the representative republic of the state and achieve happiness in this life in the common good and in the happiness of eternal life to come. The natural community of good, virtuous persons and good citizens flourishes in the happiness of virtuous and strong living strengthened by the grace of God.
Such a natural life of the community of persons living a life of freedom under God, the source and final end of Truth and the common good, is the strength of the communities’ abiding existence and happiness in the challenges of a conflicted world of fallenness. Christ by His death on the cross and His bodily victorious Resurrection from the grave of death won the personal good of the person and the community’s natural common good in the order of nature and divine grace.
- + + (George Angelich is a married permanent deacon living in Atlanta, Ga., with four children, who completed his diaconal formation at the Trappist monastery in Conyers, Ga. He works as a licensed clinical social worker with an MSW in clinical social work from Atlanta University, and has a master of pastoral studies from Loyola University, New Orleans, an MA in systematic philosophy from Holy Apostles College & Seminary, and is a postmasters graduate certificate student in systematic philosophy at HACS.)