Liberal Rhetoric Turns to Actual Violence

Rey Flores

On a sunny and warm June morning in Alexandria, Virginia, the unhinged, maniacal liberal left finally crossed over from portraying violent acts against President Trump on film and on stage, to real-life attempted murder.

Sixty-six-year-old James T. Hodgkinson from Belleville, Illinois, a huge Bernie Sanders supporter, decided to take everything that the fake, and dangerous, “news” media has been brainwashing the American public with, and put it into action.

In preparation for the 56th Annual Congressional Baseball Game scheduled for June 15, 2017, several Republican congressmen were practicing at a public baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, in the early morning hours on Wednesday, June 14.

That’s when a man asked another observer if it was Democrats or Republicans on the field. When he learned it was Republicans, Hodgkinson then shortly began to fire a volley of bullets from an assault rifle.

Most gravely injured was Majority House Whip and representative for Louisiana’s First Congressional District Steve Scalise. Scalise is a Roman Catholic conservative married to Jennifer Anne Scalise and they have two children.

Several others were also injured before Capitol Police thankfully took the shooter down.

It should be noted that Bernie Sanders, upon hearing that Hodgkinson had supported him, immediately condemned the violent act.

The Annual Congressional Baseball Game is a fun and worthy cause and a welcome respite in a town full of political and partisan drama. Most recently that drama has become hateful, vindictive, and thanks to Democrats and the mainstream entertainment and fake news media.

Reports from several sources identify shooter James T. Hodgkinson as a “passionate progressive” and a “huge Bernie Sanders supporter.” It’s perfectly fine for Hodgkinson to have supported the loony liberal Democrats, if his activities had remained lawful and nonviolent, but that was not the case the morning of June 14.

The pattern of depicted violence and violent rhetoric from the so-called entertainment industry and the fake news media and their brainwashed zombie audiences has been simmering now for the past year. As a matter of fact, I am quite alarmed but not surprised at how short a time it took for the radical left to move from just violent talk to violent actions.

In an upcoming column of mine I’ll go into more detail about the Trump-hating comedians and theater companies no longer remain in their dark shadows, but now openly their contempt for Trump. This has manifested itself in their feeble-minded audiences reacting with actual violence.

Just look at the hippie “professor,” formerly of Diablo Valley College, Berkeley, Calif., who a couple of months ago was clocking conservative free-speech activists with a hardened-steel bike lock. Thankfully he was identified and was arrested and now faces criminal charges.

You may also recall how the Trump inauguration turned out to be a wild riot in Washington, D.C., with many arrests being made by rioters, vandals, and other random criminals who like to consider themselves “anti-fascists” and part of some liberal utopian “resistance.”

What are they resisting? A prosperous nation finally led by a competent leader who understands global markets? Would they prefer a beta male surrogate who bows down to other world leaders and apologizes to them for America’s being the greatest nation in the world?

The “progressive left” needs to be held accountable, starting with political crazies like Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Terry McAuliffe, and their coconspirators in fake news media outlets like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Then we also need to hold hate groups accountable as well. Groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Lives Matter, GLAAD, The National Council of La Raza, and the entire Democratic National Committee.

Then there’s academia. It seems that college in America today is totally worthless for several reasons. First, it’s nothing more than an indoctrination institution hell-bent on creating present and future generations of socialist, Marxist robots who are apt to resort to violent means to reach their twisted ends.

Recently, a Washington, D.C., art professor posted on Facebook that House Republicans “should be lined up and shot” for passing the American Health Care Act to reform Obamacare.

Now, and not surprisingly, many deranged anti-gun progressives took to social media to celebrate the Scalise shooting with glee, not unlike ISIS terrorists celebrating the latest terrorist attack. Some of the hateful tweets, too offensive to repeat here, were mainly against Scalise’s support for the Second Amendment, referring to him as a “whore” for the National Rifle Association.

Please pray for Cong. Scalise’s speedy recovery and for the rest of those injured today. Pray also that God will find some way into the demonic minds and hearts of the unhinged, insane, and now very violent left.


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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at


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