Losers Vs. The World


If Islamophobia is the fear, intolerance, or hatred of Muslims and Islam, and anti-Semitism is the fear, intolerance, or hatred of Jews and Judaism — then what do we call the fear, intolerance, or hatred for Christians and Christianity?

In 2012, Mark Movsesian, director of the Center for Law and Religion at St. John’s University, wrote an interesting piece titled “Christianophobia,” for The Institute of Religion and Public Life’s First Things blog:

“The hostility to Christianity one encounters in the West is mostly ideological. What we have is a struggle between competing worldviews, one of which seeks to win by excluding the other, which it sees as irrational, from public debate. This strategy is illiberal, ill-informed, and childish, but it is not really ‘phobic’ in the way we normally use that term. It reflects not so much a visceral antipathy to Christians as people as a desire for Christians to keep quiet and stop retarding social progress.”

He continued, “Maybe the ideological struggle in the West is becoming a personal one, in which Christians are seen as comparable to racists. I don’t think we’re there, yet, but I concede there’s evidence we may be heading that way.”

Since Movsesian wrote that article five years ago and said that we are “heading that way,” I believe that in 2017, we are already there.

And no matter how many bombs are blown up in crowded venues, how many vehicles are deliberately driven into crowded public spaces, or how many Christian heads are rolling to the cry of “Allahu Akbar!” — we will be promptly labeled as bigots and racists if we dare mention Islam.

It doesn’t even matter that the Islamo-fascists themselves are claiming responsibility for many of these terrorist attacks — the mainstream fake news and so-called entertainment media will have none of it.

Movsesian further wrote: “The second sort of ‘Christianophobia’ is that which exists in many parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. This is a qualitatively different thing. In countries like Egypt, Mali, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Syria, Christians are being murdered and forced to leave their homes in large numbers. Churches are being destroyed and Christian villages emptied. . . . If anything, ‘phobia’ is too mild a term: what we are seeing in these places is the widespread persecution of Christians.”

Both Christianophobia and the persecution of Christians are really nothing new. They’ve just gotten uglier with the modern times, and thanks to independent non-mainstream media, we have the information technology to be able to keep track of and report these barbaric acts of terrorism to Christians and other people who still have a heart and a conscience.

I must point out, however, that while researching Christianophobia and reading Movsesian’s article, what surprised me most was this quote he included in his article from none other than German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world today.”

It’s very difficult to understand Merkel who has already acknowledged the reality of Christian persecution, yet continues to allow thousands upon thousands of Islamo-fascists into her own country. She has not only put German citizens in grave danger, particularly women and children, but she has officially begun the eradication of German culture. In the next ten to twenty years, Germany will be unrecognizable.

According to a brief 2016 analysis by the Pew Research Center, France and Germany have the highest number of so-called Muslim refugees. The problem with this piece is that it uses numbers from 2010 which already had 4.8 million Muslims in Germany. Imagine what that number is today. What’s worse is that these new refugees tend to be younger than the native German population.

I am almost hesitant to call the Manchester, England, terrorist attack at pop singer Ariana Grande’s concert the “most recent” attack, because by the time this column gets published, there well may yet be another Islamic terrorist strike, if not more. That’s the sad reality of this all.

Many of the girls who were killed were teens, preteens, and one was an eight-year-old. What kind of a cowardly savage goes into a crowded arena full of children with the intent of blowing himself up and causing as much death and destruction as possible?

What kind of a demonic maniac plows a truck into a German Christmas festival full of families, or into a Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France? I’ll tell you who. Islamic terrorists, that’s who! Or, as President Trump recently stated, “losers.”

These jihadists are nothing but losers. They’ve lost all sense of humanity, they’ve lost their minds, they’ve lost their independent thinking and autonomy, they’ve lost their conscience, they’ve lost their hearts and most tragic is that long ago, Islam lost Jesus Christ.

In every possible way, President Trump nailed it on the head. Islamic jihadists are indeed losers in every sense of the word.

I am sick and tired and disgusted at the political correctness and the lying mainstream globalist fake news media who are constantly labeling anyone who speaks the truth as haters, bigots, or Islamophobes. If anything, I am a terroristphobe. I hate terrorists and terrorism.

Let’s call it what it is. Until we all get on that same page, we will continue to see these Islamic terrorist attacks increase in number, the death tolls get worse, and the severity of the attacks get more horrific each time.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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