Make America Great Again… It’s A Mission, Not Just A Slogan



This week, like it or not, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America. For the record, I am very happy about this.

There are, however, a large number of malcontent elitists, from those who live in mansions in Beverly Hills and Hollywood to the high-rollers who dwell in the penthouses of New York City and the pricey real estate in Washington, D.C., who are beside themselves.

There is nothing worse than the hypocrisy of “limousine liberals” who like to imagine that they are “down with the people,” but in reality they are completely out of touch with the real Americans who help pay for their expensive lifestyles by watching their movies, attending their sporting events, or electing them to office, term after term.

These elites pontificate in their self-congratulatory events about how a Trump presidency will further oppress the oppressed, further impoverish the impoverished, and further discriminate the discriminated against.

While some of these so-called celebrities, be they actors, athletes, or political juggernauts, may have come from humble beginnings, they no longer dwell among the peasantry like the rest of us do. They are now removed for the most part from the drudgery of the daily life of us non-elites, who can only imagine what it would be like to live in such luxury.

I don’t begrudge them their success or covet their goods, but I do wonder why they still talk in terms of oppression when I don’t see many of them sharing much of their private wealth with the poor. They talk about the big, bad, rich white men like Donald Trump who allegedly oppress the poor disenfranchised people “of color,” women, gay transgenders, or anyone who isn’t a white, heterosexual, educated, and employed male.

Funny because many of these loudmouth liberals are white, male, and very much privileged. Take actors George Clooney and Robert De Niro, for example, or even a very rich, white, and privileged woman like Meryl Streep, who recently was celebrated by the leftist liberal media for taking an opportunity during the Golden Globe Awards to slam Donald Trump.

Not only did the self-righteous Streep decide to get on her soapbox, but she did so with the intent to perpetuate a lie about Trump allegedly making fun of a disabled reporter. This specific situation has been emphatically denied by Trump, and has also been proven to be false by a number of reliable sources as well.

On the following day, Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president in the incoming administration, went on Fox News to challenge Streep. Conway asked why Streep, if she’s so concerned about people with disabilities, was silent about the young disabled white man who was brutally assaulted by four black thugs the previous week in Chicago.

This was a heinous assault that the perpetrators brazenly broadcast on Facebook Live, while yelling racist remarks and expletives about Donald Trump and white people generally.

In addition to that: Why are Streep and the rest of Hollywood such supporters of professional baby-executioners, when so many of the abortions they perform each day are because an unborn child has been diagnosed with Down syndrome or some type of other physical or mental disability?

Then there are the Democratic elected officials like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Elijah Cummings, and the ridiculous Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters who insist on obstructionism at every turn, no matter what Trump tries to do.

It’s like a circus tent full of liberal clowns who are so vindictive that it blinds them from seeing the potential of having an outsider like Donald Trump finally do something productive in Washington, D.C.

It’s going to be an interesting four years, especially this first year. I can’t wait to see what other ridiculous tall tales the left and the Democrat Party will invent to try and hide their ineptitude, their lack of cohesiveness, and their overall petty rancor.

While several Russian hacking tales have been proven to be mere partisan hearsay or flat-out salacious gossip to try to destroy Trump, the truth has never stopped the crooked propaganda “news” media from spreading false information. The sad thing is that there are so many misinformed or low-information people who will buy into the dishonesty of the left.

And it isn’t only Trump the radical left is out to attack and destroy. Anyone whom Trump selects to be part of his administration or nominates for a judiciary position had better be prepared to be hung out to dry as well.

The great thing is that no matter how many of these idiotic so-called celebrities come after Trump or any one on his team, Trump and the gang remain resilient and focused on doing a great job anyway despite all of the negativity

I would certainly say that as a Catholic, I am particularly proud of our fellow Catholic sister in Christ Kellyanne Conway. She is a beautiful and intelligent woman, who I hope serves as a great example to many of our daughters who aspire to be not only strong leaders, but loving and dedicated wives and mothers. Mrs. Conway is all three.

Let the left-wing radicals continue to make foolish public spectacles of themselves as they chant their mantras of “racist,” “bigot,” “homophobe,” “Islamophobe,” “sexist,” “misogynist,” and Heaven only knows what else they’ll come up with. But that’s all they’ve got.

Please keep our new President Donald J. Trump, his family, his administration, and our entire nation in your prayers. Pray that God will keep all safe, focused, and determined to truly make America great again — because this is more than a slogan, it’s a mission.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at

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