Massive Border Invasion . . . Reaches Point Where Survival Of U.S. Cast Into Doubt


PHOENIX — Swelling waves of illegal immigrants take a steady course northward to break the law, while President Trump is sent spinning in circles if he tries to enforce it.

The unauthorized immigrants are welcomed to cascade into the United States by law-enforcement officials working along the line who accommodate their arrival but who, at least theoretically, are tasked with stopping them.

Lawbreakers are rewarded while law enforcers are hassled and harassed by judicial elitists, and by politicians who never viewed, from afar, an unfortunate person without scheming to see how the downtrodden can be manipulated to benefit them at the next election.

Trump is smacked down by lawless judges who scold him for trying to protect the nation that he constitutionally is sworn to defend.

Repeatedly blocked from doing his duty by a numbed elite whose concern is their own power and profit instead of U.S. citizens’ well-being, Trump is told by big business that there’ll be huge financial losses if border trade is restricted.

Big businessman Trump wasn’t expected to realize economic impacts? Trump, who negotiates far-flung trade deals, from China and Brazil to Canada and Mexico on his own continent?

And what of economic losses to U.S. taxpayers, who time and again are hammered with having to provide for tens of millions of advantage-grabbing illegal immigrants whose own rulers smirk that those yanquis will provide a living when los jefes feel no humanitarian obligation to help their own countrymen remain in their native lands?

Consider these words: “‘About 2,000 Central Americans are arriving in south Texas each week, claiming to be refugees. The INS’s district office in Harlingen, Texas, is now receiving more applications for asylum each day than for all of 1987.’ The great trek north has begun.”

Wait a minute. The Immigration and Naturalization Service ceased to exist under that name in 2003, and statistics from 1987 aren’t very up to date.

True enough. But lawbreakers treating the border as their doormat is nothing new.

The quotation is from the newsletter of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (whose name hasn’t changed), and it was cited by conservative commentator Pat Buchanan in his opinion column way back in early 1989. That was Buchanan’s own sentence about the great trek north beginning.

The current invasion is the grandchild of the lawlessness of 30 years ago, and has no reason to cease, not ever, as long as demands for justice to the south are deflected to unjust demands being imposed northward, on the U.S., by those who have no claim and no justification to barge in ahead of legal immigrants honoring proper procedures.

Buchanan continued in his 1989 column:

“The questions raised here are quite direct. Should the United States make a determined effort to shut its southern border to the hundreds of thousands who slip across each year?. . . Or are we obligated by our values and tradition to leave such matters to fate, to the fortunes of guerrilla war in Central America and the business cycle in Mexico City?”

Everyone deserves a better life — except maybe the millionaires who’ve already attained it — but not everyone’s better life is justifiably extracted as robbery from the back pockets of people trying to reach their own dreams.

Much can be accomplished by international cooperation, friendship, and trust. But trust is a two-way street, not just one way to the north paved by presumption.

Not so long ago even liberal Democrats much better understood the rules of justice here — not only figures like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, but also legendary labor organizer Cesar Chavez, who realized how his U.S. compadres’ wages would be undercut by border jumpers.

However, left-wing Democrats realized that their repellent, immoral agendas wouldn’t retain the loyalty of enough U.S. voters, so unknowledgeable, unauthorized newcomers would have to be imported by the millions to underpin Dem power.

Dominant media had falsely assured their news consumers there was no border crisis, up until the point when the media’s lies became more than impossible to sustain.

Reports from the border tell of the U.S. literally being overwhelmed by innumerable advantage-seekers who, astoundingly, are brought right in to stay for as long as they need, to fade away from the attention of anyone who might order them to go back home and build their future there. This is a formula for U.S. national suicide.

It is insanity perhaps appropriate only for a nation whose dominating elite wave their judicial wands to create astounding “rights” for the deadly and the disordered while circumscribing or stripping enumerated or traditional protections from law-abiding citizens.

An armed invasion force traditionally has been the way a hostile power defeats a neighbor and then brings in its own people to displace the vanquished. But today’s invasion is done without a foreign military force firing a shot — unless we count the drug cartels’ gunmen — while the U.S.’s own armed protectors are conscripted into helping guarantee our defeat.

The U.S. survived nearly two and a half centuries against slave owners, National Socialists, Communists, and other foes, but today truly may be on the verge of defeat by being submerged by countless lawbreakers manipulated by the political party of death and depravity and its allies.

Left-wing Dems and their allies know their own power comes not from encouraging people to take control but by locking them into servility, dependency, and despair. Rather than rising up against smirking Latino oligarchs, let their subjects crawl here as pawns.

The Wanderer asked conservative Republican political consultant Constantin Querard if he thought Trump would do something more concrete than has occurred thus far. Querard said:

“I think the president is sincere in trying to bring order to the border, but between judges issuing insane edicts to tie the hands of those in charge of border security, and congressional Democrats who view their only purpose in life as opposing anything Trump wants, there is little more he can do other than secure funding from existing Department of Defense projects that can be brought to bear on some wall construction.

“But building 50 miles of wall or 100 miles of wall will do little to stem the incredible surge in illegal aliens being brought on by the open-border policies the left is championing,” Querard added. “I’m not sure anything will happen to change things until after the 2020 election. That is when Americans are going to have to choose a final direction on this issue.”

The Wanderer also turned to a southern Arizona woman whom we call Mrs. Smith because she declines use of her actual name due to security concerns.

In a statement, Mrs. Smith told The Wanderer:

“The reality of what is happening at the border is indeed a crisis. And it should be apparent to all Americans. But those who do not live near the border may find it difficult to realize how huge the numbers of people from the Golden Triangle are.”

Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras often are referred to as the Triangle.

“Arizona and Texas have groups of hundreds of people brought to the border many times a day and allowed to leave the bus and walk into America and claim asylum with one or more children, who may or may not be their own,” Mrs. Smith said.

“. . . Many busloads of entrants brought by Border Patrol are being unloaded in border cities. The cities are complaining because they don’t have the ability to care for such huge numbers of people,” she said. “But neither does Border Patrol have the ability.

“Many migrants have bypassed offers of jobs in Mexico’s booming economy. Mexico needs workers because, as some estimates conclude, a quarter of the Mexican population is in America. Many of those here are illegal,” Mrs. Smith said.

“This movement of too many people too fast is socially disruptive, but they keep coming to America because they can get welfare from state and local entities and false documents on many a street corner to get federally managed benefits,” she said.

“Our country is overwhelmed because our leadership has failed us. We are on the brink of collapse,” Mrs. Smith said. “It was planned. We were warned.”

She also pointed to two articles next to each other on page 6 of the April issue of Catholic Outlook, the newspaper of the Diocese of Tucson.

The article on the left told of a former Benedictine monastery in Tucson being used as a shelter for border entrants. It highlighted one woman and children she said were her own, but she said she didn’t know what port of entry they came through. The article also named a Tucson Catholic pastor who said how inspired and invigorated he was by “these people.”

However, the article on the right said an official with Catholic Community Services said that two girls the woman had claimed were her daughters actually were her nieces, and that the group had come through the Nogales, Ariz., port of entry.

The two nieces were separated by ICE officials and held elsewhere while their actual mother’s status and the safety of her home were being investigated, the Catholic Outlook said.

Mrs. Smith told The Wanderer that the second article shows “how illegals lie.” She added that “the asylum liars are being held in the old Benedictine convent/chapel. Any bishop worth their salt would have tried to have that holy place populated again by a real religious order.”

Past The Breaking Point

Meanwhile, two top border officials during Democrat Barack Obama’s presidency admitted the proportions of the current crisis.

Mark Morgan, former head of the Border Patrol, wrote a commentary for Fox News saying, “The entire immigration system is overrun. They’re not at the breaking point, they’re past it. Border Patrol resources are being pulled off the front lines to address the unprecedented humanitarian crisis while the cartels further exploit our open borders, increasing the threat to our country.”

And Jeh Johnson, former head of the Department of Homeland Security, told Fox there were 4,000 apprehensions in just one day, “and we’re on pace for 100,000 apprehensions on our southern border” in April. “That is by far a greater number than anything I saw on my watch in my three years as secretary of Homeland Security.”

Commentator Steve Cortes posted at Real Clear Politics on April 2 that illegal immigration is one reason legal Hispanics’ support for Trump “is swelling.”

Not only do Hispanic American workers suffer by having to compete against “unfair, illegal labor,” Cortes said, but also “dangerous illegal aliens largely terrorize Hispanic citizens.”

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