Meghan McCain… Intensifies Her National Profile For Defending Preborn Babies


PHOENIX — If the late Sen. John McCain ever used his local branch library here, it would have been Century Library at 1750 E. Highland Ave. McCain’s high-rise condo was a few blocks to the east.

The morning of Tuesday, March 12, one of that city library’s workers carried some newspapers that had arrived over the weekend over to the newspaper reading racks.

One of them was the March 11 Wall Street Journal, whose opinion pages included a column that McCain’s daughter Meghan co-authored with Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.). It was headlined, “America’s Extremist Abortion Industry.”

Meghan’s pro-life views already were well known. She had been vocal about them on the ABC television daily program The View that she co-hosts.

It would have been easier for her to mute or cover up her pro-life views, especially in the big-media world she inhabits. But others’ bashfulness about standing up for preborn babies had led to where we are now, with aggressive pro-abortionists feeling free to keep expanding their outrageous radicalism, even now into the fourth trimester.

Some members of an older generation of influential Americans originally may have been beguiled into favoring Planned Parenthood when it focused on serving married couples, not forever trying to lure more single teenagers into sin, and it condemned abortion as “kill(ing) the life of a baby after it has begun.”

More recently, an incessant major-media propaganda push for both Planned Parenthood and permissive abortion has ensnared members of younger generations. But the dominantly young faces at major pro-life marches and rallies continue to show a promising future for defending the preborn.

And pro-life power within the Republican Party has only been increased after the radicalized Democratic Party kept purging and harassing its traditional-values members, who found a new home in the GOP.

Still, it’s worth recalling that the upper echelons of both major U.S. parties have produced many pro-abortion family members, even though abortion aborts the family. Among them, Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Chelsea Clinton, Barbara Pierce Bush, Nancy Reagan, Barry Goldwater’s first and second wives, Peggy and Susan, and Betty Ford.

A columnist at noted on March 1, 2017, “With the sole exception of adopted son Michael, the Reagan children are all very pro-abortion.”

It used to make no more sense to say there’s a “liberal” or “conservative” attitude toward permissive abortion than there’s such a split in thinking toward eating babies as cocktail delicacies. So if Meghan McCain can teach a lesson today that a person needn’t be a “far-right Republican” in order to protect preborn babies, so much the better.

In their March 11 Wall Street Journal column, McCain and Sasse described themselves as “unapologetic pro-lifers…(who) want to have these conversations based on compassion and science.”

They immediately added, “But infanticide isn’t complicated. The current debate is about whether or not it’s okay to deprive newborns of appropriate medical care.”

Sasse sponsored a bill, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, requiring medical care for infants who survive abortion, but most Senate Democrats blocked it from moving forward.

Noting how the Democratic Party has become ever-more radical on abortion, McCain and Sasse wrote that “the party of ‘safe, legal and rare’ has been captured by the loud voices and deep pockets of an extremist abortion industry that treats abortion as a moral good. Major Democratic politicians are even unwilling to protect the lives of babies who survive attempted abortions. . . .

“The abortion industry’s shift has been assisted by most mainstream media outlets, which have framed the issue with cheap euphemisms and a prefabricated narrative,” McCain and Sasse continued. “They describe all pro-life policies, even ones backed by a majority of Americans, as ‘controversial.’ But when pro-abortion politicians advance extreme policies, the headlines focus on pro-life ‘backlash’.”

Protecting infant survivors “shouldn’t be controversial. It shouldn’t be partisan,” the two wrote, adding later: “If there is ever an opportunity to find common ground, surely this is it.”

However, thanks to the abortion industry’s wealth and dominant media’s propaganda, pro-abortion radicals never seem to have to worry about how tiny their support is.

The Wanderer asked a few pundits and conservative activists for their reaction to Meghan McCain standing up in the Journal opinion column. Here are their responses.

Veteran national columnist Quin Hillyer: “Meghan McCain’s column with Sen. Ben Sasse was terrific. Like her father, she always has had the courage of her deepest convictions, whatever they are, and she is no shrinking violet. The pro-life movement can be very happy that one of her deepest convictions is in favor of life. Her eloquence on the subject is very welcome.”

Northern California reporter and commentator Barbara Simpson: “It’s amazing how the pro-abortion people have ganged together to defend something that most civilized people consider infanticide. We look back in history at other peoples across the world who used newborns and children as sacrifices to their ‘gods’ — it was a bloody and horrific killing of innocent life.

“Even now, as archaeologists find the mass graves of such victims, there are laments among civilized people,” Simpson said. “Yet, most of our politicians and citizens refuse to take a stand against such killing. For people like Ben Sasse and Meghan McCain, hurrah!

“How will history explain the ‘killing fields’ of today? The millions of babies — yes, they are babies — who are killed in ‘legal’ abortions across the world and especially in the United States,” she said.

“How to explain the fact that dead, aborted babies can be put in buckets and either thrown into the trash or sold to dealers who cut them limb from limb and sell the parts — yes, aborted baby parts — for varied companies which deal in such things?”

Simpson reeled off questions: “Why do we keep such ghouls in elected office? Why do so many in our states and statehouses defend such bloody actions? Why do we perpetuate it and, in fact, encourage it to increase? First, abortion. Now, infanticide. What’s next?”

John Jakubczyk, a Phoenix attorney, longtime pro-life activist and friend of John McCain: “I’m very pleased to read Meghan McCain’s article with Sen. Ben Sasse in The Wall Street Journal defending the pro-life position — that New York and other states have been extremely irrational in allowing abortion during the last trimester, even to the point of allowing for infanticide.

“It was refreshing to read such clarity. Her father would be proud. I’m also very happy that she penned the article with Ben Sasse, who’s a strong pro-life advocate,” Jakubczyk said.

Arizona conservative GOP political consultant Constantin Querard: “Kudos to everyone, including Meghan McCain, who has publicly spoken out against the extreme Democrat Party position that infanticide or ‘post-birth abortion’ is somehow moral or normal or okay.

“I’m not really sure how many of the people who are speaking out are solidly pro-life, or would advocate to repeal Roe v. Wade, etc., but anytime someone can take a moral position in public, it makes it easier for them to take the next moral position publicly, and so on,” Querard said.

A Contrary View

However, longtime Phoenix conservative GOP activist Rob Haney wasn’t impressed with Meghan McCain’s stand. Haney told The Wanderer:

“Praising Meghan McCain for her anti-infanticide comments is like lauding Catholic prelates who voice opposition to abortion while giving the Communion Host to pro-abortion Catholic politicians and supporting open borders, which has massively increased the Democrat Party’s pro-abortion vote.

“It is like praising the Kennedys for their sponsorship of Special Olympics for Down syndrome children while they voted for legislation to kill these children by aborting them before they are born,” Haney continued.

“It is like former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer honoring Cindy McCain for her efforts to stop human trafficking while ignoring the fact that Cindy’s husband, Sen. John McCain, was doing all he could to protect human trafficking through his support of the illegal-alien invasion,” said Haney, a longtime foe of the late senator.

“Hypocrisy has been a longtime resident in the McCain family, dating back to John’s arrival on the scene. One incident attacking infanticide on an ultra-left-wing talk show where Meghan was hired because she is McCain’s daughter and is paid to chip in an occasional establishment opinion does not put a stamp of authenticity on her conservative passport,” he said.

“Her record is that of a loud-mouthed, bullying screamer attacking pro-life politicians and conservative principles. She rates an F+ as a conservative spokeswoman,” Haney said.

Closing note: Phoenix’s Century Library, like libraries across the land, puts all sorts of opinions on the shelves. One thing that doesn’t belong on shelves, though, is outright falsehoods, like the phony tales from Missouri historian James Hitchcock, claiming that The Wanderer intentionally promotes pro-abortion politicians. An apparently embarrassed Hitchcock since has fallen strangely silent, but his apology and needed corrections are long overdue.

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