Never Trump?… The Case Against “Sitting Out” The Presidential Election


Part 2

(Editor’s Note: Brian Clowes is the director of research and training at Human Life International. To receive an electronic copy of this four-part article with footnotes, e-mail him at

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The consequences of anti-Trump voters sitting out this election go far beyond President Hillary Clinton packing the federal court system with extreme leftists. Conservatives who don’t vote or who write in a hopeless candidate are helping ensure that millions more unborn babies will pay the ultimate price.

The Obama administration has backed up the abortion industry at every turn, but President Hillary Clinton will go much further. Pro-abortion leaders universally acknowledge that the three highest priorities of Clinton’s presidency will be abortion, more abortion, and even more abortion.

Since 2010, when Republicans swept state elections across the country, 334 new protective pro-life laws have been enacted. Under a Clinton presidency, this momentum would quickly grind to a halt.

As the federal court system under President Clinton becomes progressively more and more liberal, leftist judges will throw out most pro-life laws, and the abortion rate will steadily creep back up to 1.2 million a year or even more. At the end of Clinton’s second term, only ineffectual vestiges of state restrictions will remain — and, as a result, at least an additional two million babies will have died unnecessarily during her tenure.

The final draft of the new Democratic Party platform calls for repealing the Hyde Amendment (which prohibits the use of federal tax dollars to fund abortion domestically) and the Helms Amendment (which bans the use of tax dollars to promote abortion overseas). This is the most extreme stance on abortion that a major party has ever adopted.

Clinton herself opposes every pro-life law that is currently in force or has been proposed, including the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the ban on sex-selection abortions, and the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act.

Think about this for a moment. Clinton would allow perfectly healthy full-term babies to die in agony of thirst and starvation just because their mothers don’t want them.

Not surprisingly, she has also passionately defended the inhumane partial-birth abortion procedure, going so far as to compare those who would ban it to Communist dictators.

Clinton received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award in 2009, and has said that she admires “Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision,” and that she is “really in awe of” Sanger for her work.

She has also said that “I want to assure you that reproductive rights and the umbrella issue of women’s rights and empowerment will be a key to the foreign policy of this administration.”

In other words, Clinton wants to export Sanger’s racist and eugenicist population suppression policies all over the world. This will make the work of international pro-life groups virtually impossible, since the current six billion dollars currently donated by the USA to population suppression programs annually will be greatly increased.

Money doesn’t only talk — it screams at politicians in developing nations, and we will see its corrupting influence on people and democracy lead to one pro-life nation after another legalizing abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, as we recently saw in Kenya.

Clinton has also said that “if right-wing politicians actually cared as much about protecting women’s health as they say they do, they’d join me in calling for more federal funding for Planned Parenthood.”

PP consumed 554 million of our tax dollars in 2015, and Clinton wants to give it even more.

So, if Hillary Clinton becomes our 45th president, all or most of the following will inevitably occur:

The Hyde Amendment will be repealed, resulting in full funding for all abortions under Obamacare, in turn leading to a 25 percent increase in abortions to at least 1.2 million a year;

The Helms Amendment will be repealed, meaning a huge increase in abortion and population control funding by the United States, leading to many Latin American and African nations legalizing abortion on demand;

The Weldon Amendment will be repealed, forcing thousands of pro-life medical professionals out of practice. In fact, prospective doctors will not even be able to enter medical school until they positively affirm that they are “pro-choice” and actually perform abortions with their own hands during their practicums;

The leaders of rabid pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, EMILY’s List and others will not only have free access to the White House to give advice on policy, but will actually be appointed to high government positions, where they will make policy governing the entire nation;

There will be a gigantic increase in federal funding of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, making the abortion giant virtually invincible;

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) will be signed into law, meaning a total ban of all pro-life picketing and praying outside abortion mills;

Pro-life crisis pregnancy centers will be actively suppressed by the government through continuous legal harassment or outright closure for alleged “false advertising,” which NARAL and other pro-abortion groups have already demanded;

The Internal Revenue Service will continue to harass pro-life and other conservative groups, but at a much more intense level; and

Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide will be legalized nationwide by an extreme leftist Supreme Court.

Terrorism And Immigration

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jer. 29:7).

Washington, D.C. San Bernardino. Fort Hood, Texas. Philadelphia. Chattanooga. Columbus, Ohio. Orlando.

As American bodies pile up, the Democratic echo chamber, led by Barack Obama, blame not radical Islam for the slaughter, but guns and Christianity. We can expect much more of the same under President Hillary Clinton.

I disagree with Donald Trump’s initially proposed outright ban on Muslim immigration to the United States. However, we have to face the facts. The Islamic religion and race are not the problem. Islamic culture is the problem.

There are certain practices that simply cannot exist within a democracy without leading to lethal conflict. If an Islamic immigrant has been raised to believe that homosexuals should be executed, that women are chattel, and that everyone who does not embrace Islam should be forced into dhimmitude (servitude), it will be impossible for him to be assimilated into Western culture because the chasm between his beliefs and ours is simply too great.

Such people will be unsuccessful and isolated in Western culture, will become resentful, and will rage against the pervasive and flagrant corruption of the West.

Five hundred eighty people have been convicted of terror-related charges in the United States since 9/11, and 380 of these were foreign born. This number will dramatically increase under a Clinton presidency.

The USA must not be turned into a gigantic refugee camp. We should welcome talented and hard-working people to our nation, people who will contribute to our economic and moral progress. But we should not accept millions of poor, uneducated people, many of who are fundamentally opposed to our way of life.

No other nation in the world has done this without disastrous consequences — look at how Germany and France are faring. How can we lead the world toward true peace and democracy when our own nation is in turmoil? The only logical and workable way to free the millions oppressed by fundamentalist Islam is to strengthen ourselves so we can export democracy and authentic economic development (sans “reproductive health”) around the world.

Americans are gradually letting go of the illusion that terrorism is something that happens “somewhere else.” Since September 11, 2001, there have been nearly 30,000 Islamic terrorist attacks in more than 50 different nations. These attacks have murdered 200,000 people and wounded 275,000 others.

This is an average of five terror attacks every single day for 15 years straight. And ISIS plans to ramp up the terror in the “Great Satan” (the USA) until even smaller towns are targeted on a regular basis.

Senior United States senators have testified that ISIS boasts about smuggling fighters to Europe on refugee ships. It would be equally simple to travel to Mexico and travel north from there.

In fact, CIA Director John Brennan warned that “we judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks. ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. The group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including in refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel.”

While legal immigrants face a daunting and expensive process to become citizens, illegals can simply walk across the border and be welcomed with free health care and education, can live in “sanctuary cities,” and are rarely deported for even violent criminal activity. Additionally, 99 percent of Syrian refugees arriving under the latest Obama decree are Muslims, even as Christians are being systematically exterminated in both that nation and Iraq.

Hillary Clinton has promised amnesty for the 11 million to 24 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States, with a fast track to full citizenship and voting rights. Since the vast majority of these people will vote Democratic, it is quite clear that both Obama and Clinton are using immigration as a tool to ensure permanent political control by Democrats.

So, if enough conservatives stay at home on November 8, most or all of the following events will occur:

We will see millions of new Democratic voters flooding the polls beginning in 2020, making it almost impossible for Republicans to win office at any level of government;

More and more terrorists will be welcomed into our nation among the tide of refugees arriving from the south;

Terror attacks will escalate in the USA and will become a weekly or even a daily occurrence. In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia, terror attacks happen daily, and weary citizens have become used to the carnage. Americans will eventually get beaten into the same fatalistic attitude;

The number of “sanctuary cities,” where liberals simply ignore federal law and where foreign criminals are welcomed, will greatly increase;

Clinton will expand Obama’s open borders and unlimited immigration policies, leading to much higher tax rates as millions cross the border only to go directly onto welfare;

We will see “no-go” zones under strict Sharia law metastasizing like cancers in our large cities, just as they have in the great cities of Europe; and

The radical Muslim population will push to advance its own civil rights at the expense of the rights of others, as has happened in Europe, so criticism of Islam or the Prophet Mohammed will eventually be criminalized nationwide.

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