Never Trump?. . . The Case Against “Sitting Out” The Presidential Election


Part 1

(Editor’s Note: This is the first in a four-part series by Brian Clowes, director of research and training at Human Life International, on why “sitting out” this presidential election could lead to disaster. )

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“I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death” — Alexis de Tocqueville.

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For the past six months, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump (and Bernie Sanders, too) have dominated every media outlet every single day. This makes me earnestly wonder why a nation of 325 million people can’t do better than a totally corrupt, compulsive liar, a delusional, broken-down Socialist, and a narcissistic billionaire who can’t keep his mouth shut.

Ever since Ronald Reagan crushed Walter Mondale in the 1984 presidential elections, pro-life leaders have warned: “This election is the most important in the history of the United States! If we don’t win, we’re finished!”

I have never believed this scare-mongering — until now. This time, the mysterious “they” are absolutely correct. We are truly at a tipping point; eight (or even four) more years of “fundamentally transforming America” will undoubtedly take us to the point of no return, where we will not be able to recover the country we knew and loved for at least the next two generations — if ever.

The one group of people that will ensure that Hillary Clinton takes the oath of office as the 45th president of the United States on January 20, 2017 is not the media, Black Lives Matter, or the ACLU: It is #nevertrump.

This is the first political article I have ever written, and I would not be writing it if Ted Cruz were still in the race, because there would be no question about whom to vote for. I am deeply concerned — even frightened — about what a President Donald Trump would do and say.

But when the FBI confirmed that Hillary Clinton had lied repeatedly to the American people but refused to charge her with a crime, it confirmed for me that Clinton would continue the lawless presidency of Barack Hussein Obama under the dictum: “Laws are for the little people.”

“What is on the line is what truly is the most important election of our lifetime” — Nancy Pelosi, at the Democratic National Convention, July 29, 2016.

For once, I agree with Nancy.

First and foremost, when voting (or not voting) for president, we must remember that the next chief executive will shape the fundamental character of the entire federal court system for at least the next two generations.

The power of these courts cannot be exaggerated; they have the final say not only on moral issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and “gay rights,” but also on immigration, terrorism, taxes, health care, gun rights, and literally every other aspect of our lives. Obama could not possibly “fundamentally transform” America without a complicit court system.

By the time he leaves office in January 2017, President Obama will have appointed two Supreme Court judges and about 350 other federal judges, or 40 percent of the total of 865. By the end of Clinton’s second term in 2024, 80 percent of all federal judges would be extreme liberals. The Supreme Court would become irrelevant to conservatives, because none of the lawsuits we file against presidential overreach would ever make it past the circuit or district court level.

This means that President Clinton will be able to do absolutely anything she desires, no matter how blatantly unconstitutional, and conservative lawsuits will simply never be heard at the Supreme Court.

For example, she could enact the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) by executive order, thereby eliminating all pro-life laws at the federal and state level. She could abolish the Hyde and Helms Amendments, which respectively prohibit federal funding of abortions in the USA and overseas.

With the stroke of a pen she could erase the Weldon Amendment, which protects conscience rights for pro-life doctors, nurses and pharmacists. This would confront them all with the choice of either cooperating with evil or leaving the medical profession entirely.

Of course, Hillary will not even have to go to the effort of lifting her pen after she appoints three or four Supreme Court justices. A liberal Supreme Court would certainly find the ban on partial-birth abortion to be unconstitutional (that ban was upheld by a razor-thin 5-4 majority in Gonzalez v. Carhart in 2007).

In addition, the court could easily find an absolute “right to abortion” in the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and then sweep away with one decision most or all of the restrictions on abortion that pro-life advocates have labored for tirelessly over the last 43 years, including ultrasound requirements, waiting periods, parental consent requirements, and prohibitions on non-physicians performing abortions.

From that point onward, it would be fruitless for pro-lifers to even attempt to place any legal limitations whatsoever on abortion. The legislative lobbying work of pro-life advocacy groups would be totally and utterly pointless. Millions of additional unborn children would die who would not be aborted under a Trump presidency.

Pro-lifers should not be the only people worried about the courts. Let us say, for example, that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals applies the popular liberal legal theory that the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms applies only to military units and approved militias, and not to individual citizens.

All the Supreme Court (which, by 2024, would be stacked 8-1 or 7-2 with liberals) has to do is decline to hear the inevitable NRA appeal, and that’s it, boys and girls. Within 30 days, you must turn in your guns to your local police station. And, since we now have a federal registry, as directed by President Clinton, we will know who does not comply, and we will knock on your door at 4 a.m. — Soon.

Can’t happen in the USA? Ask any Brit or Aussie. It happened to them, and Clinton has expressed support for a gun buyback and/or confiscation program similar to what was enforced in those two nations.

If an outright gun ban cannot be forced upon law-abiding American people, Clinton plans to enact legislation that would hold gun manufacturers and sellers liable for crimes committed by felons using their products! For just a moment, try to imagine this insane theory being applied to auto manufacturers, who would be sued for every death and injury caused by highway accidents.

If Hillary Clinton gets her way, it will be impossible for you to purchase a new gun, because all gun manufacturers would be driven out of business by a tidal wave of frivolous lawsuits funded by anti-gun billionaires like Michael Bloomberg. You would not be able to buy, sell, or trade your used guns because all gun dealers and services would meet the same fate. You could not even buy ammunition, because ammo manufacturers would also all be driven out of business.

But criminals? No problem there. They would have all the guns and ammo they need to become super-predators against an unarmed and defenseless populace.

As far as crime is concerned, Trump has promised to be the “law and order” president, while Hillary Clinton invited the mothers of dead thugs, killed while committing felonies, to speak at the Democratic convention.

Need I say more?

By contrast, Donald Trump has pledged to appoint only strict constructionist, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and pro-religious liberty judges and justices, he has also stated that he will do away with the 1954 Johnson Amendment, which, as most credible legal scholars agree, unconstitutionally muzzles pastors regarding issues relating to politics and political candidates.

Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, has said that repealing this restriction will have a “huge” impact that will allow a “revolution for conservative Christians” to take place.

After all, the number one enemy the Culture of Death fears is the Church, which has been muzzled for decades.

Destroying Religion

And Family

So, if enough people stick with #nevertrump and refuse to vote, all or most of the following will undoubtedly happen:

All law-abiding citizens will lose their guns, leaving them defenseless against well-armed thugs and criminals, who will certainly take advantage of the situation. This means that violent crime will skyrocket, and many more innocent people will be murdered.

The readiness of our military will continue to be degraded by liberal social experimentation, leading to rogue states becoming bolder and bolder in their aggressions.

The power of the Internal Revenue Service will continue to target and stifle the First Amendment rights of conservative groups, but with much greater intensity.

A government-guaranteed mandatory minimum income will be enforced, which would double our national debt from $22 trillion to more than $40 trillion in eight years, and will lead to millions more being unemployed and resorting to welfare.

Those who publicly express their doubt about global warming and climate change will be vigorously prosecuted under the federal racketeering (RICO) statutes.

Home-schooling will be banned, or at least made so burdensome that almost everyone will give up on it.

The United States will completely abandon Israel to the tender mercies of her bloodthirsty Islamic enemies, and Clinton will continue Obama’s incoherent and servile Middle East Policy, which directly encourages terrorism.

Obamacare will be expanded and strengthened to the point that the average family is paying more for its premiums than it is for its mortgage.

And Hillary Clinton’s cabinet will decide the outer limits of our freedom of conscience and whether or not we can worship God and raise our children as our consciences dictate.

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