Now A “Protected” Class . . . School Board Allows “Transgenders” To Use Facilities Of Opposite Sex


Barack Obama’s administration trying to force “transgender” students into the lavatories and locker rooms of the opposite sex frighteningly demonstrates there’s no limit to the radical “transformation” of this nation planned by the morally corrupt president.

If Republican presidential nominee John McCain in 2008 had warned that a vote for Democrat Obama would mean boys and girls soon invading each other’s bathrooms at school, McCain would have been forced to withdraw his candidacy amid hurricanes of media outrage.

And many other voters would have been astonished at McCain making such an assertion.

Yet Obama and his administrative thugs are doing precisely that now, yet liberal media look away benignly. Should Obama be forced off the public stage for this overwhelming violation? Never! Move along, nothing to see here.

The public is expected to buckle under with a meek smile and slouched shoulders to government-imposed outrages. And just keep that tax money pouring in to fund Obama’s bureaucrats.

Nor is the issue confined to locker rooms and lavatories. It’s part of Obama’s sweeping strategy of social disorder, to indoctrinate young people that they can be whatever gender or combination of genders they please.

If we accept these corrupt mandates, we have only ourselves to blame. However, we can shout no.

Is the United States, founded on revolution against an oppressive government, about ready to stop complying with rulers who are busy trying to compel immorality that even King George never would have dared dream of?

Joy Pullman, managing editor of The Federalist website (the, is among those calling attention to rising parental outrage against the Fairfax, Va., school board’s 10-1 vote to have students of the opposite sex entering and using youngsters’ sex-sensitive facilities.

Why in the world? The Obama administration demands it.

Pullman posted on May 22: “Board members said they had no choice: The feds were threatening to yank $47 million, or 1.7 percent of the district’s annual budget, if they did not comply with the Obama administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX, which demands, completely outside statute, that schools enable teachers and children whose parents are indulging them in the dangerous fancy that they can somehow convert themselves into a member of the opposite sex, against science, tradition, psychology, and sanity.”

Young people with sexual-orientation problems need help instead of being told they should impose their problems on everyone else, Pullman and others said.

“We’re also losing the ability to truly love transgender kids by working out local policies that protect them during a vulnerable time while not sacrificing the sexual innocence and vulnerability of the other 99 percent of kids,” Pullman continued.

“We’re losing the ability of teachers to actually look at and pay attention to the children in front of them instead of having to monitor the constant flow of mandatory testing data on an iPad.”

Val Turner, a Virginian who lives beyond the Fairfax school district, told The Wanderer in an email that this transformational strategy is on the march, even if parents think their district won’t be affected.

“Parents and citizens must wake up and get involved in their local school boards,” said Turner, a Tea Party activist who lives in Goochland County, west of the state capital of Richmond. “This is coming to their communities.

“I can tell you,” she added, “even with great school boards like the one I have in my county, there are hidden agendas being introduced where unsuspecting board members do not always realize what is sneaking in.”

Although hundreds of parents attended a Fairfax school board meeting, with the vast majority in opposition to the Obama policy, Turner said, “That did not stop the school board. I think they forgot they have a fiduciary relationship with the students and parents to act on their behalf. They acted on behalf of the federal government, who is pushing this ‘gender identity’ agenda. . . .

“The Office of Civil Rights wants transgenders added to their list of ‘protected’ classes,” she said. “At that point, parents, students, and teachers will be subject to legal prosecution if they express discomfort with a transgender in the bathroom or locker room. In other words, discrimination [against] the majority belief system.

“Think of the confusion our children will face,” Turner said. “Imagine where this indoctrination can lead. How about, we all deserve respect?”

Through the years, Republicans have withered under media assertions that the GOP is always trying to make children starve and shiver by some proposed change to a budget. Yet the Obama government directly was saying it would withhold school lunch funding in order to get its way, but liberal media snoozed.

The president of a major Virginia social-conservative group, Victoria Cobb, of the Family Foundation of Virginia, noted on May 11 that Obama’s administration was “threatening to withhold federal money for things like lunches if schools don’t bow to the president’s version of sexual morality.

“Remarkably,” Cobb continued, “using the force of the federal government to bully school boards by threatening to literally keep children from eating has raised nary an eyebrow among the media and liberal secular elite.

“But,” she added, “the ACLU was really upset that some parents booed the school board or exhibited outrage that the school board is putting their children at risk….

“Once again, this type of policy forces our children — in elementary school — to confront sex issues they are not ready to handle, and to have their privacy invaded in the school bathroom,” Cobb said.

“We believe a policy that provides alternative facilities for a child struggling with sexual-identity issues is more appropriate and protects the rights of all children.

“Our children deserve to know that they can walk into a bathroom and not be confronted by someone of the opposite sex,” she said. reported on May 12: “Last April, the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights decided that gender identity is a protected class, and that Title IX, which only bars sexual discrimination, will now be treated as though it ‘extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity’.”

Todd Starnes reported at Fox News on May 15 regarding the Fairfax County Public Schools: “One of the nation’s largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum — the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.”

Starnes quoted a spokesman at the morally traditional Family Research Council saying: “Human beings are created male and female. But the current transgender ideology goes way beyond that. They’re telling us you can be both genders, you can be no gender, you can be a gender that you make up for yourself. And we’re supposed to affirm all of it.”

Cobb, the Family Foundation of Virginia president, also said in her May 11 statement: “The good news from Fairfax, despite the school board’s rejection of common sense and the concerns of parents, is that several churches and even the Republican Party of the county mobilized to oppose the policy. In fact, churches that heretofore had been reluctant to get involved in ‘political’ issues encouraged their members to contact school board members or attend the meeting.”

This is an instance, Cobb said, where people are being forced to defend themselves, even if they thought they could be uninvolved.

Citing conservative commentator Erick Erickson, she said, “Erick Erickson of RedState often says of the onslaught of the sexual-liberty agenda, ‘You will be made to care.’ Maybe, just maybe, some churches and political leaders in Virginia are finally taking heed.”

By The People

Pullman, the Federalist managing editor, also called attention in her article to social scientist Charles Murray’s advocacy of restoring individual liberty through civil disobedience in his new book, By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission (Crown Forum, New York).

Murray, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, argues that government has grown so big and sclerotic that Congress won’t roll it back. The people must.

He says it should be possible for people to ignore meddling government regulations without the government coming after them. If enough people ignore enough offensive, officious regulations, the government would have to give in, says Murray.

A May 13 blog at the libertarian Cato Institute’s website said that Murray “argues that American government today is so far divorced from the nation’s founding principles of limited government and individual liberty that it can’t be returned to those principles through normal political action. No presidential administration, congressional turnover, or set of [Supreme Court] appointments will restore the Commerce and General Welfare clauses.

“Thus, he writes, supporters of liberty should try to effect change through carefully chosen but broadly adopted acts of civil disobedience against publicly unpopular regulations,” the blog said.


Promotional information about By the People says: “American freedom is being gutted. Whether we are trying to run a business, practice a vocation, raise our families, cooperate with our neighbors, or follow our religious beliefs, we run afoul of the government — not because we are doing anything wrong but because the government has decided it knows better. When we object, that government can and does tell us, ‘Try to fight this, and we’ll ruin you’.”

However, the information about the book says, the “federal government has a fatal weakness: It can get away with its thousands of laws and regulations only if the overwhelming majority of Americans voluntarily comply with them. Murray describes how civil disobedience backstopped by legal defense funds can make large portions of the 180,000-page Federal Code of Regulations unenforceable, through a targeted program that identifies regulations that arbitrarily and capriciously tell us what to do.

“Americans have it within their power to make the federal government an insurable hazard like hurricanes and floods, leaving us once again free to live our lives as we see fit.”

Murray hopes for the beginning of the thin edge of a movement “that can work to wonderful effect.”

Obama’s corrupt kingship sets forth one immoral, monstrous edict after another and expects compliance.

If the American people continue bowing to this, they’ll have only themselves to blame when they’re finally crushed to dust by overweening punishments, penalties, and compulsions.

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