Obama’s Transgender Transformation Of America


Please forgive me for covering this disturbing topic again. I really wish that I did not have to write about subjects like these, but as a writer I am simply documenting the sick state of our current human condition.

There are ugly things happening in our times, things that should have been kept in the dark depths of a seedy New York City nightclub. But here we are in the middle of America and coast to coast, facing the biggest attack on decency and morality in our lifetimes.

It is no surprise that President Barack Obama has named a transgender individual to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Now whatever this word “transgender” means, I’m not sure, but the powers-that-be will ensure that it’s here to stay.

A “transgender” individual for all intents and purposes is someone whose circuit board has gone haywire. A transgendered person believes that he or she is the opposite gender of their God-given biological gender.

Some attempt to surgically transform themselves into the opposite sex.

A Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R. McHugh, has studied transgendered people for 40 years, and has stated that it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

What is it about this unsettling transgender obsession President Obama and his administration have? If they aren’t threatening to cut federal funding from any school that does not adopt the “anything goes” bathroom rules, Obama is naming men in dresses to advise him on faith-based issues and concerns.

I wonder how his latest appointee, Barbara Satin, the retired U.S. Air Force veteran formerly known as . . . wait a minute, we don’t know what his real name is because it has been scrubbed clean off any website on the Internet. Mr. Satin only refers to his once-male side as “David.”

Either way, I wonder how Obama’s Muslim friends will react to collaborating on so-called faith-based initiatives with Mr. Satin.

“But Rey, you said the individual’s name is Barbara. Why did you just call him ‘Mister’?,” you may well ask. Because Mr. Satin is a mister, regardless of what his imagination is telling him. As long as he remains alive, he is, was, and will always remain a man, albeit in a dress and baubles.

Mr. Satin was baptized and raised as a Catholic, and he also was married at one time to a woman and had three children with her. Today it is reported that he is also a grandfather — or does he prefer to be called “Granny”?

Did you ever think or imagine in your wildest dreams that we would even have to have this conversation or you would be reading about things like this in The Wanderer, no less?

It really is beyond frightening and the deeper we get into this kind of filth, the harder it will be to bring society back to some kind of social sanity. We are being attacked at all levels by the satanic forces that want to transform everything that is natural into things that are unnatural and abhorrent.

Despite having lost billions in dollars and many customers, retailer Target remains steadfast in defending its “transgenders welcome in any bathroom” store policy. It seems that the agenda has taken over Target’s desire to run a business the same way that the Obama’s administration’s desire to fundamentally transform America into some transgendered utopia is more important than abiding by the U.S. Constitution.

In 2010 the United States Census Bureau reported that 89,667 individuals reported having changed their first names to a name of the opposite gender, and 21,833 had also changed their sex identification. These folks did not have any surgery or hormonal treatments so far as these numbers go; they were simply allowed by a government agency to “identify” as something they are not.

In another 2011 study, the Williams Institute reported a rough estimate that only 0.3 percent of the entire United States population is transgendered. That is 0.3 percent of approximately 319 million people in the nation.

Why in the world do we have to transform the entire Western Civilization based on less than one percent of the U.S. population?

While homosexuality and men in dresses have been a longtime theme in Hollywood, this is the first time we have witnessed such a devilish enthusiasm on the part of the supposed Leader of the Free World.

Never will we forget how Obama lit up the White House in rainbow lights last year after his Supreme Court forced its mockery of marriage upon our nation.

It seems now that the Obama presidency is drawing nearer to its most merciful end, he is making sure he causes as much damage as possible before he makes his most eagerly anticipated exit.

The 800-pound conundrum that continues to baffle me is how Obama’s esteemed Muslim refugees and his beloved homosexual community will learn to coexist in this nation, given Islam’s historic persecution of homosexuals.

Regarding the White House directive issued a couple of weeks ago requiring that all schools which receive federal funding should not “discriminate” against transgendered students: Obama was recently quoted as saying, “When it comes to respecting the equal rights of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, whether they’re transgender or gay or lesbian, although I respect their different viewpoints, I think it’s very important for us not to send signals that anybody is treated differently.”

Yet he treats, and effectively persecutes, the 99.7 percent of the rest of our nation differently.

The good news I’ll leave you with is that there are now 11 states suing the Obama administration over his insane directive. That directive does nothing more than confirm his Obama’s arrogance and place women and children in danger anytime some sick individual tries to twist Obama’s rules for his own evil purposes.

One more thing about Target: While they like to release contradictory and ludicrous statements like this — “Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. And you’ll always be accepted, respected, and welcomed at Target”— I ask you: How many millions of Americans has Target now made feel disrespected, unwelcome, and certainly not accepted?

I invite you all to continue to support the Target boycott and sign the petition at the American Family Association’s website at www.AFA.net and also plan on cutting up your Target credit cards and protesting at your local Target store on Saturday, June 4, for Faith2Action’s “Don’t Target Our Daughters Day.” More information at www.F2A.org.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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