Orthodox Rabbi . . . Says Pope Emeritus Benedict Should Speak Out Before Synod


ST. PAUL — Orthodox Rabbi Yehuda Levin of Brooklyn, a longtime pro-life, pro-family activist, in a September 9 telephone interview with The Wanderer said he is “calling upon the eminent Pope Benedict…to weigh in before the Synod” against same-sex marriage and civil unions, as well as “on all the negative things that are going on.”

Rabbi Levin offered his view that Benedict has “got to be a fighter for this,” given “the volume of the negative stuff” and because “God and His people are under attack in a vicious way,” particularly in their efforts to defend marriage.

He said he is calling upon the Pope Emeritus “as a plea…to come out with great clarification.”

Rabbi Levin has been interviewed by several pro-life and religious outlets recently, notably on September 8 with LifeSiteNews on the subject of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk imprisoned for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Davis was released after the LifeSiteNews interview.

In the article, written by Hannah Westen, Rabbi Levin stated: “On a theological basis, I am absolutely jealous of this woman; every minute she sits in prison to honor God’s name she obtains an immense heavenly reward.”

Levin, the official spokesman for the 850-member Rabbinical Alliance of America, told LifeSiteNews that Davis received “a personal email from a very distinguished head of a rabbinical court in New Jersey court on behalf of 1,500 Orthodox Jewish families.”

“Kim Davis,” he said, “is giving us, the entire country, another opportunity to make a reckoning of what is happening here.” What’s happening, he said is “homo-fascist bullying.” He added, “This just has to be called out for what it is.”

Rabbi Levin expressed his disappointment and concern in the millions of Americans who are silent at this crucial time when “we are already at the tipping point into the depths of Sodom.”

Even Sodom, he added, “did not have the temerity and the chutzpah (as we say in Jewish) to codify same gender marriage. . . . As bad as they were and they were — destroyed because of sodomy — they nevertheless never codified same gender ‘marriage’.”

God sends us messages and we should be paying attention, Rabbi Levin told LifeSiteNews, calling attention to current events he sees as warnings from Heaven: The FBI tells us there are terrorist groups ready to act in America; Planned Parenthood is busy almost in a Nazi-like way selling body parts; the U.S. economically is on the brink of crisis; there are numerous fires and floods.

According to Rabbi Levin, Davis is an ambassador of God through her self-sacrifice and by her acts is trying to wake up the nation to oppose “the homo-fascist bullying in its ugliest form.”

“Those people could have gone to any number of clerks who would marry them,” however, he said, “they want to crush any little resistance any packet of fealty and fidelity to God.”

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