Pelosi On Pro-Abort Parade . . . Has Catholic Hierarchy Cower Behind Her Seamy Shadow


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) gets invited to speak at lots of places. As well as her changes of clothes for a woman much on camera, she has two tricky faces in her purse, to be put on and off as they suit her audience and ambition.

Here’s bad Catholic Pelosi on Capitol Hill behind a lectern labeled “Equal Access to Abortion, Everywhere.” Flanking her are members of the Democratic Women’s Caucus and the Pro-Choice Caucus.

A May 23 news release from her office reported Pelosi’s remarks as she saluted pro-abortionists from groups with names like “Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity,” “All Above All,” and — now, here’s a familiar one — Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortionist. Represented by its new president, Dr. Leana Wen.

Oops, that didn’t work out so well. Less than two months later, PP dumped Wen in July for being insufficiently pro-abortion. Did Pelosi hang her head a little bit in shame for associating with such a renegade?

Well, always plenty of time for Pelosi to redeem herself. Or is there? At 79 years old, Pelosi carries almost half as many years on her back as the Golden State she represents in Congress, a state that entered the Union 169 years ago.

California may have a long future despite the earthly ills of earthquakes, floods, and fires, but human mortality is briefer — for everyone. It’s merely honesty and realism for any 79-year-old to calculate that she or he will be pushing up daisies 25 years hence, so a pressing order of business should be getting one’s earthly record in order for review Up Above.

How time can fly. Looking backward, 25 years ago was just 1994, during Bill Clinton’s first presidential term.

And what has Pelosi been up to recently to make amends for pushing massive permissive abortion as the core of the Democratic Party agenda? Why, doing more of the same.

A September 26 news release from Pelosi’s office reported her speaking at the fiftieth anniversary dinner of the radical pro-abortion organization NARAL. (One might think that after all this time, NARAL would get the idea to get itself a new acronym that sounds less like SNARL, but that hope so far has been in vain.)

The NARAL-ers and Pelosi expressed their love for each other, then she turned to a litany of evasions and euphemisms where no infant ever dies in abortion because to acknowledge the helpless babies slaughtered by the millions might snap Pelosi out of her cold fog of gibberish.

Pelosi also noted the dinner’s presence of Hillary Clinton as the recipient of NARAL’s lifetime achievement award.

Restrictions of permissive abortion “violate the Constitution,” Pelosi insisted. “They ignore basic morality. They imperil the health and well-being of countless women.”

On and on she plowed about the blessedness of massive abortion — hey, did you hear that’s “basic morality”? “It’s about respect. It’s about respect,” she echoed herself.

She got a laugh by noting how long she’d been fighting for abortion — “before many of you” were around. That is, before many of you younger folks were, ulp, born.

The gibberish was unbearable. This is a fight “for generations to come,” said Pelosi, whose aim was to kill off many in those generations as best she can.

Still, Pelosi managed to one-up herself. Beaming at decades of infant slaughter and hoping for its unending future, the Abortion Queen was sad, too.

“This is a very sad time for our country,” she continued. “I say this to you with great sorrow and prayerfulness.”

What, Nancy? Despite mountains of dead babies, there’s something to be sad and prayerful about?

Alas, the monster Donald Trump is on the loose, Pelosi groaned, a lawbreaker violating patriotism and the very Constitution. You know, the Constitution that guarantees unending abortion slaughter.

We must pray for our country, the Abortion Queen said. “Prayerfully, we want God to bless America” and all of its beautiful inheritance.

Uh, Nancy, if we inherited it from someone, they must not have killed us so we could be born to enjoy it.

Nancy, what’s all that red dripping off your sleeves? The Planned Parenthood worker you just handed a donation to hadn’t washed up after surgery?

“God bless all of you, God bless America,” the Abortion Queen beamed, needing both a change of clothes and a change of mind and heart.

Only a few days before the NARAL festivities for death, Pelosi’s office had another news release on September 21, in which she also spoke of generations passing by.

This time the Abortion Queen was delivering her tribute from the pulpit during the funeral of liberal Catholic journalist Cokie Roberts at the Cathedral of St. Matthew, in the nation’s capital.

This news release said Pelosi said in part: “As Cokie shared the stories of the suffragists upon whose shoulders we stand, she empowered the next generation of women leaders to stand on her shoulders.”

That is, the ones who don’t get aborted. posted an article on September 27 that reported Roberts and her husband Steve “had a long-running influential column, which they used to ridicule pro-life advocates as ‘extremists.’ The two referred to the federal ban on partial-birth abortion as ‘off the track’ and ‘cynical game-playing’ on the part of pro-life activists.”

The pro-life news service added that Cokie Roberts “was highly critical of Pope Benedict XVI, accusing him of ‘really lacking in the theological virtue of charity,’ being ‘an extremely controversial choice’ as Pope, and ‘the most conservative voice of Catholicism’.”

This article was illustrated with a photo of Pelosi at the pulpit as politically liberal D.C. Archbishop Wilton Gregory and other churchmen sat passively behind her.

Gregory’s homily praised Roberts as “an extraordinary, professional servant of the truth,” reported.

The news service said the archdiocesan newspaper “ran a glowing article on the funeral that did not mention Roberts’ pro-abortion, left-wing views or the fact that eulogies are not in the rubrics of the funeral Mass, and the politician who delivered this one has spent decades advancing the pro-abortion cause while touting her ‘Catholic’ faith.”

Even if Roberts had been a lifelong saintly pro-lifer, the Abortion Queen who is House leader of the Party of Death would have been an appalling selection to command the pulpit at one of the most significant Catholic churches in the nation while churchmen sat passively.

The photo encapsulated what has eaten away at Church authority and influence, due to the same clerical passivity, deference, even cowardice toward ruthless, corrupt, lying left-wing politicians of the Culture of Death.

No Longer Shocked

The Wanderer asked three sources for their reaction.

Rob Haney, a conservative Catholic and former chairman of the Phoenix-based Maricopa County Republican Party, said, “I am no longer shocked or outraged by the cavalier practices of our episcopacy and their acceptance of the apparent mortal sins of self-proclaimed Catholic politicians and celebrities.

“Twenty years ago, I was shocked when our local diocesan priests and staff proclaimed their support for the ‘seamless garment theory’ that diminished the foundational Church teaching of the sanctity of life,” Haney said. “Since then many in the hierarchy have fallen in lockstep with the Culture of Death policies of the Democrat Party.

“Sadly, this practice has become so common that outrage is mostly replaced with resignation and disgust,” he said. “Now you could replace all Democrat Party leadership with many of our U.S. bishops and who would be the wiser? They are both experts at cover-up and deceit.”

From Pelosi’s part of the nation, northern California commentator Barbara Simpson, also a conservative Catholic, told The Wanderer that the Church “gave itself another slap in the face” at Roberts’ funeral.

“The only thing wrong is that despite the fact that Roberts wore her ‘Catholic religion’ as a badge of honor, she was a strong advocate of abortion, women’s sexual rights and freedoms, and was highly, and openly, critical of the Catholic clergy she disagreed with, notably Pope Benedict XVI,” Simpson said.

“Average Catholics wonder why someone who opposed the Church on such basic issues would be lauded by clergy in a funeral Mass. Indeed. Catholics see pro-abortion politicians receiving Communion openly,” she said. “These are just two examples that notable people get away with such heresy and denigration of Catholic teachings because the Church seems unable to get a backbone and defend its own teachings.

“It’s no wonder that average Catholics who strive to ‘do the right things’ are falling away because the rules are not applied evenly,” Simpson said. “Somewhere, somehow, the idea that ‘a sin is a sin regardless of the sinner’ got lost in the translation — with the result that people are leaving the Church and slamming the door behind them.”

Conservative Republican campaign consultant Constantin Querard, who was raised Russian Orthodox but attends a Catholic church, told The Wanderer:

“In some dioceses, it seems possible that celebrity counts for a great deal more than beliefs in Catholic teachings or the Bible. That said, we have no idea if Ms. Roberts experienced any sort of late-in-life or deathbed epiphanies that helped her to see that most of what she promoted while claiming Catholic roots was adamantly anti-Catholic and aggressively counter to the teachings of the Church and Jesus Christ.

“As Christians we can, should, and do root for that to be the case, so that the collective prayers of those attending the service — that Roberts make her way to Heaven — should be realized,” Querard said. “As for Pelosi being given VIP status, that is for the archbishop of D.C. to explain to the Church and its followers.

“Being located in Washington, D.C., shouldn’t be an excuse to set aside foundational standards. Quite the opposite, it should be the reason to hold especially fast to them, because it is difficult to imagine anyplace else in the world quite as in need of an accurate moral compass as Washington, D.C.,” he said.

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