Planned Parenthood’s War On The World . . . As Tragedy Deepens, Can Elitists Awake From Their Nightmare?


When handed a winning issue, will a candidate accept it? Often for Republicans, the answer has been “no” when the issue is pro-life.

Their courage collapses because they know that dominantly pro-abortion “news” media would savage them as much as these media favor savaging unborn babies.

The public wouldn’t stand for what the abortion industry has been getting away with for decades if people knew, if they were educated in the public square.

But too many GOP candidates are well aware that bombast battleships like The New York Times still portray opposition to massive permissive abortion as foolish superstition that must be crushed at all costs.

So these candidates go hide from the issue, let the atrocities continue, and leave many members of the public thinking that massive abortion maybe either is a minor issue, or too embarrassing.

Meanwhile, nothing should put Democratic pro-abortionist presidential hopefuls for 2016 in a tougher spot than trying to defend crushing and crunching innumerable babies, to use the slaughterhouse language of Planned Parenthood executives themselves in two recently released sting videos, as of July 21.

Hey, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Martin O’Malley, start trying to figure out how to brag about these stark reminders of the 1940s work of Hitler’s handyman Dr. Josef Mengele.

You may think you can duck having to answer questions on this. But pro-lifers sharp enough to make these undercover videos can probably devise a media technique to drop the questions unavoidably in your laps. And the laps of other radical pro-abortionist candidates, too.

Ten more videos were to be made available by the California-based Center for Medical Progress (CMP), whose three-and-a-half year investigation into unethical and illegal practices found leading PP executives more than willing to chatter about receiving money from buyers for providing body parts from aborted babies.

The Democratic Party marches in lockstep with its generous funders at PP. However, that style of stepping was looking more and more like the goosestep, according to many people’s online reactions after they viewed the videos that reminded them of pitiless German National Socialism’s “medicine.”

“The doctor could be eating baby-kabobs and the Dems would be OK with it” because the Democrats “have no morals,” said a commenter at The Hill political-news site.

In the second video, Dr. Mary Gatter, at a restaurant table, left no doubt she was thinking of the bottom line after agreeing to accept $100 per “specimen.” After saying that money isn’t the important thing for her, Gatter added, “But it has to be big enough that it makes it worthwhile for me….

“Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine,” she said. “If it’s still low, then we can bump it up.” Gatter joked that she wants a luxury Lamborghini sports car.

Although PP wants people to think it’s not making a profit off this, Emily Zanotti at The American Spectator on July 21 pointed out that instead of simply laying out PP’s rates for a certain service, Gatter clearly was looking for the best offer she could get.

PP isn’t treating its customers as women, but “as a harvesting plant to pull this tissue from,” CMP executive director and project manager David Daleiden was quoted by The Federalist website on July 21.

As for the unborn babies, they often have less protection than lab rats, Daleiden told national radio host Mark Levin the same day.

A person can imagine abortuaries getting phone calls now from women who’d been assured they were having “tissue” removed, but instead realize that their baby’s head, heart, or lungs could have been reaped for profit by the goose-steppers. Not to mention the phone calls that psychiatrists’ and counselors’ offices are receiving from highly distressed, lied-to women.

Sometimes, community-conscious newspapers ask readers to send in photos of this or that event to post, but “My tragic visit to lying Planned Parenthood” probably won’t be accepted as a topic. Still, even some staffers at highly pro-abortion media outlets must be having secret, second thoughts about the propaganda garbage their bosses insist on producing.

Including the abominable, unhinged pro-abortion opinion pieces issued under the authority of New York Times editorial-page editor Andrew Rosenthal.

What if a “tissue” collector were to hear that Rosenthal’s editorial page is staffed only by dead souls, so the collector decides to help himself to some full-grown organs there? Hush! Don’t stop him! Just as The New York Times doesn’t want to stop the collections from the bodies of helpless babies, but to hush this up as much as possible.

It’s interesting that the videos putting pressure on abortionists’ violations in recent years were put together by private citizens like the intrepid Lila Grace Rose and her team at Live Action.

The startling videos weren’t the result of investigations by news-media organizations or government agencies, but people who saw that if action was to occur, it was up to themselves. Indeed, even Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia butchery was raided not because of his abortion abominations, which had been ignored, but because authorities correctly suspected Gosnell was pushing drugs.

Once the Center for Medical Progress’ first video appeared, featuring PP executive Dr. Deborah Nucatola spilling the beans while consuming salad and wine at a restaurant, PP must have started pulling its stylish hair out, trying to figure what other bombshells were on the way.

Pro-life activist and nurse Jill Stanek posted a July 20 letter from Planned Parenthood expressing concern there may be footage on the way of actual processing of body material from aborted babies at a PP facility.

Rick Santorum, a pro-life GOP presidential candidate and former U.S. senator, said the Senate already should have held a vote on defunding Planned Parenthood, after the release of the first video, according to an article posted July 20 at National Review — but it hadn’t.

After the first video appeared, House Speaker John Boehner called for congressional committees to look into PP practices, but he didn’t seem on fire with eagerness for a result.

The July 16 Washington Examiner quoted Boehner, “I want the committees to do their investigations. I want them to do their hearings and when they have, we’ll decide the proper course of action.”

National Review said Santorum told some reporters: “I sort of scratch my head at our leadership, because they are so afraid of these issues. Even when you have an issue that is probably an 80 or 90 percent issue in America, they’re afraid to talk about it. You have a group of members, and a group of donors, who will climb down your throat if you do. . . .

“They just want to avoid these issues at all cost, and they don’t recognize that these issues don’t go away. They don’t go away, and they’re important to people,” Santorum was quoted.

Some other GOP presidential hopefuls also decried Planned Parenthood and asked for Congress to cut off its federal money spigot.

Carly Fiorina quickly appeared in a video with both white and black pro-life leaders next to her — obviously acknowledging the disproportionately large numbers of black babies aborted by PP.

A July 21 post at the Washington Free Beacon website was headlined, “Carly Fiorina Blasts Hillary Clinton for ‘Deafening Silence’ on Planned Parenthood.”

The Free Beacon reported: “The former Hewlett-Packard CEO accuses Planned Parenthood of ‘hypocrisy’ and ‘cruelty’ in its treatment of women and unborn children, calling the recordings of the organization’s top officials touting the sale of fetal tissue a ‘terrible moment’ for the country.

“‘It is made even more terrible by the absolute deafening silence of the Democratic Party,’ Fiorina declares. ‘Democrats have always fought for a policy that says it is not a life until it leaves the hospital. Hillary Clinton has fought to preserve that policy’,” the Free Beacon added.

According to a July 21 post at Real Clear Politics, GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul said he thinks Republicans “have run away from the abortion issue,” but he intends to do all he can to stop the scandalous PP activities.

Paul also was quoted that community health clinics can provide all the non-abortion services that PP offers, so there’s no need for the government to fund PP.

“We Went To War”

Radio talkmeister Rush Limbaugh said on July 21, “We went to war to stop something like this,” likening the abortion victims to hordes of the helpless treated as non-human by the National Socialists.

Indeed, in 1945 Allied Gen. Dwight Eisenhower made sure that his own soldiers as well as journalists and politicians learned the devastating lesson by personally viewing those the Nazis murdered and starved to near-skeletons.

Former PP abortion clinic director Abby Johnson, now a pro-life activist, reached out in an open letter to Nucatola, the doctor in the first video. Seeking the conversion of abortionists, as pro-lifers must, Johnson wrote in part:

“I want you to know that I’m not disgusted by you. I’m not disgusted, because I used to be just like you. You see, my former Planned Parenthood clinic used to harvest fetal body parts. I used to sift through their bodies and prepare them for transport to the research lab we were contracted with. . . .

“I understand the world you live in. I understand the blindness. I don’t think you are an evil person. I wasn’t an evil person. But just like I was, you are gravely misguided,” Johnson wrote.

Still, one thinks of the deep tragedy for the baby about to be forced into the world prematurely. Babies intuitively know things, and isn’t it reasonable to believe they imperfectly sense that one day, they’ll be touched by another human?

As the unborn infant is moved around by the abortionist, perhaps she innocently thinks, “Oh, this must be the moment I’ve been waiting for.”

So sadly, she’s wrong.

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