Political Burnout


With the revelations exposing the many lies and ongoing corruption of our government officials, everyone from Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey, and countless others, it has been a brutal last six months for Americans.

I feel completely spent and burned out. Watching the unraveling of our nation, or at least the recent exposing of what may have existed for a long time now, I find myself disappointed and disillusioned.

I realize Christ is King and, no matter who is president of the United States, this always remains true. But still we face the nation’s collective disappointment over our leaders and those who aspire to be our leaders.

The skeletons in the closet are being paraded out like some kind of sick and macabre procession of lies and deception, fixed and stolen elections, rampant and shameless voter fraud, and sexual perversions.

Finding out about the corruption in the Clinton campaign is bad enough, but the amount of the corruption is enough to make one lose hope in our supposed democracy.

Making it even worse than that is the arrogance and wanton lying, cheating, and stealing involved in the political process by shameless figures whose sole purpose is to hurt others and to win at any and all costs.

I hardly know what to say anymore to people who ask me what I think about the presidential election. Like either a bad car accident or a train wreck, we can’t look away. I can’t look away either. It is impossible to not look when the show is so sensational.

At the third debate, which in my opinion was almost anti-climactic, Hillary Clinton stood there as smug as ever, defending her position as a defender of abortion and Planned Parenthood. The question I have is: Why would any human being with a heart still believe that it is perfectly OK to dismember an unborn child, or a partially delivered child, up to nine months of development?

Abortion is horrible enough at all stages, but to abort a baby up to nine months of his or her development is absolutely heinous.

As Donald Trump said about partial-birth abortion: “Well, I think it’s terrible.”

Of all of the lies, deceit, and corruption which have come to light, nothing compares to the disgust and contempt this woman triggers as such a proponent of abortion.

And as for the recent “gotcha” video the Clinton camp coordinated with their media pals showing Donald Trump using all sorts of piggish and derogatory language and expressions about women — at least Trump owned up to it and apologized.

The funny thing is that all of the liberal media who claim to have been so put-off or upset by Trump’s crude remarks are usually the same liberals who espouse all sorts of sexual deviancy.

They have no problem with male transvestites using the women’s restroom in public places, or with nude parading at homosexualist events.

While Trump used a crude word referring to women, some radical leftist feminists often like to call themselves things like “slut” or “whore” and even worse — but God forbid anyone else use those words which they so freely use.

The hypocrisy is staggering. Here we are in a society obsessed with sex, sex, and more sex, yet this same society feigns a prudishness which is so unlike our true selves.

When Trump used that salty language and those misogynist words, one could say, “Aw, he was just being one of the boys,” which may be true, but is not an excuse. Regrettably, I myself have used bad words and repeated some not-so-nice and bawdy jokes — I’m sure some of you reading this have done the same.

When I was a freight train conductor awhile back, it was not unlike working on a pirate ship. The crews were mostly men, road-worn, rough around the edges, who liked to tell the naughtiest and raunchiest of stories, and also tell off-color jokes about every ethnic group or skin color you can imagine.

These guys were using what Trump referred to as “locker room talk.” Some men and boys will do this, although, of course, they shouldn’t. But whatever words Trump used to refer to women are nothing like the actual lies and deception that Hillary Clinton has provably been engaged in.

Trump’s words are just that — words. What Hillary has done by obfuscating the truth about how the Democratic Party has rigged elections through unethical and criminal means, not to mention the criminality and the violence operatives of the DNC and Clinton’s campaign have incited through their political organizing tactics at Trump rallies.

Look it up for yourselves either through the Julian Assange WikiLeaks-hacked DNC emails, or through the conservative underground guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe at Project Veritas.

Which brings me to the final point I want to make in this column.

While I really am grateful for the work of WikiLeaks and Project Veritas in exposing the corruption, these are troubling times when underground journalists like Assange and O’Keefe have to do the work which the sold-out mainstream “news” media are no longer willing to do. When so many “news” media outlets are almost all owned by a few wealthy conglomerates and entities, how can we expect to be given unbiased news?

Either way, I am just about burned out over the whole process. Certainly I hope and pray that Trump wins, mainly because Hillary Clinton would be an absolute disaster, but after almost two years of the whole circus, I’m very eager for it to reach its end.

Perhaps it is by design that the powers-that-be have punched American voters for almost two years. That way, by the time the general election actually takes place, we are all so punch drunk with it all, that we won’t care or have any fight left in us to battle the evil and corruption.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at reyfloresusa@gmail.com.)

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