Progressive Wordplay And Willful Deception


I am sick and tired of the lies and deception enunciated election after election by the progressive left. It’s as if they think that we are either children or completely mindless, needing the statist government to babysit us because we are incapable of taking care of ourselves.

The last Democratic presidential debate reconfirmed everything I have known about liberal progressives. It isn’t just during elections — but at election times it just seems to be on full hyper mode.

Without a doubt, the word “progressive” is confusing to the low-information voters it targets and exploits because to the average dolt, the word “progress” means something positive. When I hear the word progressive, I think of it as in a progressive disease, a cancer that cannot be stopped, much like the political and societal cancer that is progressivism.

The progressive left is great at using certain words in a disingenuous manner which are used to deceive people and garner support for their nefarious purposes. My favorite example of this is a group I have written about before. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) pushes a sodomite agenda under its generic name. I mean — who could be opposed to supporting an organization that fights for human rights?

Yes, homosexuals are of course humans and they deserve basic human rights, but what this organization wants and pushes goes beyond basic God-given human rights. HRC wants every child in America from here to infinity to be taught that homosexuality is a virtue rather than the sin that it truly is.

(Coincidentally, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s initials are also HRC.)

Then there’s the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that has assigned itself to be the leading organization to determine who is a hater and who isn’t. The SPLC likes to list Christian and conservative organizations like the American Family Association, Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, and the Federation for American Immigration Reform as hate groups just because they oppose social chaos like so-called “gay marriage” or rampant illegal immigration.

They lump these legitimate organizations with the likes of the black supremacist Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party, and the crazies at Westboro Baptist Church and several white supremacist Aryan Nations groups.

Why doesn’t the SPLC also list radical homosexual extremist organizations or anti-American radicals like the National Council of La Raza and the Socialist Party of America as hate groups?

We all know why: It’s because they support all of these radical organizations but they would never want the American public to know that. The SPLC is often cited in the liberal mainstream press as a legitimate authority on so-called hate groups, making them nothing more than a propaganda tool for the left.

Let’s not forget the bleeding heart liberal causes like the Susan G. Komen Foundation. A few years ago, the Komen Foundation did the right thing and tried to disassociate itself from Planned Parenthood. That didn’t last long at all because Planned Parenthood came after them like Al Capone pursuing his bootlegging competitors on St. Valentine’s Day in Chicago.

Today, the whole breast cancer pink-ribbon thing is reaching absurd levels. Not that I ever waste time watching NFL games, but it is my understanding that during this football season most NFL teams have their overpaid 300-pound linebackers and tacklers decked out in pink to further promote breast cancer awareness.

Never mind the direct correlation between breast cancer and abortion and contraception: We’ll not be hearing any of that because it doesn’t fit the pro-abortion narrative of the mainstream news and corporate sports media.

Let’s move on now to the whole climate change nonsense. It is especially troubling for us Catholics, given all the attention the Pope has given to the topic. It’s an easy sell to the average citizen because who would want to hurt the environment? Nobody.

Environmental changes happen anyway, whether the green religion proselytizers say it’s manmade or not.

And I’m sick of hearing about how larger families are not good for the environment because of our supposedly larger carbon footprint. What a bunch of baloney! It’s all once more about population control and shoving more contraception and other poisonous pharmaceuticals into women’s reproductive systems.

Perhaps some of you may already know this, but in 1969, Planned Parenthood World Population’s VP Frederick S. Jaffe listed “Encourage increased homosexuality” as a way to limit population growth. It’s all connected, folks.

Then the “war on women” has been an effective tagline for pro-aborts to claim that it is women’s health and their sexual freedom that are at the center of their concern. This couldn’t be further from the truth. For a eugenics-based institution like Planned Parenthood to claim women’s health care is their main objective is like a thief stealing our wallet and telling us he trying to save us from being greedy.

Finally, it isn’t only the HRC and organizations like theirs which are pushing immoral agendas, but countless corporate sponsors are well entrenched in financing the propaganda. Just think of it: I am typing this column in Microsoft Word: Microsoft as in Bill Gates, as in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as in funding contraception for “the poorest countries.”

The lies and attacks just seem to never end, but you know what? We’ve got the truth on our side and we have Jesus!

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker and can be reached at

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