Recall Cartoonist’s Fanciful Distractions?. . . U.S. Being Run Like A Crazy Rube Goldberg Machine


Younger folks may be unfamiliar with the term, but beginning in the early twentieth century, a “Rube Goldberg machine” meant, as Wikipedia describes it, a series of simple devices that create a domino effect — sometimes including real dominoes — in which each device triggers the next one, achieving a basic goal only after complicated steps.

Goldberg, a cartoonist and inventor, produced hilarious drawings of how the insanely fanciful devices would work.

Activating his self-operating napkin, for instance, began with a diner raising a spoon to his mouth, which pulled a string that jerked a ladle that threw a cracker past a bird who jumped for it, allowing its perch to tilt, which upset seeds into a pail, causing the heavier pail to pull a cord that ignited a lighter to set off a skyrocket that caused a sickle to cut a string, allowing a pendulum with a napkin attached to swing back and forth, wiping the diner’s chin, Wikipedia said.

Although Goldberg had begun his career more than a century ago, Rube Goldberg devices remain very much with us, even though they may go by other names now. Such as “Democratic Party strategy.”

Attracting more traditional working-class voters might be accomplished simply by taking stands obviously appealing to them. But the Dems’ strategy is to make their party repellent and disgusting while figuring out some elaborate way to distract and deceive voters.

Don’t, for instance, give the party’s presidential nomination to a “San Francisco liberal.” Give it maybe to an abortion-loving Texas Irishman who pretends to be Mexican, or an unknown little Indiana mayor whose aggressively immoral views sprout behind the corn stalks.

But the result is the same as if a Manhattan leftist ended up on the ballot.

Do Democrats make many actual attempts simply to stand up for what the mainstream wants? Or do they define “mainstream” as some dry gulch way over to the side while Goldbergishly proposing to abolish the centuries-old Electoral College, pack the U.S. Supreme Court, give minors the vote (and maybe redefine “minor”), nurture vote fraud, and illegally import tens of millions of aliens?

If the voters don’t fall for this, Dems say, simply replace the voting population through massive abortion to wipe out their line while hustling those unending illegal immigrants into the U.S. to stay.

Goldberg intentionally made the U.S. of his time laugh at his outlandish contraptions, but today’s repellent Dems are dead serious at making sinful sleight of hand their standard.

The sleight of hand is aided by a Dem-loving dominant media that brazenly falsify facts as easily as poisonous spiders spin their webs. Massive abortion? Massive invasion? Don’t worry your little minds about them, these media say.

No wonder their bubble-enclosed heads can’t face facts.

The conservative Washington Free Beacon website reported on April 17 that a Department of Homeland Security panel called for urgent action because of “a real crisis at our border” that includes highly endangered children.

“More than 100,000 people were apprehended crossing the border last month, of whom 65 percent were family units or unaccompanied kids,” the Free Beacon reported. “This trend is unlikely to abate — the . . . report indicates that family unit apprehensions alone are expected to exceed 500,000 through September, the end of the fiscal year.

“What is more, most of the children crossing, both with family members and unaccompanied, are young — the report estimates that 73 percent of those apprehended are age 12 or under,” the Free Beacon said. “Many of these children are traumatized by the long, often perilous journey north, and may be exposed to diseases like measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Some are even sexually assaulted along the way.”

One might note that dominant media try to focus on other issues, like vaccination in the U.S., not illegal immigration, when disease issues arise in the news these days.

The Free Beacon continued: “ ‘The unabated 600 percent surge of family units from Central America to our borders and properly caring for this population have overwhelmed the entire government and brought our border security and immigration-management systems to the point of collapse,’ the report reads.”

Regarding the staggering numbers of aliens, the conservative Daily Caller site reported on April 16 that Central Americans said they were encouraged to head north by newspaper advertisements back home promising jobs and free help from the U.S. government.

The Daily Caller said human-smuggling groups place ads as a way of boosting their own profitable businesses. It quoted one smuggling recruiter: “It’s never been easier for us to get families in. . . . And I happen to make money in the process.”

The news site also reported: “ ‘The whole world knows, they put it in the news. They tell us everywhere if you come to the United States, they’ll help you,’ said a Honduran woman apprehended at the southern border near the Rio Grande Valley.”

Yuma, Ariz., declared its own state of emergency in mid-April as illegal immigration was crushing this agricultural hub in the southwestern corner of the Grand Canyon State, just north of Mexico and east of California.

Hundreds of aliens without resources were just walking Yuma streets after having been released there by the overburdened government, with the prospect of thousands more joining them, the area’s state representative in the Arizona House, Republican Tim Dunn, told Phoenix talk-radio host James T. Harris (KFYI, 550 AM) on April 17.

The Washington Times posted on April 17 that Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls “said the migrants are being released by the Border Patrol into his community faster than they can leave, and local shelters are already at capacity. He warned of mobs of people ‘roaming the streets looking to satisfy basic human needs,’ clashing with citizens looking to protect their own property.”

The Times noted that smugglers bus the illegal immigrants up to the border then have them cross the line and demand attention from the U.S. government.

The Washington newspaper said the Yuma mayor “said the local shelter’s normal capacity is 150 people but it can stretch to accommodate 250. It began Tuesday (April 16) with 200 people, and Border Patrol agents said they were going to deliver 120 more people during the day, putting the facility well beyond its limits.”

Enabling Democrats’ hopes to submerge the U.S. under a human tsunami, unaccountable federal judges have hamstrung the Trump administration in its efforts to control overwhelming illegal immigration.

People aren’t showing racism and bigotry to object to expectations that the U.S. should care for all the unfortunate of the Western Hemisphere. Other nations have their own responsibilities, and so do border-jumpers who see the U.S. as just a handout machine for themselves.

Amid talk about Los Angeles being a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants, Phoenix-based KKNT radio news (960 AM) cited an LA charity mission worker on April 16 who said that back in the 1980s that city had more than 800 homeless on the streets at night, who put away their cardboard shelters during the day, but the number has swelled to the thousands now, with more arriving.

Longtime entertainment star Cher, certainly no fan of Trump, tweeted on April 14 that she understands about “helping struggling immigrants,” but Los Angeles isn’t even taking care of its own unfortunate people.

“What about the 50,000-plus U.S. citizens who live on the streets,” Cher asked, “people who live below poverty line, and hungry? If my state can’t take care of its own (many are vets), how can it take care of more.”

Conservative Rob Haney, a Catholic and retired chairman of the Phoenix-based Maricopa County Republican Party, told The Wanderer he was glad he avoided a career in the legal profession.

“My career police officer father would not permit me to pursue a pre-law curriculum because his experience led him to believe that my life satisfaction would be severely limited by having to associate with the lawyer class for my living,” Haney said. “I thank God for his wisdom.

“I believe Western civilization rises and falls as the number of adherents to the Judeo-Christian doctrine ebbs and flows,” Haney said. “Atheists now represent 23 percent of America’s population, and the deterioration of our culture and legal foundation reflects this.

“Throughout the world, the legal profession is the canary in civilization’s coal mine. Those of us with common sense look on in bewilderment at the decisions and actions of judges, lawyer legislators, and left-wing legal organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the American Civil Liberties Union,” he said. “Trump needs to fight the left-wing judges just as he does the John McCain-legacy swamp dwellers.

“He needs to continue selecting constitutional-adhering lawyers for federal judgeships. By appointing judges like those lawyers who populate Judicial Watch, Alliance Defending Freedom, and the St. Thomas More Society, Trump could turn our declining culture and give hope to his religious base,” Haney said.

Still No Response

To close this report on a different topic: Last week’s hardcopy Wanderer had an article noting that a Cleveland Plain Dealer news reporter cited a pro-abortion foe of Ohio’s “heartbeat” bill that Republican Gov. Mike DeWine soon was to sign into law.

The pro-abortionist contradicted scientific facts about prenatal development. I sent reporter Laura Hancock an email inquiry about this early on April 11, and a reminder late on April 15. She didn’t respond.

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