Rename Margaret Sanger Square In New York City


Twentieth-century Spanish philosopher George Santayana once wrote the aphorism: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

In America 2017, there is a movement to erase the names of any historical figures deemed racist from all monuments, roads, highways, and schools. So, by the way things have gone in Charlottesville, Va., and in many other parts of our nation, it certainly looks like we are destined to repeat the past.

If this is the way we are going, then I say that two can play this game. If we are going to do away with any public symbol of the Confederacy, then we must also do away with all public monuments of racism everywhere.

I encourage all pro-life Americans to sign the petition I created to remove the dreadful name of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger from the public square located at the intersection of Mott Street and Bleecker Street in Manhattan.

Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood and her legacy is anti-life and racist, as has been documented many times. Planned Parenthood began by promoting birth control and later devolved into being a promoter and supplier of legalized abortion.

You can point out to other historical figures like Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, but none come close to the over 60 million human beings murdered in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Planned Parenthood, Sanger’s brainchild, has committed a good number of these.

Speaking of “brain” and “child,” let us not forget how David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress exposed several so-called doctors and staffers at Planned Parenthood harvesting human remains from aborted babies.

Not only does Planned Parenthood deal in death, and in the sale of human body parts and the exploitation of women, but its history involves flat-out racism.

As most of you Wanderer readers already know, Sanger was a eugenicist who believed in the forced sterilization of “genetically inferior races” like the poor, the “colored,” the “feeble-minded,” the disabled, and people she deemed as insane simply because of their ethnicity. She often referred to human beings like these as “mongrels” and “human weeds.”

While people are vandalizing historic monuments and even desecrating the graves of Confederate soldiers, rarely do people walking through the trendy Margaret Sanger Square in Manhattan look up from their smartphones to acknowledge the racist monster that Sanger truly was.

If the Democratic Party, the party of the Ku Klux Klan and of slavery, wants to start erasing America’s history, then we can play that game too.

This is not at all unlike when the Nazis were burning books and destroying Catholic churches and Jewish synagogues across Europe in their reign of terror.

What are the self-loathing whites, who make up most of the basement-dwelling “Antifa” (supposedly short for anti-fascists) sorts, and the Black Lives Matter folks thinking? Where did they get the idea that they could just take over as a violent mob and demand to rewrite American history?

This all started with the Barack Obama presidency when the race-baiting and the fires of racial division were once again ignited and stoked.

While I am certainly not denying, nor can anyone else, that racism has existed in our nation’s history, for the most part, I know that most Americans prior to the Obama administration were not focused or even thinking in terms of race anymore.

One would have thought that after finally electing a black president, our nation would have reached a milestone of sorts. We would have finally closed an unfortunate and painful chapter in our history. But that is not how things have turned out.

While I’m also certain that there were many Americans who did not like Obama because he was black, for the most part Americans had a problem with his lack of transparency, his inept leadership in geopolitics, and his forcing Americans to buy into his disastrous Obamacare.

We also had a huge problem with Obama’s insistence that we all buy into his “culture of death” social agendas which promoted the following: abortion, bigotry against Christianity, the redefinition of traditional marriage between one man and one woman, homosexuality as mainstream, and transgenderism — whatever that may be. This is not to mention the weakening of our nation as the strongest economy and military power in the world.

The racial division in this country is not President Trump’s doing. I repeat: President Donald J. Trump is not to blame for the racial division and violence in America today.

If Americans of all colors and ethnicities are truly against racism, and the last vestiges of racism in our nation, then rename “Margaret Sanger Square” immediately!

I propose we name it “American Lives Matter” Square, where all American lives are celebrated: black, white, yellow, brown, the unborn, the sick, the disabled, the terminally ill, the elderly — all lives matter.

I encourage each and every American who still values the sanctity of all human life, at all stages and conditions, to sign the “Rename Racist Margaret Sanger Square in New York City” petition today.

Share it far and wide with your email lists, your families, your friends, all of your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Snapchat, YouTube — all of them!

Every single pro-life organization in America should post this petition on their websites and on their social media platforms as well.

Let’s send a powerful message to America, especially the misinformed and radical leftists, the fake news media, and the pro-abortion politicians across the nation who say they are all against racism — that we also want to end all racism as well, especially the racist present-day eugenics of Margaret Sanger and her Planned Parenthood.

Contact me at the email below for the link.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic pro-life activist and writer. Contact Rey at

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