Some Thoughts On Catholics And The 2020 Elections


The year 2019 is almost over and the 2020 elections are just around the corner. It always seems that the elections are far off, but the primaries are only a few months away, and then November 2020 will be here in less than a year.

It’s enjoyable to watch the number of passengers decrease in the Democratic presidential candidates’ clown car, as a few have already dropped out, realizing that they have a long road ahead of them if they even have a chance at actually defeating President Trump.

Democrats have been operating a three-ring circus since Donald Trump was duly elected by the American people in 2016. In the first ring, there was the Russian collusion, in the second ring we had Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh raked through the coals, and now in the third ring we have the Ukraine impeachment. One can almost hear the carnival music playing in the background.

From Harry Reid, to Mad Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, the late Elijah Cummings, and now to wild-eyed Adam Schiff, it all looks like a bunch of escaped inmates from the insane asylum. All so passionate about carrying on manufactured lies that even their own constituents know it’s all a big pile of horse manure. The more these do-nothing Democrats howl and scream about President Trump’s alleged misconduct, the more they shoot themselves in the foot.

Seriously. If I were a constituent of any of these office-holding Democrats, I would be very upset at how they do nothing for their own districts. They have wasted the last four years, not to mention tons of taxpayer money, carrying on what can best be described as a mass tantrum by the left.

And don’t even get me started on the fake news media. This so-called news industry is nothing other than a torch-carrying mob with the Democrats leading them all. President Trump is one hundred percent correct by calling this whole impeachment fiasco a witch hunt, because that is exactly what it is.

It reminds me of that scene from the 1931 Universal Studios Frankenstein film starring Boris Karloff, when the mob chases the Frankenstein monster into the windmill then proceeds to destroy the monster and torch the whole darn windmill down. Except in the case of President Trump, the Democrats are the monsters created by “mad scientists” like Saul Alinsky.

In 2016, my wife and I attended a Trump rally in Fredericksburg, Va. I also attended another Trump rally later that year hosted by President Trump’s daughters Ivanka and Tiffany. Both rallies were packed to the rafters. The lines always started forming hours earlier and snaked around the venue where the rally was scheduled to take place. People obviously like Trump and these rallies proved it.

As President Trump reaches the end of his first presidential term, his rallies have also massively increased. This is because people see the results of his America first agenda and policies, and we love having a businessman run the country instead of these swamp-crawler career politicians who have no interest in anything but their own gain of money, power, and influence.

While I have to agree somewhat with those who call Trump a braggart with no filter, well — none of us are perfect, but those are two of his characteristics that appeal to many of us Americans. After having eight years of the sneaky, sly, silver-tongued devil who kowtowed to the world and put our nation’s best interests as an afterthought, we didn’t need another wimpy, New World Order beta male pretending to be the leader of our country. We needed a guy who likes to talk the talk, but also knows how to walk the walk.

For all intents and purpose, President Trump is the anti-Obama. He is the antidote this country so desperately needed after eight grueling years of Planned Parenthood victories, gay rainbow societal-takeovers, and Islamic terrorism.

Of course, much of that poison existed before and after Obama, but he sure as heck went out of his way to drive those agendas to where they remain formidable evils we must continue to fight.

One thing that bothers me is when I see people referring to President Trump as our nation’s savior, or even messiah. That amounts to idolatry. As American Christians of any stripe, especially those of who belong to the one true Church, we must never put any mortal man at the level of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one and only true Savior and Messiah.

Now — can I call President Trump the modern-day George Washington? Absolutely. Can we see President Trump as our General Patton? MacArthur? Heck, Trump is the bravest and strongest leader any living American today has ever witnessed. He will always be remembered as the modern-day American president who didn’t give a hoot what his detractors and the enemies of our nation thought and said.

This president isn’t only about America first. President Donald Trump has evoked the holy name of Jesus more than any president that I can recall. That is one reason why the secular world and the Muslim politicians hate him.

President Trump has also spoken about the sanctity of human life and has definitely been the most pro-life president in our lifetimes. He may not be a Catholic yet, but we can certainly pray.

I urge all Catholics reading this to work on your liberal-leaning friends and family who identify as Catholic, while their actions and words have expressed otherwise.

I get all that social justice stuff. I myself am a first-generation American, the son of Mexican immigrant parents. I saw some of the discrimination and injustices firsthand. I have also worked in inner-city communities, fighting against homelessness, hunger, domestic violence, and youth unemployment and gang violence.

I have fought for affordable housing and worked on economic development projects that brought vocational training and more job opportunities to communities deemed hopeless. I have helped ex-felons and immigrant workers find employment and defend their rights as workers, and their human dignity as children of God. I get it.

I also get that our nation needs to uphold the rule of law, so I do not support illegal immigration. When any of your anti-Trump family or friends start parroting all of the propaganda garbage they hear on the fake news, shut them down with confidence and with truth.

Like the Ten Commandments, our Constitution has rules and laws to benefit our citizenry first. When the bleeding-heart liberals at the USCCB start jumping on the Democrat bandwagon over separation of families due to immigration laws, let’s ask them why they aren’t focusing more on the eternal separation from God in eternity.

Mothers are separated from their children every day, thousands of times over through abortion. Families are separated every day because our bishops aren’t defending marriage enough and say nothing about the detrimental effects of separation and divorce amongst Catholics.

Bottom line is, in 2020, vote pro-life, vote pro-traditional marriage, vote pro-religious freedom, and absolutely vote pro-Constitution. Most important: Vote pro-God.

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(Rey Flores writes opinion and book and movie reviews for The Wanderer. Contact Rey at

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