Summer Doldrums News Roundup


Hugo Black, a racist Democrat, joined the Ku Klux Klan shortly after successfully defending the murderer of James E. Coyle, a Catholic priest. Black built his winning Senate campaign around multiple appearances at KKK meetings across Alabama. He kept his membership secret until he was confirmed as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.

“I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes,” he said later [Black’s portrait still hangs in the halls of the Supreme Court in Washington].

Big Brother, call your office: A California state senator wants to punish people who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse “to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns.” So if you refuse to refer to a man as “her,” the Thought Police will take you to the Ministry of Love. We recall that in the ministry’s Room 101, Winston was tortured until he said that two plus two equals five. How much torture could we tolerate before we are willing to call Joe Joanne?

“Racism remains the pre-eminent sin of not only our nation, but also of our church,” said Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn. “We in the United States have our own particular original sin. It is called racism.” But racism hasn’t killed millions of black babies since 1973 — abortion has. Well, abortion is apparently too controversial. Mentioning it might offend New York’s avidly pro-abortion Catholic governor, Andrew Cuomo.

San Domenico, the oldest Catholic school in California, has decided to remove some of its Catholic statues. The school board explains: The majority of its student body is not Catholic and the school desires to be “inclusive.” Is this where the bishops want to take the “inclusive” American Church?

New York Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, both 100 percent pro-abortion New York Democrats, announced last week a $1,099,854 federal grant for the Catholic Charities Diocese of Rochester. Our bishops support Schumer’s welfare-state agenda and, in return, they get some scraps left under the table. What brave prelate will tell these pols that our good name and gratitude aren’t for sale?

Left-wing terrorist group Antifa and its ideological allies among the elites call to mind the Jacobins during the French Revolution who also guillotined thousands of statues — of the saints.

According to the USCCB, bishops have never investigated why over 30 million Catholics have left the pews since Vatican II. Is it because our shepherds don’t want to know? Or do they know already, but don’t want to tell us?

After sliming, vilifying, threatening, slandering, and otherwise venting their spleens at the president, the media have run out of epithets. Suddenly they’re offended that Trump is criticizing them! Why, he must be a Nazi!

A local pastor observes: The roots of racism are twofold: 1) the denial of original sin, and 2) teaching evolution in our schools.

The “swagger factor” in Washington can often be openly vicious: Every person cavalierly subpoenaed by the Special Prosecutor’s witch hunt is forced to hire a criminal defense attorney. These days that can cost $50,000 — for openers. That can mean second mortgages and, alas, even broken marriages for many innocent people. But the lawyers love it.

Folks in the heartland pay little attention to the media’s left-wing screamers, but bear in mind that every office on Capitol Hill has all the “fake news” channels turned on all the time. Trump has a spine of steel, but many of those members and staffers — even in conservative offices — tremble at the thought of their boss being criticized on TV. For these innocents, the media is still Walter Cronkite.

The percentage of history majors today is half of what it was in the 1960s. History is too hard and humbling. Colleges dutifully fill in the vacuum with “PC For Snowflakes, 101.”

English lit is also too hard. Shakespeare, Chaucer, Donne, Milton — Dead White Males! However, hundreds of new “creative writing” programs are appearing at failing colleges, and students are rushing to the programs.

Why? All their lives, Snowflakes have been told to “feel good about themselves.” “Great Job!” “Everybody gets a prize!” Studying great writers is so demeaning! And all those big words! Better to let the whiners wallow in their ignorance, “creatively.”

Speaking of creativity: Graduate teaching assistants who are assigned to teach Freshman English Composition at one major university are not allowed to correct spelling and grammar.

Pass out crayons for four years, charge the little dears a hundred grand, and proclaim them graduated.

Virtually all the major leaders of EU countries are childless, and their subjects follow suit. Europe’s demographic winter is now irreversible.

Meanwhile, Turkey’s budding dictator Sultan Recep Erdogan gives stern orders: Turks living in Turkey must have at least three children. Turks living in the EU must have at least five.

In India, those government employees who have a third child are fired. Meanwhile, a Catholic obstetrician in India tells The Wanderer that in Punjab (close to Islamic Pakistan), Hindu families are having two children, while Muslim families are having five.

The government of overwhelmingly Catholic Chile has for the first time approved abortion “in certain cases.” Coincidentally, the Vatican announced that Chile’s rabidly pro-abortion president, Michelle Bachelet, will be a featured speaker at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences’ “Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Health” conference on November 2.

Former Vice-President Joe Biden writes: “We are living through a battle for the soul of this nation.” Biden, a pro-abortion Catholic, has no problem with the strident announcement of the head of the Democrat National Committee that all Democrat candidates must support abortion on demand.

The False Narrative

The left’s Charlottesville narrative is unraveling. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a pro-abortion Catholic, caused the confrontation when he ordered that demonstrators who had a legal permit to be herded into an area occupied by the violent Antifa mob that had gathered illegally nearby.

Meanwhile, after the violence, Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer wrote a nine-page “privileged and confidential” memo blaming City Manager Maurice Jones and Police Chief Al Thomas — all Democrats — for the disaster. Needless to say, the “secret” memo was immediately leaked. A City Council meeting on August 21 erupted in chaos as residents demanded Mayor Signer’s resignation, as well as an independent investigation of the city’s role in causing the violence.

The Desperate Democrat Party, however, ignores the Charlottesville facts and continues the false narrative, defending the Marxist “Antifa” goons and branding President Trump a “racist.” Meanwhile, Gov. McAuliffe is reassessing his plans to run against President Trump in 2020, given the unlovely revelations contained in the Democrat mayor’s secret memo.

The U.S. “opposition media” continue to ignore the attacks by Islamic terrorists occurring throughout the European Union. Muslims “have already succeeded in significantly expanding into Europe and America, where they quickly establish their own exclusive enclaves,” writes Jesuit Fr. James V. Schall.

“All branches of Islam, moreover, think the world ought to be Muslim. The only controversy, and not a very vigorous one at the moment, concerns what means to use for this purpose: war, numbers, or both — and both are sanctioned by the Koran.”

And, lastly: Jeffrey Riegel, of Port Republic, N.J., passed away in August at the age of 56 after a battle with cancer. Riegel was an avid football fan. His obituary reads, “He requested to have eight Philadelphia Eagles as pallbearers so the Eagles can let him down one last time.”

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