The Battle Against Life Goes On


In recent weeks we’ve heard arguments surrounding the use of vaccines derived from tissues of aborted babies. Well, last week a new dimension was added to the conversation when Judicial Watch revealed that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had spent tens of thousands of U.S. taxpayer dollars to buy “human fetal tissue” for use in “scientific” experiments.

We know that Planned Parenthood has been accused of trafficking in the remains of unborn children, but now it appears that the U.S. government is paying for it. That doesn’t seem to bother the administration of “Catholic Joe” Biden. In fact, Joe’s going to make sure the FDA has a steady supply. Last Thursday, April 15, his Department of Health and Human Services published a proposed rule to reverse Donald Trump’s “Protect Life Rule,” issued in 2019 to clearly separate abortion from family planning in the federal Title X family planning program.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, has long been a lonely voice condemning efforts to facilitate crimes against the sacredness of life and human dignity. Biden’s policy change “will allow the Title X program to become an indirect funding avenue for abortion providers,” he warns.

Archbishop Naumann adds that “the USCCB has always had strong objections to government promotion and funding of contraceptives.” That might well be true, but, if our bishops had such objections, they didn’t do a very good job of raising them out loud when it mattered. We’re now paying the price, with regret and millions of lost lives.

Let’s face it. Wanderer readers know how the USCCB routinely lobbies for full taxpayer funding of “family planning programs,” even those including abortion that are funded under Democrat administrations. The USCCB joins other secular NGOs, many of them pro-abortion, at the federal trough to oppose any reductions in appropriations to their programs. And Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services receive over a billion dollars every year from the taxpayer.

In other Church news, the Vatican is sponsoring a conference touting its “Global Health Care Initiative” next month. Expert speakers include luminaries Katie Couric, Chelsea Clinton, and Planned Parenthood’s Ellen Wright Clayton. What could go wrong?

“Lies Not Going According To Plan — So Shut Up!”

Speaking of Planned Parenthood, why would its CEO, Alexis McGill Johnson, take to the pages of The New York Times last week to say, “We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder”?

Margaret Sanger’s savage devotion to eugenics has been known, and denied, for years. She admired Hitler. She published Ernst Rudin, the mentor of Josef Mengele, Nazi Germany’s “Butcher of Auschwitz.” She targeted “blacks and browns,” “human weeds,” and “reckless breeders.” This gal and her vile progeny are the real racists, and yet the Left has defended them for years. Abortion has always been their Prime Mandate.

So what has changed? Yes, Sanger wanted to “exterminate the Negro population,” but she wanted to keep it secret. Has the Race Industry suddenly figured that out?

Finally, after all these years, Johnson reveals Sanger’s original sin: Believe it or not, it’s “whiteness”!

“By privileging whiteness, we’ve contributed to America harming Black women and other women of color,” she writes. “And when we focus too narrowly on ‘women’s health,’ we have excluded trans and nonbinary people.”

Let’s face it, Johnson’s blather is as incoherent as Joe Biden’s. She wants to keep killing babies, but she has to please the mob. Evidently, the Thought Police took Planned Parenthood out behind the woodshed and beat the tar out of them. Now Johnson has confessed. She’ll do penance, she’ll be exonerated, and the killing will continue.

Nothing will change

On other fronts, Biden’s ThoughtCrime goons have ordered federal employees to throw “illegal alien” down the Memory Hole. Can Catholic bishops now please order Joe to stop using “practicing Catholic”?

Speaking of illegal aliens, last week The Washington Post reported that the Biden administration was spending $60 million a week to house “undocumented minor children illegally in the U.S.” Biden has finally admitted that there is a “crisis” at the border, but Kamala Harris, his appointed “Border Czar,” hasn’t bothered to do anything about it yet.

No problem! The Post glowingly reports that Kamala is “making her mark” on the Washington crocheting circuit.

And now for family news. In case you were wondering “whose side are they on,” the New Hampshire House passed HB 183, prohibiting municipalities from requiring a license for children to operate a lemonade stand. 91 percent of House Democrats voted against the bill, while 98 percent of Republicans supported it.

In Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has ordered two-year-old children to wear masks in public.

Meanwhile, the AP reports that in Oregon, “a top health official is considering indefinitely extending rules requiring masks and social distancing in all businesses in the state.” In Virginia, Blackface infanticide advocate Gov. Ralph Northam has already made his radical version permanent.

Florida looks better all the time.

Plunderer Tearfully Terrified By Truthtellers

Although Twitter and Facebook censored stories on the subject, we reported last week that Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors, a “trained Marxist,” had purchased luxury homes totaling over three million dollars — in white neighborhoods.

This week Cullers told an interviewer that she felt “terrified” after the reports surfaced.

“I’m not just a target of white supremacists, I’m a target because of Black Lives Matter, and these folks have created a much more dangerous situation for me and my family,” she complained tearfully.

Conservative black commentator Candace Owens puts it bluntly: “BLM is a RACIST organization that uses the faces of dead black people to fund and empower white Democrats,” she tweeted last week.

Well, it helps to buy Cullors’ fancy houses too. Let someone else contribute to the thousands of blacks whose homes, neighborhoods, and businesses were destroyed in the “much more dangerous situation” caused by the riots that her organization inflicted on them last year.

The same holds true for Kamala Harris, who last summer solicited contributions to a fund bailing out the BLM rioters, rather than supporting the thousands of blacks whose lives the riots ruined.

Marxists deny the law of cause and effect. They have to. Otherwise, they’d be hypocrites.

Judge Maxine Delivers The Verdict, Wrecks The Trial

“Minneapolis braces for unrest as Chauvin trial nears end,” read the Bezos Blog headline Monday, April 19. Well, Cong. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) wanted to do her part before the case went to the jury. “We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” she told a crowd near Minneapolis last Saturday. “If nothing does not happen [sic], then we know that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice….I hope we are going to get a verdict that says ‘guilty, guilty, guilty.’ If we don’t, we cannot go away. We’ve got to stay in the streets.”

Some call Waters a loose cannon; do not be fooled: Waters the Blowhard is actually Maxine the savvy Marxist. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and two days later Judge Peter Cahill admitted as much when he told defense attorney Eric Nelson that “Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

Translation: if the jury finds that Chauvin is not guilty, there will be riots nationwide. If he is found guilty, his attorneys will quote Judge Cahill in their request for a mistrial, and they’re likely to get it.

Mad Maxine has just guaranteed that, whatever the Chauvin verdict, the rioters will “stay on the streets” all summer long. Meanwhile, she will return to the Halls of Congress, where Nancy Pelosi will protect her as the country explodes.

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