The Bishops Of Poland… Synod Report Departs From John Paul II’s Teachings

(Editor’s Note: The Rorate Caeli website provided the following report and translation about the reaction of Poland’s bishops to the interim report from the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops. Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan spoke with Vatican Radio on October 13.)

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In an October 13 interview with Vatican Radio, the president of the Polish Episcopal Conference did not hesitate to say that this document departs from the teaching of John Paul II, and even that in it can be noticed traces of the anti-marriage ideology.

According to Archbishop Gadecki, this text also highlights the lack of a clear vision for the synodal assembly.

“Is the purpose of this synod pastoral support to families in difficulty, or is its goal the study of special cases? Our main task is to support the family pastorally, not to hit her, exposing these difficult situations that exist, but which do not constitute the nucleus of the same family; they [the special cases] do not void the need for support, which should be given to good, normal, ordinary families, who are struggling not so much for survival as for fidelity,” said Archbishop Gadecki.

“Referring to the issues of marriage and family, certain criteria are being applied that raise doubt. For example, the criterion of gradualism. Can you really treat cohabitation as gradual, on the path to holiness? Today, the discussion also highlighted that the doctrine presented in the document is marked by the omission of sin. As if the world’s view prevailed and everything was imperfection which leads to perfection….

“Attention was paid not so much to what this document says, but to what it does not say. Speak about the practical exceptions, but we also need to present the truth. Also, the points that speak of children entrusted to same-sex couples are formulated somewhat as if this situation is being praised!

“This is also a defect of this text, which should be an incentive to fidelity, family values, but instead seems to accept everything as it is. It created an impression that the teaching of the Church has been merciless so far, as if the teaching of mercy were beginning only now.”

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