The Day Will Arrive . . . When The Wicked Reign Of Abortion Must End


The only land where evil lasts forever is Hell, and our Lord came to build a wall between it and us in hopes that we don’t try to jump over the barrier.

Every other land afflicted with evil, being temporal, will have a reign of wickedness come to an end, although we don’t know the timetable. God is the Lord of the Future that we can’t see, but is revealed to us as time passes.

Once-endurable Venezuela seemed on a never-ending descent to destruction as pathological socialism sank its fangs ever deeper when vampires Hugo Chavez then successor Nicolas Maduro went for the neck. But today, almost bled-dry Venezuela may be on the verge of repelling the raptors.

As the twenty-first century ticked by, no hope seemed to emerge for the Bolivarian Republic — until it finally peeked out when 2019 came over the horizon and shackles hinted at shattering. Our feet fastened on the ground, we can’t see around the corner or beyond the curve of the Earth, but something’s out there, out of sight. It could be better or could be worse than now, but it’s there.

And when a land is as far gone as Venezuela or National Socialist Germany or Maoist China or atheist Mexico or the USSR, it seems the turning point is likelier to turn encouragingly up than down.

This being temporal Earth, people’s lesser or greater faults and follies always will demand some time for strutting the stage, but one era’s localized errors won’t emote endlessly.

Although not as bad as the basement in a secret-police prison, even California’s financially ruinous, politically promoted “bullet train” nightmare mostly came to the end of its line when new left-wing Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom put on the brakes.

This was the kind of government scheme that left-wing ideologues love, begun with hopes higher than helium but just as vaporous. Even Newsom saw the bullet-train costs, and not only the financial ones, were unbearable.

Yet California’s bullet train, like Caracas’ bully tyrants, had seemed unstoppable. Until the little boy in the parable said the vainglorious emperor was naked. Everyone already knew it, but everyone was too scared to say it. When they could begin to say it, they could suddenly start laughing the emperor away instead of calling him the most high, all-wise and divine majesty.

Have Andrew Cuomo and Ralph Northam, the liberal Democrat governors of New York and Virginia respectively, finally suddenly started to bring the United States’ political reign of the current Culture of Death to an end? Have their inflated self-regard and the servility of their media courtiers finally pushed fashionable slaughter to the point of the unendurable?

The governors’ recent chilling boosts for fourth-trimester abortion at all costs expectably were received warmly by dominant media whose own souls, too, are a wearying swirl of deception and decadence — costumed, in their own minds, in elegance, but actually with only rags hanging onto exposed brittle bones.

These totemic politicians and their media courtiers see ever-expanding permissive abortion as unexceptionable, just as Aztecs and Mayans regarded callous ritual human sacrifice as regular life. But while celebrating death, these U.S. upper-crusters can’t bring themselves to face it. And are determined that no one else shall, lest a popular revolt crush it to an end.

David Harsanyi, a senior editor at The Federalist, posted on February 12 that he recently “noticed a number of Democrats and liberal journalists refusing to concede inconvenient facts.” Among the unwelcomed realities were doctors in New York being legally allowed to kill babies who survive abortion, and the sheer numbers of abortion survivors themselves.

“No matter how many times you show them language in those bills that protect doctors who terminate babies who are born alive from prosecution, they shake their heads as if you’re indulging in some right-wing conspiracy theory,” Harsanyi said.

“No matter how many times you provide them with data that shows more than 15,000 abortions of viable babies being performed every year — most, if not all, having nothing to do with ‘saving the mother’s life’ — they say ‘no’,” he said.

Planned Parenthood likes to say “only one percent” of this, or “only three percent” of that, but if you’re dealing with figures like one million abortions, one percent is still 10,000. If only one percent of babies survives abortions, that’s 10,000 babies whose lives should drive “compassionate liberals” crazy with guilt if they didn’t have force fields shielding their minds.

If the Ku Klux Klan were still as active today in the Democratic Party as it once was, would Democrats be pleased to say merely 10,000 slaves survived being lynched last year before being shoved into a ditch, so what’s the big deal? Moreover, would those Democrats be happy that the other 990,000 lynched slaves strangled to death like they were supposed to?

In the insane leftist mindset, the reality of aborting black babies’ very lives — in even disproportionately high numbers — can’t even be whispered, although every other setback to black progress must be screamed from the rooftops as intentional, unforgivable racism.

Moreover, these leftist Democrats are willingly not only allowing, but fighting for, the destruction of little blacks who might otherwise grow up and join their ranks as voters. Talk about a political death wish.

Using this same template, Ralph Northam’s racist attire in his 1984 medical-school yearbook photo had to be flayed endlessly as dominant media dangled his battered body from the scaffold, but his current shocking comments about fourth-trimester abortion were rushed under a sheet by media propagandists lest anyone notice.

Is that why Northam might wear a Klan sheet? To hide the little bodies?

The pro-abortion legal revolution was sprung nationally on the U.S. nearly a half-century ago by elitists who fooled themselves into horrors that they refuse to acknowledge even today while they now expand to the born-alive. Dominant media shriek with glee over the deaths while hoping their shrieks and brittle lies drown out the cries of torment.

Remember the story about the church choir singing louder to drown out the pleas as the nearby National Socialist cattle cars on the main line carried victims to the death camps?

Having hopped onto the back of the abortion tiger in 1973, elitists seem to have no idea how to get down, or even seem to think they need to — although some former abortionists and their staffers totally changed their ways, from Bernard Nathanson, MD, to Abby Johnson.

No reasonable person today wants to be called a National Socialist because of their revealed atrocities, although Hitler’s movement had been considered a worthy wave of the future by many in the 1930s.

In the same way, will the term “liberal Democrat” be abhorred in the future as a poisonous insult recalling those whose very core of existence and political action was promoting massive baby slaughter?

The USSR, atheist Mexico, maybe Venezuela now, rulers there and elsewhere finally were held to account when the right time arrived, however unknowable that time may be to us in the box seats or out on the steamy streets of history.

A Fire Bell In The Night

San Diego’s Catholic bishop, Robert McElroy, is known as a political liberal and strong admirer of Pope Francis, but McElroy, too, issued a stern denunciation of New York’s new, ultra-permissive abortion law.

In a statement posted February 11 at his diocesan website, McElroy said, in part: “The New York statute in its real-world application approaches the question of late-term abortion not as a question of the competing moral claims of a mother and child, but simply the claim of the mother in isolation. The child has been eliminated, both conceptually and in fact.

“It is this de facto extinction of the moral claim of the unborn child that is the most damaging and chilling effect of this new legislation,” he said.

“For it seeks to be a prelude to a broad reimaging of the issue of abortion in the national consciousness in which the primary moral insight which the broad American public has always had about the humanity of the unborn child is simply swept away. It is hard to think of a more debilitating attack upon our nation’s moral sensitivity. . . .

“The New York abortion law stands as a fire bell in the night, calling for us to advocate on an urgent basis for federal legislative and judicial protections for unborn human life in the coming years so that our country does not become a house divided, state by state, on this most volatile issue of human life and human dignity,” McElroy said.

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