The Left’s Weird Science


I love the way the liberal left uses science as a form of religion. They worship at the altar of Al Gore and his global warming, and most recently “climate change” conspiracy theories.

Like an army of Chicken Littles (though they’re not as cute), the liberal leftists run around crying about melting ice glaciers, endangered species of animals becoming extinct, and the ever-growing danger of our carbon footprints. I’d sure like to put a literal carbon footprint on all of their behinds.

Climate change used to be known as the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. But these radical Mother Earth worshipers like to make it sound like some kind of Irwin Allen disaster film, envisioning a melting Earth as the blazing sun itself comes crashing down on all of our heads.

If anyone dares to reply that climate change is all a hoax to enforce more overreaching global government power and regulations, we are called “climate deniers.” The climate change cultists aren’t playing around. They really do want everyone to subscribe to their wild notions and theories.

Not that we should trust Wikipedia as the end-all and be-all of facts and information, but just for the sake of some basic background, this is what it says about the 2015 Paris Agreement:

“It is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change dealing with greenhouse gases emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020. France’s foreign minister Laurent Fabius said this ‘ambitious and balanced’ plan is a ‘historic turning point’ in the goal of reducing global warming.”

It’s all a bunch of gobbledygook that makes little sense to us climate change infidels, but nevertheless it is a huge deal to these climate cultists who lit up the iconic Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe in green when they ratified this ridiculous global agreement. This was much in the same way that Obama desecrated the White House that same year with rainbow-colored lighting in honor of another hoax — so-called same-sex marriage.

It’s interesting how the radical liberal left will insist that science proves without a doubt that climate change and global warming are real and not hoaxes. They love science when it serves their own agendas, narratives, and purposes. Why is it that when it comes to gender identity, science goes out the window?

The liberal left will argue until they are blue in the face that biology and science have nothing to do with “gender identity.” They will argue that just because a person is physically either a male or a female. it doesn’t mean that they are in actuality a male or a female. How does this kind of convoluted thinking make any sense to anyone?

As Catholics, perhaps, we can temporarily ignore the climate change argument just to save ourselves from any unnecessary frustration, but when it comes to this insane notion of “gender identity,” we are obligated to look at the spiritual side of it.

Gender confusion is one of the deadliest weapons in Satan’s arsenal. Imagine people being so led astray that they can’t even accept themselves as God made them.

As I have mentioned before in previous columns, popular culture only serves to exacerbate the problem of gender confusion. Television shows, pop music, Hollywood movies, and countless magazines, newspapers, and social media all celebrate this made-up gender diversity.

The best example of this is the troublesome Facebook. When people build a profile on the wildly popular website, they are given a choice of 59 different categories with which to self-identify.

Then there are prominent cosmetic companies who are now featuring homosexual men in their promotions and ads. They are all painted up like women.

The scientific differences between men and women are absolute, but let’s not allow scientific facts to get in the way of modernist social agendas!

Sex refers to the biological differences between males and females. For example, females have XX chromosomes, while males have XY chromosomes. Simple, right?

Wrong. This is where the whole “gender identity” baloney is designed to deceive and confuse young people into thinking they can be whatever they want to be. It certainly doesn’t help that the schools are teeming with crazy liberal teachers and pornographic sex-education programs run by Planned Parenthood.

We are also told that unlike a person’s sex, gender refers specifically to the cultural differences expected by a society and/or culture of men and women according to their sex. So that means we expect men to be men and women to be women, right?

Wrong again. Today’s pagan society encourages people to identify with whomever or whatever they choose to. If I self-identify as a porpoise today, I expect everyone around me to respect my rights as a Porpoise-American, and if you don’t then you are bigoted against porpoises and you are also a porpoise-phobe.

Last week at the so-called Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and across the world, which was really a pro-abortion march, confused “transgendered” men complained that the Women’s March on Washington unfairly excluded them by declaring that a person’s sex is decided by their male or female biology.

Even the radical pro-abortion militant feminists wanted nothing to do with men who think they’re women. Funny.

In the end, for the far left-wing nuts, their version of science is theirs to do with whatever they want. We know better. We know truth. We know God.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer. Reach Rey at

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