The Mirage Messiah . . . Unleashes His Inner Sufferings With Dangerous Results For Nation


A tourist from Florida in her 30s, all smiles beneath her hiking cap, was having a great day on a trail to admire northern Arizona’s enormous Grand Canyon up close.

A misstep and her life was over as she plummeted into the chasm, according to an Orlando television station’s news report on July 11.

The shock could have represented a summary of most Americans’ emotions as they saw their nation toppling into what seemed like chaos before the first half of July was over. Violent outbreaks, shootings and murders, racial unrest and resentment, angry marchers and tense law enforcers in state after state.

This wasn’t what many voters had expected in November 2008. They thought that electing Democrat Barack Obama was a new dawn for the nation, from Grand Canyon trails to Florida beaches and everywhere else. However, he was a mirage messiah who didn’t bring others healing but desperately needed it within himself after an emotionally deprived young life.

Obama’s continued inner sufferings that he thought to conceal beneath his boastful bluffing only made the rest of the nation, and the world, vulnerable to more death and destruction as he wasn’t able to cope with much reality within himself, outside, or far beyond.

He’d hoped to cocoon himself in far-left theorizing after an early life with a freaky left-wing white mother and double-devastating father-absence, by both African and Asian male adults.

His close circle was no help, from his younger-days Marxist mentor Frank Marshall Davis to the cynical shakedown artist and former secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The world has grown far more dangerous under Obama’s arrogant ineptitude, and the U.S. groans apace as his promised domestic “transformation” is exposed as a malevolent scheme to punish the nation for its alleged privilege and bigotry, as misperceived through Obama’s pained squint.

Reflecting on current social unrest, conservative pundit John Hinderaker said that Democrats need to win overwhelming percentages of the black vote in order to triumph in elections, so they keep stirring up blacks’ anxieties that their well-being depends on the success of the Democratic Party.

Minnesotan Hinderaker made the comment on the July 12 Phoenix daily radio program of conservative political analyst Seth Leibsohn on KKNT (960 AM).

One might add that Democratic Party success in turn arguably depends on continued failure by a black lower class that can’t be allowed to grow truly independent and proud like, say, Republican Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

If downtrodden-feeling blacks could experience what it’s like to hold their heads high, the days of the Democrat plantation bosses would be over. Self-respect confers true nobility, while being held down by supposed political friends feeds resentment.

The evening after the July 7 slaying of five police officers in Dallas, Phoenix radio host Leibsohn played an old tape of Democrat Robert F. Kennedy speaking in April 1968, informing a black group that he was scheduled to talk to that Martin Luther King Jr. had just been killed.

The shocked crowd gasped, then Kennedy delivered uplifting extemporaneous remarks, appealing to love and unity, that won their applause. He even cited the ancient Greek tragedian Aeschylus.

Kennedy’s brother John F. Kennedy had been assassinated five years earlier as president, and Robert himself was to be assassinated only two months later, in June 1968, just after he won the California Democratic presidential primary.

It was a different day of political discourse, back when the Democratic Party had a living Catholic influence instead of being today’s errand boy for abortionists, apostates, and the seriously sexually disoriented.

Religious faith hasn’t done well in Obama’s America, except for the administration’s deference to Islam, even the violent brand. Obama’s policies and his appointed judges persecute and penalize other traditional religious believers who dare to try to follow their faith once they step outside the door of their places of worship.

Commentator Glenn Beck probably didn’t need to explain himself when he said he wants to be free to practice his religion, not simply “to worship.”

However, U.S. religious believers including the Catholic Little Sisters of the Poor to church-run educational institutions to Protestants who own bakeries, pharmacies, and flower shops are ordered by government officials to violate their sincere principles or else face ruinous fines and forced indoctrination.

It’s insufficient if some other shopkeeper just down the street is willing to pick up the customers. These specific Christians have to have their consciences broken, too.

These people intend only religious fidelity, not wrongdoing at all. But government in Obama’s America fumes in anger against them. However, what about Obama’s own elite who justifiably arouse deep concerns among the citizenry about violations of the law?

FBI Director James Comey, excusing himself from doing his duty, said on July 5 that he didn’t think a reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against Hillary Clinton over her grave misuse of official, secret emails because of the difficulty of proving her intent to do wrong.

Comey left most people gasping after Hillary had lied again and again in obvious desperate efforts to conceal her wrongdoing and destruction of evidence. This wasn’t the behavior of an innocent waif but a malign left-winger who intentionally helped to collapse foreign governments, followed by chaos and war — when she wasn’t shaking down foreign governments to give her huge illegal gifts.

Just the sort of person the Democrats need as their 2016 presidential nominee, strongly backed on the campaign trail by Obama. Maybe Hillary would have been in more trouble with prosecutors if she’d said her religion required her to hide her emails and take payoffs?

Hillary’s likely opponent for the White House race, Republican Donald Trump, was expected to announce his selection of a vice-presidential running mate around the time, or shortly after, this issue of The Wanderer goes to press. There will be plenty to analyze about that choice, and what it further reveals about Trump’s acumen and aspirations, once the name is confirmed.

It’s inescapably true that the U.S. and world are more dangerous, violent, chaotic places because of the hubristic Obama, but you won’t see that link being made in dominant media that still adore him. They may think quietly that his radicalism goes too far, but it’s such a delight to them to see someone who can ram through what they want.

For instance, tens of millions of abortions promoted around the world. If their consciences might be feeling somehow bad about that, Obama’s snappy suits and snappy diction reassure them that these wickedly good times can go on forever. This expectation demands as much illusion as Obama’s own shortsightedness, but media can think they create reality.

Just think back to when the detested Republican George W. Bush was president. If even a small group of feminist protesters camped outside his Texas ranch, the media made sure the world knew. If a foreign leader lost an election, these media said Bush undermined him. And on and on.

Star Wars

Think back further to someone else the dominant media loathed, Republican President Ronald Reagan, who called his visionary missile shield to protect the U.S. the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Reagan’s media opponents instead called it “Star Wars,” hoping the science-fiction movie’s title would persuade people that SDI wasn’t to be taken seriously.

Day after day, media stories would refer to Reagan’s “Star Wars” program, as if that were his own preferred appellation. Or recall the term “Reaganomics” for his approach to economics. Media stories used the description derisively until the program began working, at which time they lost interest in employing this as a laugh line, or mentioning the word at all.

So these folks with the videos and laptops can put words in the president’s mouth — or make sure certain words never are spoken. Obama could end up fittingly described in stories as our King of Chaos, but that wouldn’t happen unless and until Obama maybe starts denouncing and fighting against permissive abortion, “same-sex” marriage, and the violation of religious conscience.

But, boy, if Obama ever does undergo such a thorough, sincere religious conversion, you’d better bet that dominant media suddenly will discover what an awful country this has become under his rule.

A few days can be a lifetime in politics, as vividly shown in recent British political developments, too. After the unexpected victory of the Brexit movement on June 23 to leave the European Union, pro-globalist Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intention to resign because he’d placed his prestige behind defeating Brexit.

It seemed logical that a leader of Leave would replace him, with former London Mayor Boris Johnson appearing to be a solid possibility, but Johnson withdrew and another Leave champion, Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove, sought to take his place. Gove soon fell in party voting, too, coming in behind Leave supporter Andrea Leadsom, the energy secretary.

Leadsom in turn pulled out, thus handing the prime ministership to, of all people, Theresa May, the interior secretary and a proponent of staying in the European Union. What maneuvering may have occurred to attain this victory?

May vowed that she wouldn’t try to undermine the successful Brexit vote by the British people: “Brexit means Brexit.”

But a lot of globalist clout and financial heft had opposed Brexit. Will the EU be shown the door? Or will Brexit somehow get exited amid professions of amazement and elite glee?

Politics as usual? Which brings us back to the future of table-toppling Donald Trump. Stay tuned.

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