The Myth Of The Back-Alley Abortion


Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the National Abortion Federation, and all of their stooges in Washington, D.C., always like to use their “back-alley abortions” straw man argument whenever any anti-abortion bills are presented at either the state or the federal level.

Do these organizations and the fiends that run them really believe that we will return to those scary old days of back-alley abortions? Really?

It is a fact that no matter how many stop signs we have or how many traffic signals are signaling red, there are and most likely will always be car accidents because someone did not obey the stop sign or the traffic signal. It is also a fact that no matter how many laws are put into place, starting with the Ten Commandments, there will always be someone there to break them.

And it is also a fact that if somehow, some way our nation again outlaws abortion, abortions will not cease to be performed, and that is the sad but hard truth. Where there is a will, there is always a way.

This is why I am calling the multibillion dollar pro-abortion industry’s bluff and ask its members if they really believe that women who want abortions will be relegated to the dirty back alleys of cities like Chicago or New York, where a so-called doctor will be there in dirty scrubs, wielding unsterilized instruments in his dirty and unwashed hands.

But guess what, pro-aborts: Those dirty, unkempt, unregulated, and often unlicensed abortionists are already here. Just because they aren’t literally in a back alley in skid row doesn’t mean that all of the unsanitary and unsafe conditions don’t already exist. Just take a look at Kermit Gosnell who operated for years without any oversight or regulations on his butcher shop.

Just this past week, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed a new law that bans second-term abortions which it describes as “dismemberment abortions” and that defines performing them as “knowingly dismembering a living unborn child and extracting such unborn child one piece at a time from the uterus.”

Pro-aborts, especially the entities that profit so heavily from abortion, describe this new law as one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. They complain that women are being oppressed and denied health care. That’s all a bunch of malarkey. Unless we resign ourselves all-out to the murder and homicide of any human being any one of us deems unworthy and undeserving of life at any stage of his life, I say this law doesn’t go far enough to protect helpless innocent human beings.

Let’s say we do overturn Roe v. Wade in our lifetime. Then what? What will happen then is that we simply change positions on the playing field. The pro-aborts then become the offense and we become the defense.

In the meantime, the abortion profiteers are sounding all the alarms and using all of the tired old lies and arguments about the alleged oppression of women’s rights, denying them health care, not respecting their bodies or their choices and enslaving them to the dreaded reality of forced motherhood. God forbid.

I understand that there are many young women and plenty of young men, too, who still buy into these lies, especially after having been indoctrinated for a few decades now by the Planned Parenthood sex-ed purveyors in their grammar and high schools. But plenty of young people are waking up, thanks to the efforts of many prominent pro-life organizations that are doing great work to recapture the youth from the clutches of the sex and death peddlers.

Speaking of indoctrination, Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, put out this statement last week: “Politicians are not medical experts, yet politicians have written these reckless laws as part of a broader effort to end access to safe, legal abortion, plain and simple.”

Really, Cecile? Is it only politicians who support your life-ending agenda and especially your fiscal needs who can play doctor or medical expert? Is it only the politicians who give you millions of dollars who are reckless? I think dismembering tiny babies in the wombs of their mothers is pretty reckless.

Someone else from the abortion lagoon, Jennifer Dalven, director of the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project, added: “Across the country, legislators are pushing laws that are opposed by the leading medical organizations for the sole purpose of shutting down women’s health centers and stopping a woman from getting an abortion.”

What leading medical organizations, Jennifer? The same ones that profit from the multibillion-dollar abortion industrial complex? Also, what “women’s health centers” are these legislators trying to shut down? Planned Parenthood? I would hardly call that a women’s health center.

And finally, Jennifer — yes, we are trying to stop women from killing their own babies. We are also trying to stop them from entering the abortuary doors where the death of the mothers also occurs at times.

The myth of the back alley abortion is just that — a myth.

You can shout all you want about abortion being a woman’s right or her choice or whatever, but at the end of the day, you leave thousands of women empty. With empty wombs and with empty hearts and a lifetime of pain, sorrow, and regret.

But your pockets — lined with the money you take from the scared women who come to you and the taxpayer dollars our government takes from us to give to you — aren’t empty.

I call your bluff, Planned Parenthood and NARAL and the rest of your pro-abortion allies. You know you are in the wrong, but when you are so entrenched in evil and in deception, all you want to do is bring that evil upon others so that you aren’t alone.

I do pray that you will repent because you will come face to face with our Lord, who is Truth.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey at and follow him on Twitter @ReyFloresUSA.)

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