The Spiritual “Knockout Game”


I imagine most of you have already heard all about the infamous “knockout game” craze that’s sweeping the nation. Those crazy kids; what’ll they come up with next?

I am also not sure how many of you may feel the same way I do, but by the time I get to bed at night, I feel as if I have been severely knocked over the head with bad news, worse news, and even more worse news on top of that.

Thank God for bedtime prayers, because how else would we make it in this crazy, sinful, and mixed-up world? It seems like we’re all in for a daily “spiritual knockout” the way things are going.

This past week I watched a horrible video of some very scary pro-aborts in Argentina attempting to vandalize a Catholic cathedral, but thwarted off by some solid young Catholic men forming a human chain of protection around the edifice.

The pro-abortion protesters were acted like they were possessed by demons. These women looked like something out of a horror movie. Many were topless and performed lewd acts in front of the young men, who prayed without fail.

Many of the men also had their faces, eyes, and pants spray-painted by these witch-like protesters, and one part of the video shows one woman hanging her bra around the neck of one of the young men in an attempt to provoke a reaction of one kind or another.

While it’s easy to hate these radical protesters, especially after watching them abuse these good young men, I don’t think that’s the best option. I think we should all include people like these in our prayers and trust that God will either reach their hearts or administer whatever punishments He will — as He will with any of us.

The powers-that-be sure have things going as planned, if they wanted us divided. It seems that everybody is against everybody and everyone is angry all the time at everyone else, no matter what groups we’re talking about.

Even the liberal “social justice” Catholics often can’t stand the “pro-life” Catholics, and the Novus Ordo Mass-goers frequently don’t care for the Traditional Mass-goers and vice-versa.

If division is what the corporate globalist humanists want, we sure are giving it to them, aren’t we?

Not since the days of Martin Luther King’s marches in Chicago’s South Side has this nation been more polarized and racially divided. The irony is that that the supposed “great uniter” has turned out to be the “great divider.” A black man is finally elected as president, and here we are, more divided than ever.

White people are being openly targeted by packs of black toughs, being attacked without provocation or reason. The liberal media have labeled these brutal, sometimes fatal, attacks as nothing more than a “game” being played by poor, disenfranchised black youths.

They no doubt have been emboldened by the deafening silence of the supposed, self-anointed civil rights leaders and race-baiters like the Rev. Al Sharpton and most recently Oprah Winfrey. It certainly doesn’t help, either, that the pack of white liberal, guilt-ridden provocateur news media propagandists also turn a blind eye when it comes to black-on-white hate crimes.

Academia is also a main suspect in creating the environment that white is bad, black is good, and they might as well be yelling “racism!” in the metaphorical crowded movie theater of society.

Noel Ignatiev, a professor at Massachusetts College of Art, during his final lecture a couple of weeks ago, told his white male students that “you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease.”

The great race war was something that convicted serial killer nut job Charlie Manson had prepared for back when Bill Ayers was blowing up police stations and committing other acts of violence.

Catholics Win

I’ll tell you who stands above this all. We honest-to-goodness practicing Catholics do. We stand tall and above the fray because we not only know the truth, but we have the Truth. Right there inside every tabernacle inside every Catholic church around the world.

Yes, injustices exist, pain and suffering exist, but these are the results of sin. We Catholics can also smile because we have all of the sacraments available to us right here in our nation, despite its many failings.

Let us at least try and sow some more love and unity among ourselves as Catholics. Heaven knows we have enough enemies from outside. As long as we hold on to the uncompromising Truth of our Lord and never waver, than we can call ourselves Catholics and stand united against the world and the Enemy.

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(Rey Flores is available for speaking engagements and can be reached at

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