They May Hate Religion… But D.C. Pols Like Giving Christmas Gifts All Year Long


No doubt some little kids would like to see Christmas gift-receiving every day in the year, but even they eventually might tire of endless presents every single morning for 365 days, and then here comes the next 365 — or 366 for Leap Year. Where do they store them all away?

That’s how they’re different from Washington politicians, who never want to cease their Santa role of dispensing favors and dreaming up additional new gifts to bestow. But the way the pols are different from little kids’ parents is that Mom and Dad mainly have to use their own money to buy the treats.

Having endless possessions has its limits. Unless politicians decide that all of you are their possessions, cash cows to facilitate their wildest dreams.

Joe Biden and Jen Psaki tell you that government spending trillions of dollars costs you zero. Okay, fine. Just stop paying anything to the IRS because, according to Biden, none of your taxes are needed anyway.

A vivid illustration of how far the national government has traveled from the people it supposedly represents is that it mainly feels ever more unaccountable for what it does with taxpayers’ money. This isn’t a new condition, but, like much else, has worsened considerably.

The only hesitation for committing the bribery is when some spendthrift politician fears that a pocket of more-conservative voters would trouble his re-election. So have a federal judge or bureaucrat step in and mandate the waste.

Does Mr. Government covet all 14 automobiles in the showroom window? Buy them all and claim that by using each car only once every 14 days, it’s saving tax money on each car’s wear and tear. Does it want a 30-bedroom home? Cost is no object, and by hiring five maids and five maintenance workers to care for them, it’s helping fight unemployment.

If the new hires don’t prefer to work, give them space in the bedrooms and declare them to be federal mattress testers.

You can’t stand Joe Biden’s intentionally skyrocketing gas prices? That’s because he wants to force you into an expensive electric car just because his Marxist theorists with their aching guilt complexes tell him to. Voters are playthings in their hands.

Unchecked about responsibility, the D.C. pols throw everything into huge legislative bills and smirk at the fact that the dominant media who support them make no complaint about bypassing individual budget hearings.

All contained in, say, 2,500 pages of mandates, here are their weather fantasies and promoting abortion and making payoffs for illegal aliens and goodies for ideology warriors and funding attacks on religion, the list gets endless.

It’s like whipping together an indigestible Christmas dinner for thousands, served from one huge bowl, from appetizers to main courses to side dishes then desserts, from fruit juice to coffee or tea to liquor. Why, even an after-dinner cigar stuck into the agglomeration is okay because it’s not a bad old cigarette.

The Democrats have only razor-thin congressional majorities — whether some of their races’ victories were legitimate or not — but they try to legislate as if Republicans barely have any seats in the chambers. (And for too long, too many Republicans passively accepted this arrogance.)

If some Dems vote for Biden’s socialism then lose their seats in 2022 because of angry voters, the pols can be rewarded with a high-paid lobbying job or some-such for falling on their swords. Just like 2010, when the Dems lost their House majority in a bloodbath, but the Obamacare they rammed through is still the law.

Biden’s intentionally flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens who are rewarded financially for their lawbreaking — and may spread the COVID diseases that Biden supposedly is fighting — is yet another scandal of rubbing voters’ faces in the mud.

Who will suffer for this? Only innocent voters who are being persecuted by the professional political class that will protect its own while rearranging the suburbs, remaking vehicle transportation, politicizing and sexualizing little kids’ textbooks, slamming through more expansive abortion and taxation for it, and whatever else malign pops into their skulls — skulls being a good symbol for their fixation on destruction.

California commentator Barbara Simpson points out the sense of futility gnawing at, for instance, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is told by Biden to break the law, jeopardize this nation, and let dangerous criminals roam free.

Simpson quoted recently retired and deeply frustrated ICE official Thomas Feeley: “To fight and argue every day about not arresting or releasing horrible criminals to the street quite frankly is disgusting.”

You’re intentionally being replaced with a new population.

Say, by the way, how do you like getting tiny fractions of one percent interest on your savings account or money-market fund? Earlier in this century, it may have been around five percent. Pretty good return for a high level of security. But pols determined to escalate debt forever won’t tolerate that kind of interest environment. Once again you pay (or don’t get paid) for their sins.

But is your dramatic loss of some extra cash worth some news stories these days? Mais non. As John Daniel Davidson noted at The Federalist on November 24 about dominant media priorities: “If the media are not lying outright, they are distorting or ignoring major stories that undermine their preferred narratives. You won’t have to wait long for this to happen again. It will probably happen this week.”

Not so long ago I asked a retired military officer why won’t this nation’s security services revolt against an administration determined to wreck how the nation is constituted. They want their promotions, he said. Won’t get promoted if you get out of line.

The federalism this nation was founded on used to work better, when D.C. didn’t exert so much power. But now it intends its mandates to affect everywhere.

You at least still can move from an awful blue state to a better red one, but don’t be surprised if Biden’s government that loves open borders nationally is dreaming somehow of fencing off state borders to keep beleaguered citizens in their place. Cornered. Like the nursery rhyme of where Little Jack Horner ate his Christmas pie.

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