This Is Not Your Job, Dude!


Almost immediately after Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced that Speaker Nancy Pelosi cannot receive Communion until she publicly renounces her advocacy of abortion and confesses her error, Whoopi Goldberg, an entertainer, decided to lecture the archbishop regarding what he could not do as her home bishop. Appearing on the ABC show, The View, Goldberg attempted to educate the bishop with these words: “This is not your job, dude.”

Although not a Catholic, Goldberg unfortunately does seem to echo the thoughts of a significant number of Catholics. Primarily, I suspect those of diehard Democrat Catholics. These same “Catholics” have long ago (since Roe v. Wade) somehow come to the conclusion that Church doctrine is all right just as long as it doesn’t interfere with their “God given right to vote for the Party.” After all, since when can bishops steer the sheep in the USA? Yes, Christ did say: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations….Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:16-20), but that was then, and this now, and we live in “a free country.” Let the bishops suggest what they want, but tell us what to do? Not here in America, not now!

Nowhere is that sentiment more clearly expressed than through the so-called “Catholic” organization Catholics for Choice, formed in 1973 (also, coincidentally shortly after the infamous Roe v. Wade decision) and currently headed by Jamie Manson, who at one time said that to her knowledge, she was the only “out queer” woman in the global Catholic media.

Her professed lifestyle itself is an indication that she would likely be resistant to most Church teachings. Catholics for Choice advocates for unlimited “Reproductive Rights,” a euphemism for the legal right to murder an unborn child at any stage and for any reason. Their name was chosen to create the impression that Catholics can remain Catholics in good standing and support a position that directly contradicts Church doctrine on the sanctify of all life from conception to natural death.

The organization receives funds and media support from anti-Catholic groups, hoping to spread discontent and confusion among the faithful.

Regardless of their name and their continuing efforts to claim legitimate opposition to Church doctrine regarding life issues, Catholics for Choice has never been recognized by the Church, and as a matter of fact, has been condemned by Church authorities, as have other groups that directly or indirectly support the deliberate murder of the unborn. Darn those bishops. There they go again, trying to tell us what to do!

Incredibly, despite the clear and continual Church support for the unborn, a sizable minority of Catholics, mostly Democrats, seem to be tolerant of abortion, or at least refuse to hear the Church’s firm teaching against the slaughter of the unborn. These “pro-choice” Catholics seem to think that they have found a loophole. One that comforts their consciences: “Who am I to tell others what they can believe.”

Listening to a Catholic radio program shortly after the archbishop’s announced ban, I heard a woman call in to the host, expressing disappointment in the archbishop’s decision. She argued that denying Pelosi Communion would prevent her from receiving graces that she would otherwise receive that could bring her to the realization that promoting abortion was wrong. Try as he might, the host could not succeed in convincing this woman that Pelosi’s shepherd was teaching her, and all of his sheep, in accordance with his obligations.

This woman’s rationalizations seem to be shared by many other Catholics who have since discussed the ban. Somehow, over time, especially in the postconciliar era, the concept of our Church’s authority, along with our basic Catholic beliefs, seems to have slipped into a form of Protestantism, that is, we can decide for ourselves, without our bishop’s guidance, what Jesus wants from us.

Some justify their “pro-choice” tolerance by resorting to the Bible itself, claiming that if something is not specifically forbidden by Jesus in the Bible, then perhaps we can show some flexibility when dealing with it. Since Jesus did not say: “Do not practice abortion” perhaps voting for Catholics who promote abortion is okay, or at least not sinful. Maybe the bishops are exceeding their authority over us? Life for Catholics is a lot less demanding if a bishop is less judgmental and just lets everyone decide for themselves what’s good for them, according to their needs and whims, just as countless other “Christians” do by practicing “live and let live.” Anything to keep voting Democrat!

Democracy demands independence, and the very idea of someone, anyone, telling us what to do has become verboten! Penance? I’ll confess directly to God. At least He won’t criticize my sins, or talk back. Reception of the Eucharist? Why not, God understands me. He knows that no matter what I’ve done, He’s already taken that sin to Himself. One need only to attend almost any Sunday Mass today, to realize that many parishioners think that everyone can receive Communion.

Either today’s Catholics are a lot better people than they were 50 years ago, or few think that they are receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus. The pews quickly empty as everybody joins in receiving Communion. Recently, I saw a woman sipping her Starbucks until she stood up to join the Communion line. No wonder many of us are silent on the abortion issue. Many of us have de-catechized ourselves. The Eucharist is a great symbol, but that’s it. We’re part of the “in crowd” now, and it is safe and rewarding. We can’t make a big deal out of it. We’re Americans who happen to be Catholic, not the reverse. We fit in.

Nancy Pelosi is a prime example for all of us. She insists she’s “pro-life,” but she wouldn’t think of imposing her views on those who think murdering millions of innocent babies is just exercising “reproductive rights.” She is content to think of this as a “Catholic” issue, turning a blind eye to natural law and everyone’s duty to protect life at every stage. I find her comments that she doesn’t respect “foisting” her views on abortion onto others both disingenuous and cynical. Pelosi doesn’t “foist” pro-life views on others, she joyfully promotes abortion through her constant praise of Planned Parenthood and her unending work to fund abortion both in the United States and around the world.

The constant attacks on Church doctrine by the Speaker and other “Catholic” politicians demonstrates to me that something more insidious is occurring, something that is quietly wounding the Church. We were warned by Pope Paul VI that “The Smoke of Satan” has entered the temple of God. In a desire to “fit in,” many of today’s Catholics have become what I call “catholic-protestants.”

In 1960, when John F. Kennedy was running for the presidency, he appeased the “conservative Christian community” by assuring them that his obligation to the United States Constitution came before his Catholicism. Soon after that, Catholics began to enjoy being welcomed into the Christian Community, and with that embrace came the reluctance to stand up for the true faith. Church teaching regarding the Sacrament of Penance, the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, the knowledge that the Catholic Church is the one true church founded by Christ, all of these things became burdens, preventing us from enjoying the benefits of being part of the crowd. We were no longer outcasts in America, who were confined to our parishes.

Even better, economic opportunities were opening up. Our children were merging into society. “Our weird beliefs” were being quietly updated to conform to the times.

Is it any wonder that Catholic politicians sensing the chance to succeed, turned away from controversy? They had become mainstream. They were now part of the “in crowd.” The Roe v. Wade disgrace presented a real difficulty for our ambitious Catholic secular leaders. They were members of the House of Representatives and United States senators who now had to make choices.

Stand up against abortion and then what? Abortion was legal now, everywhere. Do they risk losing their political offices? They had worked so long to obtain their prestige and their power. What about their contacts, those who had the financial clout to keep them in office? And besides, by staying in office, they can do good in other areas, i.e., relieve poverty, improve working conditions. . . . For many, the tradeoff was too tempting to resist. They could still claim to be “personally opposed, but. . . .” The die was cast!

One by one, many of them fell by the wayside. Their power was too much for them. Their faith could stay in their homes and in their churches. The real world called them. Now, if only the priests, bishops and their Catholic constituents would quit bothering them, they could live with somewhat clear consciences. Nancy Pelosi, and these other pseudo-Catholics had found a home! Not a home suggested by their rightful shepherds, but one encouraged by a satanic shepherd, an imposter, by the original “Wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Thank God For

Archbishop Cordileone

Finally, some of our more courageous bishops are openly challenging these “personally opposed” Catholics. It is becoming more difficult to claim to be a Catholic and to support legalized abortion. One has to ask, does Nancy Pelosi, and do these other “pro-choice” Catholic politicians, really believe what they publicly espouse? Especially, since our bishops and priests are being joined by an increasingly vocal number of pro-life Catholics, all of whom are praying for them and for a renewal of true Catholic catechesis, especially with regard to the value of all human life, both born and unborn.

All Catholics should thank God for Archbishop Cordileone. He is doing what pro-lifers have hoped and prayed for since the legalization of abortion. His decisive action may result in similar moves from more shepherds and in a return to the faith by many pro-abortion Catholics, saving their souls and the lives of more and more unborn.

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