Throw Me To The Lions In 2015




“Dark has been the year gone by, many tears as we say goodbye. While we wish and hope for a better year, it doesn’t look like it will ever get here. Despair not, my brethren, for after the storm and drubbing, He will make His second coming”— Unknown.

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I bet that most of you are ready to say goodbye to 2014, a year that saw all sorts of things we suspected would come, but never thought we’d actually see them happen. At least it wasn’t boring.

2014 brought us the much rumored, but finally very real battles between an increasingly militarized police state and a bunch of malcontented radicals that still have no clue what they truly are fighting for.

We are witnessing the destructive acts of a bunch of clueless rebels without a clear cause, all mixed up like vermin seeking their own individual gratifications, to blind and prideful to admit that what they really need is to seek Jesus and His holy Church.

We see renegade corporations that sell, sell, and sell; but at what cost? iPhones and iPads are all the rage as Chinese slave workers jump to their deaths from prison factory windows because they can no longer keep up with the demand from insatiable consumers feeding like pigs at the trough of technology and convenience.

We also saw a year of homosexual social terrorism that wants men who dress like women to share public restrooms with our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. An agenda that demands tolerance the same way a boa constrictor demands the last breath of its prey.

Professional race baiters like the Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and even our own President Barack Hussein Obama insist that there exists an injustice against blacks, despite the fact that the president himself is half-black.

The worst irony is that the same protesters that demand a race war are the very same participants and supporters of the abortion, contraception, and sterilization industries that target poor minorities and have exterminated one-third of their population since abortion became law in 1973.

Another thing we must ask ourselves is if we will see an increase in Christian beheadings.

The chopping of heads is as barbaric a practice as we can imagine, but now these acts are no longer things of fairy tales or history books. Today’s Catholic parents at some point have to teach their children that they will more than likely have to die for our faith one day.

Our children more than likely will face a bloody death at the hands of radical savages that are under the control of Satan and the so-called religions he uses as guises for his work here on earth.

The news stories get more depressing each day, but if there is one thing we know that non-Catholics do not know, at least not yet, is the fact that Jesus Christ is there, present in all His glory in body, blood, soul and divinity in every tabernacle in every Catholic Church around the world.

He awaits us there to ask Him for His love, mercy and forgiveness, but we are the ones that must drop down to our knees and ask for these things. Yes, He is a merciful God, but He is also a just God. We must ask for these things and never presume them.

How many more Catholic Church parishes must close before we all get the message that the only thing that will keep the doors open is a return to the Traditional Latin Mass in full force?

While the Archdiocese of New York is in the process of closing over 50 parishes from 2014; how many more will succumb to the moral mismanagement of pretenders like Cardinal Dolan in 2015? The respite we seek in the comforting bosom of our Holy Mother Church is disappearing, at least in the form of our church buildings.

Thank God for the Traditional and more orthodox orders like the Institute of Christ the King, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and even Miles Christi, where Catholic communities thrive and grow with beauty, reverence, and holiness.

Here is something I plan to do in the new year and I ask that you join me. Always start your day off by making the sign of the cross before you even get out of bed in the morning.

As a matter of fact, I strongly suggest we all make the sign of the cross all day long before we do anything at all; whether it’s driving your car, getting on a train, starting your computer, or even engaging in any way with another person.

Let the world see that we mark ourselves as Christians and let them do what they will. Perhaps we may increase in our fervor to convert more souls into the Church with the same fervor early Christians did in the first few centuries of our Church. Let them throw me to the lions, I say!

As we enter the 2,015th year of our Lord, let us meditate on the inspirational words written by St. John Vianney… “We must take great care never to do anything before having said our Morning Prayers…. The devil once declared…that if he could have the first moment of the day, he was sure of all the rest.” The same can be applied to the beginning of our new year.

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(Rey Flores is a Catholic writer and speaker. Contact Rey Flores at

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