Trump Slips Up Again . . . Lavatory Liberalism The Next Step To Steam Americans


Like many other wars, this one started with bright flags flying, great hopes for victory and for the defeat of presumptuous enemies. But, like those wars, combat meant the banners started drooping and assured strategies became hopeless assumptions.

Seventeen Republican presidential hopefuls soon were sifted down to two, plus one more who refused to admit he had hardly any ammunition. They were Gen. Donald Trump, of New York, Gen. Ted Cruz, of Texas, and Cpl. John Kasich, of Ohio.

The ability to read battlefield maps in the old days — or use satellite images and drones’ information today — can be the key to conquest.

Leading GOP contender Trump’s winning maneuvers seemed to show he can plot a superior path through the battlefield. But a couple of recent detours may warn that he’ll leave conservatives in the ditch, if not himself. Is he worth following anymore?

His winning sweep through generally more liberally inclined northeastern states in their April 26 primary contests helped keep his momentum maintained. But what if he ends up undercutting himself elsewhere with voters who previously believed he basically had become their kind of traditionalist conservative, like prominent endorsers Phyllis Schlafly and Sarah Palin?

Trump’s clumsy comments, plural, about the pro-life issue during this campaign might have been excused as unfamiliarity with the language by a relatively recent convert. If he could be counted on as president to appoint experienced pro-lifers to key positions, it wouldn’t matter so much how fluent he’d been personally.

However, it didn’t help when the Manhattan multibillionaire proceeded to be OK with softening the GOP’s pro-life platform position.

Moreover, a critically revealing event was Trump’s seeming indifference to the earth-shaking implications of the bathroom and locker-room battles suddenly launched by take-no-prisoners social-sexual revolutionaries. Including morally corrupt Barack Obama, whose administration was pushing hard to erase the idea of sexual distinctions.

Which was about like declaring night and day undifferentiated. That was way back when God was creating the differences.

Only two years ago, there would have been utter incomprehension among aghast Americans if any prominent politician said he had a new platform plank favoring men freely entering women’s public lavatories and lockers. But suddenly this unimaginable stand now is to be regarded as ordinary, and opposition to it is unlawful “discrimination.”

Referring to the elite pressure being forced on North Carolina so that transgender people could use whichever lavatory they please, pliable Trump said people should “use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate.”

If the Tar Heel state thinks otherwise, it just makes businesses hostile to it and causes “strife,” Trump said.

Avoiding strife suddenly is a virtue to candidate Trump? He who made stirring strife against the elite’s ways his method of operation?

He even rejected the compromise idea of allowing transgender people to have their own public bathrooms. Creating them, said multi-billionaire Trump, would be too expensive.

As for big business having become the mailed fist of the LGBT radicals, pro-lifers can only wonder why they didn’t think of this tactic for themselves decades ago.

Instead of having been down in the trenches since the 1970s using the legitimate tools of a political democracy, why didn’t pro-lifers just dash off to corporate boardrooms and tell the bigwigs to threaten economic devastation on any state that didn’t quickly pass pro-life laws?

Maybe that’s because pro-lifers knew they represented majority sentiment fighting the imposing elite, while the LGBT radicals know they’re just a small minority whose only chance is by playing unfair.

Then Trump started his trademark backtracking when conservatives protested. The guy who sold himself as the tough champion of hard-pressed ordinary Americans became a feather in the wind. Feathers don’t have feet, so don’t expect invariably firm stands.

Still, if Trump perceived how offensive his lavatory liberalism was, after some mocking by Ted Cruz, some big businesses still had to be taught the lesson.

The major Target stores said its bathrooms were opening without sexual differentiation, offering the strange claim, “Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”

Everyone, that is, except almost everyone.

A tiny minority may insist on violating everyone else’s sense of justice and privacy, but the overwhelming majority says no. Within a few days, a “boycott Target” campaign begun by the American Family Association was headed toward one million people pledging to join the boycott.

Would that make Target reconsider its refusal to allow a separate bathroom for the transgenders? Or would such an apparently commonsense compromise be rejected by the radicals insisting on imposing their own way on everyone else?

What has many traditionalists concerned now is the way society is being ripped away from its foundations faster than ever, by an unaccountable upper crust.

More than 40 years ago the U.S. Supreme Court began imposing its quirkily personal views on life-and-death morality, including approval for massive slaughter of infants who’d been protected by laws across the nation.

The degeneration has picked up speed under lying, lawless Obama and his Democrat Culture of Death, with all the executive power, and then some, of the federal government in his hands. Obama writes his own laws at his pleasure and many Republicans fear to challenge his lawbreaking.

Public disgust at this GOP spinelessness was said to have fueled Trump’s sudden rise.

Only four years ago did Obama reveal that he favored overturning virtually all of history with “same-sex marriage.” Less than a year ago the Supreme Court gave him that aberration by a one-justice margin. Now his government is out to force the nation to obey his unthinkable LGBT agenda.

Obama still feigns a belief in American principles and values. But what happens when his lawlessness opens the way for a strongman who doesn’t even pretend that?

Life Devoid Of Value

Less than a century ago U.S. progressives liked “scientific racism,” whose admirers included Planned Parenthood founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger. Some German intellectuals wanted to get to a purified future faster, too.

The German medical and legal establishments paved the way for the concept of human life “devoid of value” that should be terminated, while troubled Germany suffered collapsing moral standards. Enter the man with the mustache.

Adolf Hitler didn’t suddenly turn German society into its exact opposite. He harvested vile crops already planted while he sowed seeds for more.

Socialist Obama tried to rot the United States however he could. What remains after Obama is gone and his diseased crop ripens for harvest?

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