Trump Victory: Catholics Once Again Welcome In White House

This country has dodged a bullet with the least qualified and most radically pro-abortion and infanticide candidates in history now, we may hope and pray, both permanently sidelined from the country’s highest offices and any possible future political life.
And the most anti-Catholic as well. Harris snubbed the Al Smith dinner in a much-publicized political and religious blunder, which may have inevitably served to draw further attention on the part of less aware voters to her long-simmering hostility toward the Church.
A new and more intense religious persecution on the horizon was predictable with Harris’ public avowal to forbid any religious carve-outs to her sweeping anti-family, anti-life, anti-God agenda.
So, many Catholics voted faith this time around, and Trump was indeed the “lesser evil,” by a long shot.
What will be different? There will be problems, as there always are, this being politics and not perfection.
The parade of White House heretic Catholic stand-ins will no longer be welcome. The real Catholics surrounding the Trump team will make sure of that. And the publicity surrounding the longstanding Biden scandal of a sitting president radically promoting abortion while receiving Communion is now over. The most damaging factor in American Catholic life will now, we can hope, be largely out of the public eye.
Nothing is more toxic to Catholic belief in both the non-negotiability of the pro-life teachings and the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist than constant exposure to the images of the most prominent American who is both aggressively pro-abortion and LGBTQ regularly receiving the Eucharist.
Without a peep from our bishops.
Weak bishops, who falsely believe they have the option of remaining silent in the face of public scandal by a member of the flock, have enabled the pastoral disaster all along. God has removed the embarrassment of the lack of leadership and vigorous defense of the Kingship of Christ. Vox populi, vox Dei.
This is yet another blot on the Church that traces back to McCarrick, who concealed and lied about a letter from Benedict XVI which demanded that bishops do their job by denying reception of the Eucharist to politicians and other public officials who support and enable abortion in their roles in public life.
Catholics and our authentic message of faith and morals will now once again be welcome in the White House. The Catholic vice president-elect publicly proclaims Jesus Christ is King. It remains to be seen how he will negotiate the balance between following his faith honestly and wholeheartedly and the official Republican Reaganesque compromise of the pro-life platform.
Removing restrictions on abortion for “rape, incest and the life of the mother,” although appearing on the surface to be compassionate toward women who are, in some cases, undoubtedly in distress after extreme trauma, yet approves all the same of the premeditated taking of the innocent life of a preborn boy or girl.
Good news came out of Florida also this election day as the current abortion restrictions remain in place. In many other locations the lives of preborn children are still unjustly treated, irrationally and unscientifically, as simply another disposable organ in the mother’s body.
We saw with this election cycle that the prolife vote remains a force also in Nebraska and South Dakota where amendments to remove restriction or place abortion in the state constitutions failed. In places like Maryland, alas, the slide into greater evil seems bottomless. That state, named for Our Lady no less, voted to enshrine a “right” to legally execute unborn children in the state constitution. May the Lord have mercy on what is increasingly becoming a mid-Atlantic killing mecca.
This election, as many observers have already noted, was a rebuke to the globalists in the Church as well to those with their hands on the levers of political power. It was a pro-life, pro-family, pro-God red wave that drew in voters from across the spectrum. It may also have been a return to more honest voting procedures, with network commentators claiming that the disappearance of millions of urban Democratic voters was simply a result of Harris “underperforming” in comparison with Biden four years ago. It actually might be that less people who are dead or never existed aren’t voting this time.
The shenanigans in the Church, violating prohibitions on promotion of a candidate by name, were gross on the Democratic side. Extraordinary ministers at a D.C. Catholic parish wore Harris t-shirts while distributing the Eucharist at Mass, with the pastor proudly looking on as seen in a widely posted photo. No consequences. We all know the swift “justice” and leftist vengeance that would be visited upon any priest caught with a MAGA hat. Priests in cassocks and clerics have already been widely pilloried for their presence at Trump rallies.
Vatican II abuses, like EMHCs, have hugely succeeded in planting heretics in positions of permanent prominence in parishes all over America. Just one more reason to return to the sanity of removing lay people from the sanctuary with vested ministers only serving the sacred liturgy.
I gladly attended the second Butler rally in my cassock. Priests should always be present with their people in all the circumstances of life. This is one of the signs in the Church of the Kingship of Christ.
This is a historic political comeback of a man who was persecuted in almost every imaginable way, to include two assassination attempts as well as gratuitous lawfare, to be only the second in history after Grover Cleveland elected to a second term four years later.
Trump will be president during our 250th anniversary on July 4, 2026, of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Let us pray it will mean a renewed independence also for the Church to freely preach and teach the truth so that Christ will reign in all hearts and minds.
Christ’s reign is denied while the bishops cower behind staff or the USCCB instead of speaking out whenever necessary to defend the faith and save souls as the divinely appointed shepherds of their flocks. They are gelded as long as they cushion the financial shock of declining Mass attendance and offertory amounts by seeking government funding that muzzles them in matters of faith and morals. They must choose whom they will follow: God or Mammon.
The kingship of Christ is denied and blasphemed wherever and whenever His sacred image and likeness in any human person is violated by the great crime and injustice of abortion. Abortion is murder. When all Catholics proclaim and live this non-negotiable truth we might begin to turn this nation around to God.
Pray that President-elect Trump will be open to the whole pro-life message and the truth that it is barbaric to execute an unborn boy or girl because he or she, through no fault of his or her own, has a rapist or other criminal for a parent.
One of our US cardinals released a post-election message recognizing that some reacted to the results by breathing a sigh of relief. Count me among them. I’m puzzled, though as to whom he refers when also mentioning there are others who are experiencing “anxiety” as a result. Who are these anxious citizens who will now experience greater economic prosperity and national security?
Or are they in fact the heretics in our midst who have undermined God and souls for many years under the guise of mere political liberalism? If so, a little anxiety might do them some good. Perhaps they will now examine their consciences and come out a little more Catholic on the other side.
Thank you for reading and praised be Jesus Christ our King, now and forever.