Trump’s Surprising Victory . . . Shows Political Pros, Democrat Exploiters Need To Learn Lessons


Triumphant Donald Trump was subjected to savage ink but still stood. Will his continuing fierce opponents now portray themselves as his solicitous well-wishers? Pray for him.

Conquered Hillary Clinton possibly spent a savage night of rage at her rejection, the likely consequence of her known arrogance and anger. Pray for her.

Storming to surprising presidential victory after the November 8 national election, the non-ideological Trump may be showing the way for a winning conservatism that actually works for ordinary people, not the losing abstractionism of conservative theorists who come up lacking in legislative results even if winning elections.

An elite of professional “Never Trump” conservatives abandoned or backstabbed Trump during the campaign while warning he would destroy the GOP. Yet despite their sabotage, Republican congressional candidates and Trump himself did fine with voters, retaining control of both chambers on Capitol Hill while winning the White House in trench warfare.

Are these professional conservatives just excess baggage that an effectively streamlined conservative movement can do without?

Talkmeister Rush Limbaugh suggested on November 9 that Trumpian upstarts think the GOP could have won the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, too, but the GOP resolve just wasn’t there.

Limbaugh also noted the political class was proved wrong again when it insists that only by favoring a Hispanic “amnesty” can the GOP win. No disrespect intended to Hispanics, he said, but the idea’s inaccurate.

A monumental wake-up call also should have gone out to exploitative liberal Democrats: Many Catholics and other traditional religious people have tired of being played for patsies by their secularized political party that assumes winning their votes while deeply disrespecting their beliefs.

After eight years of bad Catholic Democrat Vice President Joe Biden claiming to practice the faith while simply spitting on foundational Church requirements, the traditionally religious can look forward to Republican Mike Pence replacing him and caring about their concerns rather than Planned Parenthood’s.

Thank goodness that no quisling Catholic like liberal Democrat Tim Kaine, who looked forward to remaking the Church in his faithless image, will succeed Biden.

The Democrats seemed to have perfected the tactic of rewarding Catholics with upward mobility in their party as long as they looked down on their Church.

But the WikiLeaks revelations may have been too much for practicing Catholics to bear when the emails showed Hillary’s Catholic liberals had plotted to redo the Church to serve their political interests.

For months in the presidential campaign, dominant liberal media daily dumped tons of dung on Trump. As just one example, a regular visit to The Washington Post’s home page revealed those putative news-writing journalists’ open rage and loathing against him. By comparison, exhibiting mere bias would have been letting him off lightly. Trump was not let off lightly.

Despite the brutal battering he got, Trump still powered to a win. The liberal media seemed rendered powerless. But they certainly weren’t converted. Shocked newsrooms might have been as chilled as tombs the night of November 8, but these tombs live to emit odors again.

Do journos simply renew their assaults after they catch their breath? Less than 24 hours after voters awaited news of the results, the Post’s home page the evening of November 9 led off with a story about protesters proclaiming “time to revolt” against Trump. No pause at all.

Think of the many months that could go by without there being similar Post stories about people who were repelled by Post left-wing pal Barack Obama’s lying and lawlessness.

(By the way, Obama-adoring media have to share major blame for the ongoing collapse of the Democratic Party. Rather than seriously confront Obama over the financial horror that his beloved Obamacare became, the journos continue to allow disgusted voters to take out their resentment against Democrat pols who passed the medical monstrosity at Obama’s command, but without a single GOP vote.)

And what horrible new offense by Trump had the November 9 protesters discovered for the online Post front page? Ulp, nothing. The story summary said they “decried his crude comments about women and attacks on immigrants.”

Having dumped this dung on Trump for months, the Post might well be prepared to do it literally for years more, until reporters’ rage finally works. They won’t rest until his administration collapses? This biased agenda journalism only repels many media consumers all the more.

I thought dominant media members like the Post would lick their wounds at least for a bit. Then they’d either resume their attacks or perhaps pose as Trump’s newly helpful friends.

“Pssst, Donald, hey, you don’t wanna wreck your great new administration by having those nasty anti-abortionists hanging around your neck, huh? And those gun-clinging religious fanatics? Get rid of ’em fast if you want to amount to anything! Just take our advice and think how wonderful your legacy will be.”

These media folk can’t seem to help themselves. They know how disgusted many of the public are by the obviously manipulated, contrived coverage to push their own agenda, but they insist on keeping it up. Then they whine when people get touchy about receiving only swill for a news diet. Left-wing advocates know they’ll get a ready platform while conservatives are told to go die on the vine.

Remember when Occupy Wall Street was the overnight darling of the dominant media, who couldn’t give these lost souls enough attention until the protests fizzled away? The protesters don’t have to face this possibility: What if you gave a riot and nobody came? And when they do the riot, they don’t have to answer for their behavior — unlike the hostile coverage conservatives would get if they dared step out of line.

On the other hand, Ronald Reagan only helped his reputation with the public when, as governor of California, he got tough with rioting student radicals in the 1960s. Trump seems no-nonsense enough that he’d do the same if he needs to restore order for threatened Americans.

As for Hillary Clinton, after the world’s smartest woman dreamed for decades of deservedly becoming president of the U.S., she must have been outraged beyond endurance when it shockingly developed on the evening of November 8 that the prize within her grasp was being stolen by an unworthy GOP vulgarian instead.

Not that Hillary had anything against stealing, it’s just that she’s supposed to do it rather than have it done to her.

The good old days of angry Hillary hurling objects when she lived at the White House may have returned on election night when it became plain the White House days would return no more.

Still, even a person truly opposed to Hillary’s policies can share her personal pain at seeing her dreams blow up this way. She doesn’t seem to have the necessary spiritual resources to deal with this, although her consuming hunger for more power and money might have been able to divert her attention through the years.

Probably anyone would have to give Hillary credit for toughness when she faced the cameras on November 9, tears in her eyes and her voice breaking as she finished the sentence, “This is painful and will be for a very long time.”

If she truly feels calamity, might she turn to repentance and reform now and rise from her ashes?

It also hurt to see photos of young fans of hers looking stricken and crying at her New York headquarters when the election results came in. Don’t they understand that the core of her being was promoting massive abortion globally that killed babies and victimized and harmed women? What’s admirable about that?

On November 9 posted a number of photos of Hillary’s devastated supporters. The accompanying story included bitter comments, such as this by “a 32-year-old filmmaker”:

“We are disgusted, embarrassed, we are sorry on behalf of our country that the white male uneducated vote has spoken today. We, as the other half of the country that believes in love, unity, and fairness — we have to gather together even stronger to fight against this man who only represents hate and bigotry and xenophobia.”

Nonsensical Propaganda

One can only say that the self-adoring ignorance and narrowness of such a comment indicates a lot of education is needed among this crowd.

Could these Hillary fans possibly benefit from mixing with a pro-Trump gathering, if for no other reason than to learn it’s certainly not confined to “the white male uneducated vote”?

To give just two recent examples in Phoenix: On November 5, I spent about two hours awaiting a talk by retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, MD, a Trump backer but certainly not an uneducated white man. Perhaps 150 men, women, children, and babies were there, patiently expecting Carson’s arrival from a delayed flight. To judge from appearance, they included Asians, Hispanics, and blacks as well as whites.

On election night I spent five hours at a major downtown hotel as maybe 1,000 Trump fans watched voting results. A rabbi and a black educator offered prayers at the lectern, and an assortment of ethnic dance groups performed. Again, Hispanics, Asians, blacks and whites, young, old, men, women and babies.

To state this seems to belabor the obvious about the contemporary U.S., except the overly sheltered Hillary supporters mentioned above seem to think only Klansmen back the billionaire.

At the Carson event, I spoke with a young Hispanic attorney, Juan Ramirez, who said all the family members from his parents’ generation came from northern Mexico.

Ramirez said Trump is “not your typical candidate, but I believe that he appeals to everyday Americans, not just conservatives, and in fact he appeals to a lot of Hispanics, who may not feel like voicing their support for Trump, but they definitely support the values and ideas of the Republican Party. . . . They support Republican values over Democratic values.”

If the dominant media’s influence weren’t diminishing, they could have prevented Trump’s election. They did all they could to that end but failed. That’s because many people simply are tuning out this blizzard of nonsensical propaganda.

The Dublin-based Irish Times might as well rent itself out as a regional edition of a big U.S. paper, frothing and foaming with hatred of Trump. Just after the election, one of the Times’ alarmed offerings was headlined, “The United Hates of America has raised its middle finger to the world.”

Oblivious that anyone but white males backs Trump, this column began, “Take down the Stars and Stripes. And raise in its stead the new flag of the United States: an all-white banner with, at its center, a big fist with the middle finger raised.”

What to do with such wild rants? Laugh. Then put ’em under your well-fed dog.

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