Wait’ll Dominant Media . . . Discover Trump Kidnapped Three-Headed Giraffes From Mars


PHOENIX — A dominant left-wing U.S. media hungry to destroy Donald Trump will whip up issues from nothing against him, including the so-called scandal that he had two scoops of ice cream for dessert when other diners got just one dollop.

Trump’s just lucky that he didn’t have whipped cream on top. In these hysterical media days, it’s not hard to imagine the headline, “Trump had chef beaten.” Huh? Oh, it’s the cream that was tortured? Huh? Oh, the cream was whipped. It’s all the same! Impeach this man who eats tortured animals. Well, the cows were killed, then ground up, then roasted. Monster! Cannibal!

But we recall when Barack Obama passionately wanted thousands of babies brutally whipped every day. Well, actually, aborted to death. Which is even worse than being whipped. Media were swell with that. And actually screamed against pro-lifers who said this was bad.

As for the fact that Obama back in Illinois fought against allowing medical care for babies who survived abortion, and he gave the excuse that saving their lives would discourage abortion — and all the dominant media said was hush-hush-hush, don’t perturb poor, sweet baby Barack. He needs his beauty sleep!

Oops, did we say baby? We meant toddler, kindergartner, anything that’s sweet but not unborn and fair game!

Anyone under the illusion that the United States has a functioning republican democracy should have been brutally shaken out of that notion when witnessing the contrast between the treatment of the immediate past president, whose callous lies and treachery troubled not at all the dominant media who shape politics, and Trump, who is equally reviled for his dessert treats as for any possible evils he might actually intend.

All was smooth media sailing under malign left-wing Obama, but dominant media seethed with fury against Trump from the moment he stuck his face out from beneath his hairdo and said it might be better for the U.S. to get a bit more conservative.

It’s the old story of the media boy who cried “Wolf!” at any ladybug flying by. Who’d believe him any longer? Well, in addition to the left-wing in-crowds who believe all their own ideological fantasies, there always are some frightened Republicans who just want to be left in peace. Which is bought with the surrender of their souls to leftist aggression by the media and a certain preferred political party.

National radio talk host Mark Levin said on May 16 that the Democrats are always the real governing party, no matter how many state legislative seats the GOP wins, or governorships, or even Congress and the White House.

Levin said he partly blames Trump for his troubles because he hadn’t cleaned out the Obama loyalists in government that Obama had eight years to plant. They’re free to plot and leak while Obama swaggers around at his D.C. command post, and also when the magic one goes to The Washington Post office to snuggle up with journo adoration between journo atom bombs lobbed at Trump.

Meanwhile, telephone caller Raul told the Laura Ingraham national radio program on May 17 that he blames Trump for surrounding himself with liberals. Not loyalists.

That seemed to summarize some of the key problems. While the White House was under siege from beyond its fence, insiders were spouting freely to their sources about how horrible it is to work for Trump. And if the White House happens to include family members counseling Trump to return to his Manhattan Moderate days, so much the worse.

A political operative who asked not to be named because of his contacts told The Wanderer on May 17: “I’d remind readers that the Trump family, from Trump’s liberal sister who is a judge, to his liberal daughter and son-in-law, to Trump himself until he ran for president, have nearly always supported liberal policies and politicians.

“Ivanka’s speech at the GOP convention received accolades for the manner in which she delivered it, but lost in the admiration for her performance was that the content was straight from the DNC convention, focusing on debunked complaints about equal wages, etc. So no one gets to be surprised when the administration skews left on issues,” the operative said.

It’s hard to keep up with reporting the angry allegations against Trump when they burst forth almost daily. Trump slipped American intelligence secrets to the Russians. Trump told the FBI director to stop an investigation. By the time you read this, maybe he’ll have been impeached for kidnapping privately owned three-headed mutant giraffes from a zoo on Mars.

No Thanks From McCain

Trump doesn’t help himself when he tries to play nice with establishment figures who have no use for him, such as legendary “maverick” Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who made no secret in 2016 of his opposition to Trump.

In last year’s Arizona Republican primary election, held on August 30, McCain was opposed by a credible former state senator and family physician, Kelli Ward, who made it plain that she supported Trump. And Trump knew it.

However, Trump gave her the boot when he declared in early August during a Wisconsin campaign stop, “While I’m at it, I hold in the highest esteem Sen. John McCain for his service to our country in uniform and in public office, and I fully support and endorse his re-election.”

Of course, McCain subsequently thanked Trump for his election help by attacking the new president whenever it suited him, including adding to leftists’ insinuations about Russia. On May 16 McCain lunged for new heights by telling a Republican gathering that Trump administration troubles are reaching a “Watergate size and scale.”

That kind of comparison suggests conscious criminality.

Radio host Ingraham on May 17 said McCain was being “outrageous,” and wouldn’t be talking like that if he were up for Arizona re-election.

Ingraham said McCain should resign from the Senate. She said he was doing the work of Senate Minority Democrat Leader Charles Schumer of New York and added, “You don’t need a DNC (Democratic National Committee) when you have John McCain.”

The Wanderer contacted a generally strong Arizona backer of McCain for a comment on May 17. He said he was very busy but would call back later if he could. He didn’t.

The political operative who didn’t want to be named told The Wanderer: “McCain is always happiest when he is attacking fellow Republicans and being embraced by his friends in the media. That is likely especially true when he gets to attack specific Republicans with whom he has longstanding beefs, like President Trump.”

Putin Jokes

Conservative Rob Haney, retired chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party, based in Phoenix, told The Wanderer on May 17:

“McCain’s attacks on President Trump are much more egregious than mere disloyalty. During his career, McCain took many oaths to protect and defend the Constitution. It is clear that the senator has a much different understanding of what an oath is and what the words in the Constitution mean. Despite his failings, the mainstream media (MSM) has placed McCain on their highest pedestal….

“By joining the MSM in their incessant daily attacks on Trump, McCain has thrown in with the leftist cabal of liberals, socialists, Communists, and anarchists to destroy a duly elected president and cause a manufactured constitutional crisis that would destroy the country. McCain has betrayed his oath once again,” Haney said.

“In just four months, Trump has shown that he will be the most effective president for advancing the Republican platform agenda. Therefore, the leftist cabal is out to destroy the Trump administration. It is no surprise to conservatives in Arizona that McCain is a very willing participant in this effort,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin treated the allegations that Trump slipped secrets to his top officials with the derision they deserved.

“I’ll be forced to issue him (Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov) with a reprimand because he did not share these secrets with us. Not with me, nor with representatives of Russia’s intelligence services. It was very bad of him,” Putin joked on May 17, according to Reuters news service.

Putin offered to provide a transcript of Lavrov’s meeting at the White House, but some members of Congress reportedly didn’t want anything that might disabuse them of their own notions.

Of course, Putin can be cavalier about the media back home in Russia because he has quite a bit of it under his thumb. In the U.S. it’s very different, where dominant journos fancy they can force everyone to squirm under media thumbscrews.

The three-headed kidnapped mutant giraffes from Mars not yet having arrived by spaceship to take up residence at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, national radio talker Sean Hannity on May 17 was forced to ponder accusations that Trump back in mid-February told recently fired FBI Director Comey to show favor for fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Hannity bemusedly asked if this was the same Comey who listed all of Hillary Clinton’s indictable offenses at a strange briefing last July before saying no reasonable prosecutor would pursue them.

In mid-February, Comey reportedly quickly wrote himself a memo about the private meeting with Trump, but it wasn’t revealed until Comey recently had a grievance over Trump firing him.

“‘It was an ask,’ not a command, (a) source said,” National Public Radio reported on May 16. “A small number of FBI agents were made aware of the memo and the conversation, and agents kept working on the investigation” about Flynn.

Conservative New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin posted on May 17 that The New York Times said it was told the memo said that Trump said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Said, said, said. Nothing like tertiary sources.

Other Memos?

Radio host Levin, not a special admirer of Trump, had plenty of questions about Comey’s memo that purportedly showed obstruction of justice.

You mean the director of the FBI wrote himself a note about the president’s criminal activity then just filed it away and didn’t even mention it in congressional testimony? Did Comey write other memos? On previous Attorney General Loretta Lynch? On Obama?

It sounded like professional opinionator Levin was actually being an investigative journalist.

Meanwhile, the so-called investigative journalists were all spouting their personal prejudices as if they were news. If Trump drove them crazy, it must have been because they weren’t having their way, as they were used to. Leave driving the agenda to us elite!

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