Welcome To A Wicked World . . . Just Wait Until You’re Hog-Tied On The Roadside For Being Christian


The video shows Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother in a car being ordered outside and arrested right in the drizzly street, with officers directing traffic around where the brothers were stopped then forced down onto the wet roadway and handcuffed, as if the two Christians were the terrorists instead of the imperious Canuck men with badges.

This is an arrest calculated to batter in a tough lesson.

Traffic is backed up by the blockage, as if these offenders had robbed a bank then been chased down and had their tires desperately shot out to stop them at all costs. At least six vehicles with their lights flashing block lanes on the road. This happens to a preacher who helps the homeless. Has an abortionist ever been treated so aggressively?

Artur has his hands behind his head then cuffed behind his back and is lifted off the ground by two officers with their hands under his armpits, lugging him along. His feet drag on the wet pavement.

His brother, Dawid, is cuffed behind his back then carried off facedown by three men, the third holding his feet off the ground as if he’s a big piece of beef.

“Shame on you guys. This is not Communist China,” an onlooker tells the officers. “. . .Shame on you guys. You call yourselves Canadians?”

This arrest scene actually wasn’t usual because many clergy in numerous nations simply had followed overreaching government orders to drastically limit or shut their services in the interests of supposed public health during COVID-19, rather than showing opposition in 2021, like Pawlowski. What if more of them strongly had resisted?

Left-wing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, like his own father and political predecessor, Pierre, has rushed Canada faster into mandated degeneracy than the Democrat Party managed in the United States. But U.S. Dem leaders see Trudeau’s thuggery as an inspiration.

On May 9 national conservative commentator Quin Hillyer told The Wanderer about the Pawlowski scene: “Authorities across the globe have gone overboard, using pandemic panic as an excuse for authoritarianism. The overreactions are always bad, but they have an awful habit of being particularly harsh on worshippers.

“Freedom of religion should be sacrosanct,” Hillyer said. “These Canadian authorities acted like vicious bullies. This sort of behavior absolutely must not become the norm.”

However, pro-lifers for decades had seen their members dragged away from abortuaries when they came to offer literature and pray, not to get into swordfights. The sharp blades all were deployed by their foes in the back rooms to kill the small and innocent.

In April many people viewed videos of pastor Pawlowski, who had been born in Communist Poland but gained Canadian citizenship, demanding that government agents get out of his Calgary church after they arrived to shut down his religious service. Then, in early May in the roadway ambush, he was shown that big government is boss.

In the sort of doublespeak that comes from illicit rulers, the government said it recognized the right to worship, but “in the midst of a global pandemic, we all must comply with public-health orders in order to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being.”

You’d think the survival rate from contracting COVID-19 was maybe 50 percent instead of around 99 percent in reality. Causing deaths from a pandemic should be guarded against. But the world being on legalized lockdown for well over a year in order to allegedly fight this germ suggested that unseemly politics more than science set the tone.

At the beginning in 2020, with reports of morgues overflowing in liberal Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New York, people didn’t know how bad this might become. But time and experience showed nothing arriving in the proportions of the medieval European scourge of the Black Death.

Was trying to stir up deep fear a powerful tool employed as part of the “global reset” to usher in a terrifyingly intimidated, immoral era that dreadfully bad Catholic Joe Biden eagerly participates in?

Biden opens up floodgates of tax funds for permissive abortion both domestically and elsewhere, as well as picking our pockets for grotesque experimentation on aborted babies. He regards the serious disorientation of transgenderism as a mandate.

As Biden oozes decadence in his swamp, he appoints grim enemies of Christianity like HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra to persecute believers. Forcing them to perform sex-change surgeries and abortions and be made to pay for them are part of the hellish agenda. In just one example, the Washington Free Beacon reported on May 10, “Biden HHS rolls back religious conscience protections for doctors.”

As for the wide-open border he caused, Biden either is too mentally decayed to understand the dangers of empowering wealthy foreign criminal cartels to roam as they please, in which case he’s unfit to be president, or he comprehends that he’s helping to destroy the U.S., in which case he should be dragged from the executive mansion.

The dozing president had nightmares being prepared for everyone. He has a “diversity and inclusion” program captained from the Pentagon by a man named Bishop Garrison to purge conservatives from its ranks. Biden intends to make even the U.S. military into his own ideological army.

Sound like Marxism? For sure. Do we just wait timorously until Biden’s politicized police stop innocent Americans in the middle of the street to drag them away, as in Trudeau’s Canada?

Most Americans have been cheering their police for performing a thankless, dangerous job under a political assault trying to defund and cripple them. Some are leaving that line of work rather than absorb any more blows from City Hall or Washington. But what if the blue line ends up transformed like Biden wants the military to be? Officers would be our daily enemies.

It’s no excuse if spaced-out Biden behaves like goofy Grandpa lost in his reveries. If this isn’t Godless Marxism, it has an uncanny resemblance.

Read leftist writers’ hysteria in organs like The New Yorker and The New York Review of Books. These aren’t subtle, seductively dangerous ideas that may creep into your thinking and change you. These are blind rants that ache to teach you a lesson, and would be glad to find a job in the Biden administration to do so.

Dominant media’s worship of the mumbling Grandpa who shares their radicalism makes for misleading coverage. However, tough guys around the world aren’t fooled. They’ve taken the measure of weak, foolish Biden and await opportunities. The terrorist rocket assaults against Israel are a warning of worse to come due to the aging U.S. “leader” who lives in a daze.

On May 8 New York magazine quoted a “person close to the White House” that “at his 100-day mark, Biden is the most liberal president we’ve had — and the public thinks he’s a moderate. That’s a winning strategy to me. They’re willing to accept that you’re gonna write this piece as long as they know that swing voters in Colorado aren’t gonna read it.”

No political moderate tries to ram through Biden’s radical agenda. Is it a White House conceit that people don’t notice? The same pollsters who wanted you to think just before the 2020 election that Donald Trump was 17 points behind Biden in Wisconsin would like you to believe that Biden is beloved by the masses. But the masses have learned better than to trust dominant media.

The people, fortunately, aren’t synonymous with the corrupt establishment — or else Trump never would have been elected in 2016, when the out-of-touch elite confidently thought the deeply corrupt Hillary they favored was certain to win. But establishments have a talent for fooling themselves in a way that unnecessarily prolongs a collapse.

Morally Inadmissible

Last week’s hardcopy issue of The Wanderer reported that San Francisco’s archbishop, Salvatore Cordileone, sternly warned Catholic pro-abortion political extremists against believing that their “practicing a grave moral evil . . . is somehow compatible with the Catholic faith. It is not.”

However, this quickly was followed by word from the Vatican — that is, Luis Cardinal Ladaria, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — that reportedly backed away from such an obvious statement of Catholic responsibility. Under Pope Francis, a lax attitude toward fundamental moral questions has emerged when the offending politician is a left-winger.

Francis personally condemned political beliefs he rejected, such as necessary border security, even while the Vatican invited prominent pro-abortionists to speak there.

On May 11 LifeNews.com reported that Rhode Island Bishop Thomas Tobin tweeted out a reminder to the Vatican “that it is morally inadmissible for any Catholic leader to support, promote, and fund abortions.”

On May 11 Michael Voris, senior executive producer of Church Militant’s Evening News, pondered with reporter Paul Murano what the Vatican letter could mean, because as of then the full text had been seen by only a limited number of writers.

Voris wondered what an admonition to have more dialogue with defiant politicians could mean, because the dialogue has been going on since the 1960s. What don’t they understand yet?

We need to pray and fast for the entire world’s deliverance from globalists with their malign intent.

With the arrival of each New Year, people anticipate what’s to come. But as 2019 deferred to 2020, who could have foreseen this? The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, may end up having changed the U.S. and world less than what’s going on now.

Worshipping In California

The results of Vatican II changed the way Catholics worship. But many of us are going to church — or staying outside that building — in newer ways we hadn’t imagined.

A California woman updated The Wanderer on May 10 about how she’s able to attend Mass at her large parish after Golden State Gov. Gavin Newsom’s overall restrictions that generated so much resentment, he faces a recall election.

“In our parish, there are only two indoor Masses: the 7 a.m. Sunday and 5:30 p.m. weekdays. Otherwise, we bring our own chairs and sunhats/umbrellas as necessary and sit along the painted rows in the parking lot,” she said. “Living in southern California weather, it’s usually not a hardship being outdoors, although I did get a nice sunburn on Easter. Most other parishes have similar arrangements.

“Also, I know that several parishes have outdoor Confessions, while others have Confessions only by appointment. At least, it’s not (yet) like the hedgerow Masses the Irish under English rule used to have, where sentries were stationed to warn about approaching British soldiers intent on arresting, at least, those practicing Catholics. Pray God we never get anything like that here.”

Asked for more information, she added: “At the beginning when indoor Masses were starting to be allowed, we were limited to maybe 100 people, although no reservations necessary. Anybody who came after the limit was directed to the church hall, where a livestream was set up.

“We sat at either end of every other pew with some parts of the church closed off; no kneeling; no singing; no basket passing; no bringing up the gifts; Communion from back to front of the church with immediate exiting to one’s car,” the woman said.

“Basically, the priest said the whole Mass as if he were alone, with his Communion and then saying the final prayers. Then people received as I described above,” she said.

“Now that the infection rate is going down, I’m not sure about the number allowed in, as we always go outside. But inside-goers can now kneel, bring up the gifts, and receive Communion from front to back as usual and can return to their pews for the rest of Mass,” she said. “The outside-goers do the same, although we can sing.”

What next? These days, who can predict? Except when Biden has anything to do with developments, the result is probably bad news.

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