Welcome To Washington’s BMZ


Capitol Hill, known collectively as “the People’s House,” is now surrounded by a twelve-foot-high stockade topped with rolled barbed wire. Military veterans liken it to the fortifications surrounding Baghdad’s “Green Zone.” That’s the “International Zone” that houses the Iraqi government and the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, which is still the target of frequent terrorist missile attacks.

The original purpose of the stockade was to “Protect the Capitol” during the inauguration on January 20. Of course, nobody was going to show up, but so what? Its purpose is more abiding. It symbolizes the designs of the Democrat regime that now rules the White House and Capitol Hill.

As the seven-foot fence (now doubled in height to twelve feet plus two more of barbed wire)) went up, tens of thousands of National Guardsmen from various states suddenly appeared in Washington. At first, they expected to stay only two weeks at the most — and return home after the inauguration.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had other plans. She and the Bidenites have moved quickly and efficiently to seize and to exercise power in unprecedented fashion. In doing so, they have borrowed both from Niccolò Machiavelli and Vladimir Lenin.

“[O]ne should wish to be both [loved and feared],” writes Machiavelli, “but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved” (The Prince, Chapter XVII).

Pelosi personifies that profound tension, and the stockade represents her solution. Capitol Hill is now the Blue Militarized Zone, and it broadcasts to the nation a simple message: “Be afraid, be very afraid.”

From Lenin, Democrats have seized upon the events of January 6 as their version of Lenin’s Iskra, or “spark”: as poet Alexander Odoevsky wrote to Alexander Pushkin, “from a spark a fire will flare up.”

And when it does? “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen,” Lenin said, and Democrats are bent on destroying as much of the American polity as soon as possible. Channeling Machiavelli again (Book VIII), they are front-loading their “evils all at once” — but then they leave old Niccolò behind: They won’t be gentle and generous thereafter. Instead, they fully intend to make America an oppressive one-party state.

America The Enemy

The BMZ is a symbol, a proclamation, and an attack.

The very fact that the stockade suddenly appeared without any authorizing legislation or other legal niceties fortifies the claim that the “New Order” which commanded its construction is legitimate. Which means that the quick execution of the New Order’s massive agenda is legitimate as well.

The imposing fortifications also confirm the authority that now rests solely inside of the barbed wire. What was once the “People’s House” now locks the people out. The choice of National Guard units represents the cynicism of the enterprise: Americans have a much higher opinion of the military than they do of Congress. The guardsmen are a friendly mask for the Democrats’ craven guile. Naturally, D.C. Democrats are treating them like slaves.

By the way, the new “legitimacy” is conferred on one party only — Democrats. Oppose them and you are America’s enemy.

Beyond the ruling cadres, the BMZ Stockade represents a threat. It declares war on Americans who will not bow to Big Brother. As John Brennan, Obama’s swaggering CIA director and a perjurer who should be in jail, puts it, we “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians” must be eliminated.

Brennan voted Communist in college, but it appears that he never came in from the cold.

Iowa Senior Sen. Chuck Grassley complains that, while Senate Democrats want to denounce “violent white supremacists & other far-right extremists,” they “won’t join me bipartisan efforts to denounce far-left extremists/Antifa/anarchists.”

Chuck — why should they? They’re in charge.

In fact, the BMZ Stockade oozes with power — invincible, one-party power. Nancy Pelosi stands astride the colossus, fully in command and telling Americans, “don’t even try to object. See those soldiers? They are under my command, not Joe Biden’s.”

And the BMZ Stockade brims with permanence as well. Of all things, two radical D.C. Democrats want the Stockade to go. “Permanent fencing would send the wrong message to the nation and the world, by transforming our democracy from one that is accessible and of the people to one that is exclusive and fearful of its citizens,” said Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia’s delegate to Congress.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser agrees. “There are some potentially volatile events upcoming that will require extra security,” Bowser said on Twitter last week, “but we will not accept extra troops or permanent fencing as a long-term fixture in DC.”

Norton and Bowser might be onto something. After all, war zone stockades around U.S. embassies in Baghdad and Kabul broadcast not their security, but their insecurity.

Washington’s Democrats enjoy only razor-thin majorities on both sides of Capitol Hill. Such margins have occurred frequently in the past; none has required converting the nation’s capital into an armed camp. Pelosi’s power play is all she’s got to prevent a Democrat collapse in 2022. Hence the BMZ.

And the BMZ isn’t the only permanent factor. “Racism!” — a never-defined epithet — will resound forever. And censorship, blacklists, political prosecutions of conservatives and exonerations of establishment criminals — they’ll all go on and on. Even the China Virus — Code Name COVID — it’s just too convenient for the power-happy to let die.

Surveillance, control, intrusion, harassment — what’s not to like for the Left?

And next week’s “impeachment” trial? It will not be the last. The precedent has been set, and show trials will be the Left’s favorite new thing. The Banana Republic Syndrome is upon us.

On the other hand, some things in D.C. are not permanent. The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial are all on thin ice. And if Chuck Schumer succeeds and D.C. becomes a state, it won’t be named after Columbus or Washington. They must be relegated to the Memory Hole.

No, the new state will be named after the victors:

D.C.: The State of Deep.

Target: Catholic Truth

For Vladimir Lenin, there is only one good, one truth, one beauty: The Revolution. And given the evil of the present world, everything must be destroyed. No aspect of bourgeois life can be spared — indeed, the Church and the family are the two greatest evils to eradicate.

Two weeks ago, Catholic World Report — a highly regarded periodical and website — received a notice from Twitter. It was guilty of “hateful conduct.”

Oh dear — what did it say?

“Biden plans to nominate Dr. Rachel Levine, a biological man identifying as a transgender woman who has served as Pennsylvania’s health secretary since 2017, to be HHS Assistant Secretary for Health. Levine is also a supporter of the contraceptive mandate.”

All facts are true, but some facts are more true than others. And hateful facts are not facts at all. Those who tell them must be eliminated.

Repeat after me: 2+2=5.

The attack on Catholic World Report is but a skirmish in the Left’s War on the Catholic World. Who better to lead the charge than Pelosi and Biden, two “Catholics in Good Standing”?

“Thrust the sword! If it meets steel, withdraw. If not, shove it in!”

This iron law of Lenin’s dialectic tells us that the Left has declared total war on everything that is good. And they will not stop until they are stopped.

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