What A Campaign Season . . . Nuns Are Criminals, But Invaders In Bathrooms And At Border Hailed


Imagine the absolute public-relations disaster of a video of Ted Cruz or Donald Trump forcibly grabbing and throwing a frail, elderly nun into a ditch because she was walking too slowly on the sidewalk in front of speedy him.

Speedy end of his presidential campaign, now and forever.

Now imagine that elderly nun instead forcibly is deprived of her religious community and convent roof over her head because of ruinous financial penalties imposed when nuns don’t commit mortal sins that Barack Obama’s or Hillary Clinton’s government demands

No need to imagine, actually.

That’s the Democrats’ demonically punitive course that Obama’s government actually pursues against the Little Sisters of the Poor, who care for the sick elderly whom liberals theoretically weep over — until the sisters get in the way of speedy leftists dashing toward an imaginary equality paradise to the tune of judges’ powerful pounding gavels.

A hugely damaging public-relations error by liberal government? Not in the eyes of dominant media. No harsh daily condemnations blaring forth from media well-trained in purporting immediate “national outrage” when they please against conservatives.

Even Pope Francis at the White House last year didn’t give Obama a well-deserved, first-class dressing-down for this aggression.

The longstanding liberal tilt of dominant media traditionally forces conservative politicians to campaign while fighting to climb out of the ditch where those media threw them, even as liberal politicians speed by on the expressway with reporters as their chauffeurs.

In daily news doings, about everything’s cast as a scandal in conservatives’ motives and deeds — you just breathed a prejudiced little breath! — while virtually nothing counts against liberals, no matter how disgusting or dire their heavings and snortings.

Hillary favors massive abortion of minority and poverty babies? Not worth an inch of type even while reporters poke through Trump’s brain to find racist vibes.

This upside-down world grows even crazier as preening progressive politicians and media across the nation in 2016 insist that sexually troubled people be enabled and rewarded for forcing their disastrous way into the restrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex. Whaddya mean “opposite”? Sex is whatever liberals say it is. In an age of “diversity,” who can tolerate a mere two sexes when there should be 30 or 40 permutations.

Liberals who demand “safe spaces” for the intellectually immature also command that women and girls be stripped of any bathroom safety.

A U.S. state that dares have separate public lavatories for men and women is denounced for monstrous “discrimination” by liberals who swoon in admiration at hoary totalitarian Communist police states like Cuba.

A person’s tempted to think life can’t get crazier and more unmoored than this — except that would be to doubt liberals’ endless ability to create more chaos.

Universities are degraded into liberal hothouses of intimidation, indoctrination, and ignorance. The intellectual treasuries of centuries of thought are tossed into the proverbial bonfire, then left-wing propaganda and squinting, narrow vision take form amid the ashes.

A Dominican monk with his large rosary at his waist was spotted at Indiana University Bloomington on April 4. What strange person could this be? He’s not a recognizable entertainment personality in the fan mags. The alarm spread among students that a Ku Klux Klansman was on the prowl with a whip. Run for cover!

He was, after all, wearing a white robe. He must just have forgotten to put on his pointy cap with the eye slits.

In this kind of accelerating social collapse, one might understand why millions of voters disgusted with “politics as usual” fear that the 2016 national election will be the last chance to save this country. Especially after more than seven years of Obama’s intentional social rot.

National radio talkmeister Rush Limbaugh said on April 12 that’s why Trump’s supporters are willing to cut him some slack — they see he’s the only Republican candidate who can’t be hurt by media attacks.

Longtime conservative national activist Phyllis Schlafly has endorsed blustery multibillionaire Trump because he needn’t be beholden to anyone, in the GOP or elsewhere. She wrote in a March letter to her Eagle Forum supporters, “I believe Trump can break up the power of the kingmakers who have been running (and ruining) the party for so many years.”

The only other Republican presidential candidate who has a significant number of delegates headed to the party’s summer nominating convention in Cleveland is brainy Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Cruz’s supporters may like the government-defying speeches Trump shouts, but they think Cruz has a more trustworthy record of being a proven conservative.

The last great conservative GOP president, Ronald Reagan, was about as distrusted and rejected by the Republican establishment as Trump or Cruz. Bear this in mind when the elite say the New Yorker and the Texan are sure losers. The elite did all they could to keep Reagan from winning the nomination because he supposedly was a loser, too — before he swept to two landslide White House victories.

Meanwhile, the magic “moderates” whom the elite manage to deliver the nomination to, like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, invariably fall to liberal Democrats.

Reagan had plenty of his own political failings, at least partly because of wife Nancy’s blundering interventions. But the nation probably would count it a job well done if Cruz or Trump manages to become another President Reagan.

One surely disastrous result to emerge from the Cleveland convention would be both Trump and Cruz losing the nomination to some victor of backroom deal-making. That would seem sure verification that the shadowy elite and globalists are supreme against the hard-pressed people on Main Street, despite months of primaries and caucuses where energized millions made their wishes known.

Is it too early to start pondering possible vice-presidential running mates? Often there’s a balancing act staged, with a presidential nominee of one political tendency while the veep is a bit differently oriented.

That probably isn’t a good idea this year, with robust voter demands for revolt against the establishment. Pairing Trump or Cruz with some “moderate” or favorite of the “middle-roaders” could destroy a lot of hopes.

Texan Cruz and New Yorker Trump already have as much geographical and regional diversity as one might hope for. How about the two of them together on the GOP ticket, a full-blast rejection of the failed insiders’ way of doing things?

Reagan did the GOP no good in the long run by choosing the establishment’s George H.W. Bush as veep for the 1980 election.

No doubt the former California governor saw this gesture as a hand of friendship to the elite who’d fought him, but the more-liberal Bush, elected as president in 1988 to succeed the popular Reagan, quickly frittered away conservative support and lost to wily predator Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992.

A Major Service

Meanwhile, the massive invasion by illegal aliens picks up steam again, maneuvered by globalists who want to overwhelm the U.S.

One element is the Border Patrol being ordered by Obama to release illegals into the U.S. if they claim they were here before 2014, even if they’re still dripping wet from just having swum into the U.S. across the Rio Grande. Once released, they’ll disappear into this country, never to show up for immigration court.

The Washington Times was among news outlets reporting this development, quoting Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, on April 10: “They are still wet from the river and miles from any civilization, and on their word alone we release them unless we physically saw them cross the river. This policy de facto creates an open border with Mexico for any illegal alien who wants to claim that they were here before 2014.”

California conservative columnist Barbara Simpson, citing the Arizona Range News, reported on April 10 about a recent meeting in southwestern New Mexico of hundreds of residents still crying out for border security.

Simpson recalled Rob Krentz, a southeastern Arizona rancher fatally shot near the border in March 2010, even though he had a reputation for being kind to illegal aliens.

His widow, Sue, told the meeting that “1,500 people have been killed by illegals since her husband died. She emphasized that the border needs to be secured — not by new laws but by enforcement of existing laws,” Simpson wrote.

And, she wrote, son Frank Krentz told the meeting: “We approached (aliens) as Christians, even after we had our house broken into, our vehicles and things stolen, our water line broken. But after losing my father, all that has changed. We don’t put ourselves in situations where we risk getting hurt.”

If Trump and Cruz remain true to their declared opposition to overwhelming lawbreaking immigration, they could perform a major service to the U.S.

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