Who Can Unite It? . . . Joe Biden Has Divided The Country


Since the 2020 presidential campaign, Democrats have consistently depicted supporters of Donald Trump — Hillary Clinton’s “Deplorables” — not as the competition but as the enemy.

When the China Virus first appeared, Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats were busy trying, and failing once again, to impeach Donald Trump. Then came the lockdowns, the most severe of which were imposed by Democrat governors. Their policies failed to curb the virus but succeeded and destroying hundreds of thousands of small businesses and millions of jobs, while inflicting profound and lasting damage on tens of millions of American children of school age.

And destruction has been the watchword ever since.

The violent summer of 2020, ignored by the media and dismissed by Democrats as “a myth,” enriched the leaders of Black Lives Matter but impoverished millions of inner-city blacks whose neighborhoods were destroyed. Unfortunately, the Race Industry did not pause to curb or even to lament those riots. Instead, hucksters played their part in Pelosi’s efforts to drive deeper the wedge between the people and the Elites whom Angelo Codevilla aptly identified as America’s “Oligarchs.”

In July 2020, Pelosi pushed even harder, declaring that the China Virus should be renamed the Trump Virus. This not only intensified her attacks on his supporters; it was also designed to deflect from the roiling scandal surrounding Cong. Eric Swalwell, a prominent California Democrat. Swalwell, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, had been identified as the “companion” of Christine Fang, an attractive female and a Communist Chinese spy who was mysteriously able to flee the U.S. just days before U.S. authorities caught up with her in 2015.

Swalwell, who later became prominent as a leader in the Trump-Russia farce, will not say whether or not he was intimate with Fang. Nonetheless, Pelosi refuses to remove him from his sensitive committee post, which enables him to view the government’s most sensitive classified material.

While Pelosi was dividing, Joe Biden was running as a uniter.

“There are three basic reasons why I’m running for president of the United States,” he said in his first address as a candidate on April 29, 2019. “The first is to restore the soul of the nation. And the second is to rebuild the backbone of this nation. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE). BIDEN: And the third is to unify this nation. We always do better when we act as one America” (per CNN Transcripts).

Can Joe Pull It Off?

Since his inauguration in January, Joe Biden has done his best not only to divide the country, but to punish it. He has raised the price of gas and oil by over 30 percent. Rising energy costs will hurt the poor, most, of course, but vaccination policy, taxes, regulations, and manifestly absent border policy will by design exacerbate the chaos even more.

The list is endless. And yet, there is one policy that Joe Biden could embrace that would unite Americans like no other. It would also free Biden from the weight of allegations burdening his every move and weakening his policies both domestic and foreign.

Biden should unite all Americans against Communist China, our common enemy. Such a move would also unite the countries of the free world with a vigor and purpose that the international community has not experienced in years.

Immediately, Joe Biden should pull back the curtain on China’s role in producing and exporting to the world the deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus.

This move would demonstrate to Biden’s critics that he is indeed willing to confront the Communist Party of China and recognize “Dear Leader” Xi Jinping as the mastermind of an anti-American, anti-free world effort to make China the most prominent power in the world, with the Communist Party (CCP) firmly in the lead.

By doing this, Biden could also dispel accusations that he is “in China’s back pocket” because of allegations that his family has been on the take from sources controlled by the CCP for years.

China’s development of bioweapons in its Level-Four lab in Wuhan is undeniable. But there is much more. China is collecting data from the thousands of American servers located in the country, as well as data from various “free” genealogy programs stored there. That data will allow Chinese biological weapons developers to focus on certain races and regions worldwide in their development of targeted deadly viruses.

American businesses, especially the largest, and including the tech giants, have become totally dependent on the goodwill of the Communist Chinese. The same is true of America’s education community, concentrated in higher education but reaching down to the grade school level with the Chinese programs that are being offered to various states and communities masquerading as “educational materials.”

Here we must remember the rule of Sun Tzu: “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”

That is the strategy of Communist China today. Joe Biden can counter it with an America First, Peace Through Strength policy that will stop Xi Jinping in his tracks.

Will Joe Biden confront the challenge and accept it?


Pete Buttigieg, my former hometown mayor and now secretary Of Transportation in the Biden administration, has just returned from two months of “paternity leave.” Buttigieg and his homosexual partner Chasten have apparently “adopted” (if that is the proper term) two infants and are “raising them” in the home which the couple shares. The mother(s) of the children were not mentioned in the news coverage.

What was mentioned is the obvious: As mayor of South Bend, Ind., Buttigieg was scarcely able to fill a pothole, much less properly to manage even a modestly sized city’s infrastructure. Today, as our country faces drastic and almost unprecedented peacetime shortages, inflation, backups, and supply line choke points, Buttigieg simply went AWOL.

That’s the way it was meant to be. Buttigieg’s entire career, ever since he graduated from St. Joseph’s High School in South Bend, has been devoted to Buttigieg. Service to others has never been in the picture. His candidacy for president in 2020 was never designed to win; rather its goal was to amass the most effective and financially lucrative mailing list that could be used to reach out to every homosexual and homosexualist worldwide. The scheme was phenomenally successful, and its true purpose has been demonstrated in the fact that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg took two months off from work and nobody noticed.

Memory Hole Redux

While those charged with trespassing on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on January 6 are still being held in solitary confinement ten months later, the Biden administration’s bipolar justice system decided this week to exonerate one of the Deep State’s most entrenched operatives for years.

Andrew McCabe was the deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under Director James Comey when he lied repeatedly during a sensitive investigation conducted by the FBI’s inspector general. On those grounds, Attorney General Jeff sessions fired McCabe; this week, Attorney General Merrick Garland reversed that decision, and restoring for McCabe with all of the emoluments of not only a generous pension, but all of the attendant honors due to a high-ranking federal retiree.

Not only is Orwell’s Memory Hole hard at work here, but so is Room 101, the torture chamber in the Ministry of Love. It is truly unfortunate that these literary symbols of tyranny have become required vocabulary for understanding today’s disintegrating political reality.

In 1984, Winston went to work every day at the Ministry of Truth to rewrite the past. In Orwell’s fictional situation, as in America’s unsettling reality, such rewrites are not single incidents: They represent ongoing government policy.

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